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外贸英语:品质 Quality(1)

 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-5 11:44:20 | 只看该作者


英:   Hiring
  Process by which a company assesses qualified individuals to fill openings in the company.
  Medical test
  Standard test to determine whether a potential employee is fit for duty.
  Drug test
  Standard test to ensure that a potential is not taking illegal drugs or abusing prescribed drugs.
  Papers that must be signed by a new employee before employment begins. Can include employee contracts, medical forms, insurance forms, tax deduction forms, etc.
  Process to walk-through and acquaint new employees with policies,procedures, peers, subordinates, and other office staff.
  ER/HR meeting
  Meeting with a representative of the Employee Relations/Human Relations department for contract/form signing, orientation,discussion of general issues regarding employment.
  Process by which a company notifies an employee that their job has eliminated or combined with existing functions due to the company facing adverse financial circumstances. A lay-off can be temporary or permanent.
  Process whereby a company reduces its' staff and/or operations through various actions such as early retirement, compensation packages, lay-offs, attrition, and firing. Can be short-term or long-term.
  Process by which an employee is dismissed for various reasons, such as below-standard work quality, not following the company rules and regulations, theft, etc.
  Process by which an employee terminates employment voluntarily.
  Putting in notice
  Action by which an employee voluntarily notifies the appropriate company representative that he/she is leaving / quitting.
 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-5 11:47:05 | 只看该作者


The following phrases are used to participate in a meeting. These phrases are useful for expressing your ideas and giving input to a meeting.   Getting the Chairperson's Attention 引起会议主席的注意
  (Mister/Madam) chairman.
  May I have a word?
  If I may, I think...
  Excuse me for interrupting.
  May I come in here?
  Giving Opinions 表达意见
  I'm positive that...
  I (really) feel that...
  In my opinion...
  The way I see things...
  If you ask me,... I tend to think that...
  Asking for Opinions 询问意见
  Are you positive that...
  Do you (really) think that...
  (name of participant) can we get your input?
  How do you feel about...?
  Commenting 做出评论
  That's interesting .
  I never thought about it that way before.
  Good point!
  I get your point.
  I see what you mean.
  Agreeing 表示同意
  I totally agree with you.
  That's (exactly) the way I feel.
  I have to agree with (name of participant).
  Disagreeing 表示异议
  Unfortunately, I see it differently.
  Up to a point I agree with you, but...
  (I'm afraid) I can't agree
  Advising and Suggesting 提出建议
  We should...
  Why don't you....
  How/What about...
  I suggest/recommend that...
  Clarifying 澄清
  Let me spell out...
  Have I made that clear?
  Do you see what I'm getting at?
  Let me put this another way...
  I'd just like to repeat that...
  Requesting Information 请求信息
  Please, could you...
  I'd like you to...
  Would you mind...
  I wonder if you could...
  Asking for Repetition 请求重复
  I'm afraid I didn't understand that. Could you repeat what you just said?
  I didn't catch that. Could you repeat that, please?
  I missed that. Could you say it again, please?
  Could you run that by me one more time?
  Asking for Clarification 要求澄清
  I don't quite follow you. What exactly do you mean?
  I'm afraid I don't quite understand what your are getting at.
  Could you explain to me how that is going to work?
  I don't see what you mean. Could we have some more details, please?
  Asking for Verification 请求确认
  You did say next week, didn't you? ('did' is stressed)
  Do you mean that...?
  Is it true that...?
  Asking for Spelling 请求拼写
  Could you spell that, please?
  Would you mind spelling that for me, please?
  Asking for Contributions 请求赐教
  We haven't heard from you yet, (name of participant).
  What do you think about this proposal?
  Would you like to add anything, (name of participant)?
  Has anyone else got anything to contribute?
  Are there any more comments?
  Correcting Information 更正
  Sorry, I think you misunderstood what I said.
  Sorry, that's not quite right.
  I'm afraid you don't understand what I'm saying.
  That's not quite what I had in mind.
  That's not what I meant.
  Keeping the Meeting On Target (time, relevance, decisions) 转入正题
  We're running short of time.
  Well, that seems to be all the time we have today.
  Please be brief.
  I'm afraid we've run out of time.
  I'm afraid that's outside the scope of this meeting.
  Let's get back on track, why don't we?
  That's not really why we're here today.
  Why don't we return to the main focus of today's meeting.
  We'll have to leave that to another time.
  We're beginning to lose sight of the main point.
  Keep to the point, please.
  I think we'd better leave that for another meeting.
  Are we ready to make a decision?
 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-5 11:48:58 | 只看该作者


