一. 尺寸Size Tolerance
1. 长宽度小于50cm,允许±3.2mm。
Length & width =50cm (±5mm).
3. 厚度2cm以下,允许±2mm。
Thickness8cm (±4mm).
6. 不规则的形体(异形)对照样板,厚度5cm以下的样板和形体允许公差为-2mm,+3mm;厚度5cm以上样板允许公差为-3mm,+5mm。
If the shape is erose, compare it against the templet: thickness5cm (-3mm, +5mm).
二. 气孔Pore
不允许直径为3MM的对穿孔和直径为6MM的大气孔,允许1M2 范围内有3个以下直径为5MM的大气孔。
No penetrable hole of 3mm or large pore over 6mm diameter, less than 3 pores in 5mm diameter within 1m2 is acceptable.
三. 裂缝Slit
No slit or rupture.
四. 表面Appearance
No scarfskin or nick on both sides.
五. 色泽Color and Luster
Color should be even during whole cushion; slight yellow core & variedness is acceptable.
六. 刀痕Cutting Mark
Allow light cutting mark with depth≤1.5mm.
七. 污渍Stain
No serious stain.
八. 测试Test
每一批大货均需抽样测试,各项测试结果需符合我司要求, 其中包括TB117防火要求.
Every shipment should be random tested and all result should be within our tolerance, including TB117 flammability test.
九. 包装Packing
All parts should be packed in poly-bag which should be strong enough to stand long-distance transportation. |