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defects grade

发表于 2008-8-11 14:13:11 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
主次问题的判定标准 CRITICAL DEFECTS(重大缺失)
A product that presents a hazardous condition or carries a risk of causing harm or injury to the Customer a product that is unfit for use . 产品存在造成客人受伤的问题或是产品不宜使用.
A defect that could result in a potential legal case or prosecution. 会引起法律纠纷或起诉的缺陷.
No critical defects are permitted and observation of a critical defect results in no further inspection until the Technical team has been advised. 不允许存在重大缺失。

MAJOR DEFECTS(主要缺失) A product with a functional fault which would result in a product return . 产品存在功能性问题会引起退货.
A product with a cosmetic flaw that is likely to cause Customer dissatisfaction and result in a return 产品出现的瑕疵可能会引起客诉或退货.
A product that deviates from specification in size/ weight/ colour . 产品与规格书所要求的尺寸,重量及颜色不一致.
A product that has commercial faults which render it unsaleable without rework . 产品品质低劣,不修补处理则严重影响销售.
Major defects may be reworked or rejected depending on the nature of the problem as advised by the Technical team. 主要缺失可返工或是可拒收(需征求品质技术部门告知问题本质的基础上来决定)

A product that has defects not rendering the product unusable or will not cause Customer dissatisfaction. 产品的问题不会引起客诉或销售.
A product that does not meet specification but is not serious enough to be classed as a major fault 产品与规格书不符,但此问题不能被归纳于主要缺失。
Minor defects may be passed on concession upon authorisation from the Technical team. 次要缺失,可以在品质技术部门授权许可的情况下接受.

MAJOR OR MINOR? It can be quite hard to classify some faults into major or minor. A good guide is to assess whether the end customer would find the fault offensive. If yes – it should be classed as a major fault. Other factors to consider are:主要缺失与次要缺失很难分类,但可以依照客人是否会发现问题且投诉来定。如果会,则是重要缺失,主要因素如下:
a) Location – flaws in high visibility areas are more likely to be noticed by the customer. 位置:瑕疵显而易见,很容易被客人注意到.
b) Size – the larger the flaw the more likely it is to cause offence to the customer. 尺寸:瑕疵较大会使客人反感.
c) Colour – the more noticeable the colour of the flaw the more likely it is to cause offence . 颜色:色差明显会引起客人反感.
d) Number – the more flaws, the more offence they are likely to cause to the customer. 数量:较多的瑕疵会使客人反感.
发表于 2008-8-11 21:20:39 | 只看该作者
发表于 2008-8-13 08:31:08 | 只看该作者
发表于 2017-10-24 11:07:58 | 只看该作者
very good
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