在一些由中文翻译的英语样本、合同、广告和其他文件材料中常见一些翻译错误,现仅举几个出现频率较高的例子,试作分析,谨供读者朋友参考。   1.由港澳国际投资公司投资的海口电站工程因其建设速度和质量得到高度评价。
  原译文:The Haikou Power Station Project invested by the Hongkong-Macau International Investment Co, Ltd. was highly appraised for its construction speed and quality.
  注:投资某项工程应为invest in a project,在被动语态中不能漏去前置词in。应译为:
  The Haikou Power Station Project invested in(在某些情况下可用financed or funded) by the Hongkong-Macau International Investment Co., Ltd. was highly appraised for its construction speed and quality.
  原译文:Shanghai SFECO Group has 5 share-holding companies.
  注:share-holding company指控制或持有某公司股权的股东公司。上述译文意思是5个公司持有Shanghai SFECO Group的股份,换句话说,这5个公司是“老子”公司,因此显然不符合中文原意。
  Shanghai SFECO Group is a holding company of 5 subsidiary companies. 或Shanghai SFECO Group holds shares of 5 subsidiary companies.
  原译文:China Minsheng Banking Corporation, Ltd.
  注:corporation本身即为有限公司,相当于limited company,英译中无需再加“Ltd”。应译为:
  China Minsheng Banking Corporation
  原译文:After the bid is awarded, we shall immediately start our advance-phase preparation.
  注:项目中标应为accept a bid or award the contract。显然上述译文把两种表达法相混淆了。应译为:
  After the bid is accepted (or the contract is awarded), we shall immediately start our advance-phase preparation.
  原译文:Welcome you to visit our fair!
  We welcome you to visit our trade fair!
  更简洁而地道的译法是:Welcome to our trade fair!
 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-5 11:51:26 | 只看该作者


6.我公司出口工业产品、化工产品、医药等。   原译文:Our company exports industrial products, chemicals, medicines and etc..
  注:etc.等于and so on或and others,已含有and的成分,上述译文无需加上and一词。应译为:Our company exports industrial products, chemicals, medicines, etc..
  原译文:We hereby entrust your company to be our business agent in Mauritius.
  注:entrust一词在作委托解时用法为entrust somebody with something or entrust something to somebody。应译为:
  We hereby appoint your company to be our business agent in Mauritius.
  原译文:Any of the two parties can not divulge the contents of the contract to a third party after the conclusion of the contract.
  注:双方中任何一方为either of the two parties,三方(或三方以上)中任何一方才用any of the parties,因本句为否定句,应译为:Neither of the two parties can divulge the contents of the contract to a third party after the conclusion of the contract.
  原译文:After this agreement is signed by the two parties, all parties shall strictly abide by it.
  注:与上一条相类似,在协议当事方为三方(或三方以上)时,各方为all parties,而当事方为两方时应用both parties。应译为:
  After this agreement is signed by the two parties, both parties shall strictly abide by it.
 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-5 11:53:43 | 只看该作者


1. I got fired.
    我被炒鱿鱼了。   2. I got the boot.
  3. I got the ax.
  4. I got sacked./ I got the sack.
  5. They kicked me out.
  6. My boss showed me the door yesterday.
  7. I was canceled.
  8. I was laid off.
  9. The boss told me that I don't have to come in tomorrow, or any other day.
  10. My boss told me to find a "better" job.
 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-5 12:27:14 | 只看该作者


文字   意义
AAMOF as a matter of fact (事实上)
AAR at any rate (无论如何)
ADN any day now (随时)
AFAIK as far as I know (据我所知)
AFK away from keyboard (暂时离开键盘)
AFKBRB away from keyboard, be right back (暂时离开键盘,马上回来)
ASAP as soon as possible (尽快)
A/S/L age/sex/location (年龄、性别、住址)
B2W back to work (回去工作了)
B4N/ BFN bye for now (暂时聊到这里)
BAK back at keyboard (我回来了)
BBL be back later (稍后回来)
BBS be back soon (马上回来)
BCNU be seeing you (再见)
BF (B/F) boyfriend (男朋友)
BMN but maybe not (也许不)
BRB be right back (马上回来)
BTDT been there, done that (顺利达成任务)
BTDTBTT been there, done that, bought the tape (顺利达成任务,买到了录音带)
BTDTGTTS been there, done that, got the t–shirt (顺利达成任务,拿到了 T 恤)
BTDTGTTSAWIO been there, done that, got the t–shirt, and wore it out (顺利达成任务,拿到了 T 恤,又穿破了)
BTW by the way (顺便提一下)
BYKT but you knew that (可是你早就知道了)
CIO cut it out (算了)
CMIIW correct me if I'm wrong (我没有把握)
CU / CYA see you (再见)
CUL/CUL8R see you later (待会见)
DIY do it yourself (自己来)
DYJHIW don't you just hate it when (难道你不讨厌这样吗)
EAK eating at keyboard (离不开键盘)
EOL end of lecture (演讲结束)
EOM end of message (讯息结束)
F2F/FTF face to face (面对面)
FAPP for all practical purposes (实际上就是)
FOFL/ FOTFL falling on the floor laughing (笑倒在地)
FTR for the record (列入记录)
FWIW for what it's worth (不论真假)
FYA for your amusement (开玩笑的啦)
FYEO for your eyes only (限收件者阅读)
FYI for your information (供你参考)
g/<g> grin (微笑)
G /<G> big grin (较大的微笑)
G2G /GTG got to go (我要走了)
GAL get a life (别来烦我了)
GD&H grinning, ducking, and hiding (微笑、闪避,然后躲起来)
GD&R grinning, ducking, and running (微笑、闪避,然后逃走)
GD&RVVF grinning, ducking, and running, very, very fast (微笑、闪避,然后快速逃走)
GF/G/F girlfriend (女朋友)
GG gotta go 或 good game (我要走了,或这个游戏不错)
GIWIST gee, I wish I said that(早知道,那样说就好了)
GMTA great minds think alike (英雄所见略同)
GoAT go away, troll (走开,滚开)
HAK hugs and kisses (拥抱及亲吻)
HAGD have a great day (祝你有美好的一天)
HAND have a nice day (祝你今天愉快)
HEH a courtesy laugh (礼貌的微笑)
HHOS ha–ha, only serious (哈哈,只是开个玩笑)
HTH hope this helps 或 hope that helps (希望这样有用)
IAE in any event (无论任何情况)
HW homework 或 hardware (家庭作业或硬件)
IANAL I am not a lawyer (我又不是律师)
IC I see (原来如此)
ICBW I could be wrong 或 it could be worse (我可能错了,或情况可能更糟)
IDTS I don't think so (我不这么认为)
IINM if I'm not mistaken (如果我判断得没错)
IIRC if I recall correctly (如果我记得没错)
IIUC if I understand correctly (如果我了解得没错)
IMCO in my considered opinion (根据我的审慎判断)
IME in my experience (根据我的经验)
IMHO in my humble opinion (依我个人浅见)
IMNSHO in my not–so–humble opinion (恕我直言)
IMO in my opinion (依我看来)
IOW in other words (换句话说)
IRL in real life (现实生活)
ISTM it seems to me (我认为)
ISWYM I see what you mean (我了解你的意思)
ITRW in the real world (在现实生活中)
J / <J> joking (开个玩笑)
JC just chillin' (只是有点失望)
JIC just in case (以防万一)
JK/J/K just kidding 或 that was a joke (只是开个玩笑罢了)
JTYWTK just thought you wanted to know (只是以为你想知道)
JW just wondering (只是有点好奇)
K okay (好)
KWIM know what I mean? (你了解我的意思吗?)
L/<L> laughing (大笑)
L8R later (稍后)
LJBF let's just be friends (让我们作个朋友吧)
LOL laughing out loud (放声大笑)
LTNS long time no see (好久不见)
MHBFY my heart bleeds for you (我也为你感到难过)
MHOTY my hat’s off to you (我要脱帽向你致敬)
MOTAS member of the appropriate sex (适当性别的人)
MOTD message of the day (每日提示)
MYOB mind your own business (别多管闲事)
NBD no big deal (没什么大不了)
NBIF no basis in fact (没有根据)
NOYB none of your business (不关你的事)
NP no problem (没问题)
NRN no response necessary 或 no reply necessary (不需要答复)
OIC oh, I see (噢!我知道了)
OM oh my 或 old man, as in husband(我的天,或老头)
OOI out of interest (没有兴趣)
OOTB out of the box (立即可用的)
OTL out to lunch (外出用餐)
OTOH on the other hand (另一方面)
OTTH on the third hand (第三手的)
PAW parents are watching (父母监视中)
PC politically correct (政治立场正确)
PDA public display of affection (公开表示亲昵)
PEST please excuse slow typing (我的打字速度很慢,请多包涵)
PI/PIC politically incorrect (政治立场不正确)
PKB (或 P/ K/B pot, kettle, black 或 pot calling the kettle black (五十步笑百步)
PMBI pardon my butting in (请原谅我插入)
PMFJI pardon me for jumping in (请原谅我闯入)
POS parent over shoulder 或 parents over shoulder (父母在背后监视)
POV point of view (观点)
PPL people (人)
PTB powers that be (当权者)
R/ r are (是)
REHI re–hello (following a short time away)或 hi again (我又回来了)
RFC request for comment (请指教)
RL real life (现实生活)
ROTFL rolling on the floor laughing (捧腹大笑)
ROTFLOL rolling on the floor laughing out loud(笑得直不起腰)
S/<S> smile (微笑)
SCNR sorry, could not resist (对不起,我忍不住)
SITD  still in the dark (仍不明朗)
SOP standard operating procedure (标准作业程序)
SPMD some people may differ (有些人可能不同)
SUP what's up? (有什么事?)
TBE to be expected (敬请期待)
THX/ TX thanks (谢谢)
TIA thanks in advance (先谢了)
TANJ there ain’t no justice (简直没有公理)
TIC tongue–in–cheek (随便说说罢了)
TPHB the pointy–haired boss (秃头老板)
TPTB the powers that be (当权者)
TTBOMK to the best of my knowledge (就我所知)
TTFN ta–ta for now (再见)
TTYL talk to you later (待会再谈)
TVM thanks very much (非常谢谢)
TVMIA thanks very much in advance (在此先多谢了)
TYVMIA thank you very much in advance (在此先谢谢你了)
U you (你)
UW you’re welcome (不客气)
VBG/<VBG very big grin (非常大的微笑)
WB welcome back (欢迎回来)
WCD what’s cookin’ doc? (在忙什么?)
WHBT we have been trolled (早就告诉过我们了)
WOA work of art (简直是艺术极品)
WRT with regard to (或 with respect to) (很荣幸)
WTG way to go (做得好)
WTH what the heck? (这是什么东西?)
Y /<Y> yawning (打呵欠)
YHBT you have been told 或 you have been trolled (早就告诉过你了)
YHBW you have been warned (早就警告过你了)
YHGMTPOTG you have greatly misinterpreted the purpose of this group (你太过扭曲人家的意思了)
YHM you have mail (你有信)
YMMV your mileage may vary (你的消费量可能不一样)
YOYO you’re on your own (你得靠自己了)
YWSYLS you win some, you lose some (有得有失)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-5 12:28:40 | 只看该作者


大家最熟悉的可能是VIP,这个缩写已经在国内广泛使用,它是指“A person of great importance or influence, especially a dignitary who commands special treatment. 重要的或有影响的人物,尤指需要特殊对待的高官显贵”。这可能是所有表示“大人物”的词里面最尊贵的了吧。   除此之外,big cheese,big shot,big gun,big wheel,big enchilada 也都可以表示“An important, powerful person; the boss 大人物”,比如:
  She loves being the big cheese of her company. 她喜欢做公司里的大人物。Big cheese 据说来源于 big chief。
  The big guns in Congress are bound to change the President's bill. 议会里的要员决定修改总统的提案。这个表达现在已经很少用了。
  You’d better not act like a big shot among your old friends. 在老朋友中间,你最好不要充大亨。
  Harry was the big wheel in his class. 哈利是他们班上的大人物。Big wheel是“大轮子”,是在二战后流行起来的,指“公司的头头,政治领袖,有名的博士”,之所以称他们是“大轮子”,是因为他们动力大,所作所为会影响许多人,他们发号施令,别人就得听他们的,就像机器里大轮子带动小轮子一样。
  You'll have to get permission from the big enchilada. 你得从老板那儿得到许可。Enchilada 本意是指“玉米卷饼”,俚语里指“老板,有影响力的人”。
  你听说过big wig 么?wig 本来指“假发套”,以前欧洲人习惯戴假发,地位越高,假发也就越大,所以 big wig自然指“要人,大亨,尤指显赫有权势的官员”。
  还有一个 big fish,大家都听过“a big fish in a small pond小池塘里的大鱼”这个谚语吧,big fish 就是指“大人物”啦。
  电影《贝隆夫人》(Evita)里面出生贫贱的主人公Eva,怀着“我要当阿根廷的大人物”的憧憬,离开了她生活的小镇,抵达了阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯。彼时,她已是举目无亲、身无分文。为了自己心中的目标,艾薇塔不择手段。她的足迹踏遍酒吧、剧院、宾馆,后来遇到了上校军官贝隆,她才脱颖而出,成为当时阿根廷炙手可热的人物(person of the hour)。Eva有句话是:“I wanna be a part of B.A.Buenos Aires, Big Apple”。这里的big apple也表示大人物,不过它更常用来指纽约。
  “大”总是和 big 脱不了关系,所以 Mr. Big,biggie,biggy 都可以表示“大人物”,比如:She is trying to cultivate all the biggies in Chicago. 她千方百计地和芝加哥的大人物套近乎。当然这些都是更加口语化的讲法。
  此外,somebody 和 something 都可以表示“(大)人物”,比如:
  He is something. 他是个人物。
  I wanna be somebody, can you help me? 我想成个人物,你能帮我吗?
 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-5 12:30:24 | 只看该作者


gaze - means to direct your eyes towards something for a long time. 注视;凝视
stare - suggests to fix your eyes on somebody or something very deliberately. It can be impolite to stare at somebody. 盯着;目不转睛地看
peer - means to look very closely and suggests that it is difficult to see well. 窥视
gawk - is often used to show disapproval and means to look at someone or something in a foolish way especially with your mouth open. 呆呆地看着
glance - to take a quick look at something. 扫视;瞥一眼
peep - means to look at something very quickly, especially secretly or quietly. 偷看
inspect - means to examine something closely. 审查;审视
feast your eyes - to look at something because you are pleased to see it. 饱眼福



The usual response is to behave in a friendly and natural manner, glancing at the other person, perhaps saying 'hello' and exchanging small talk or remaining silent.


If you try hard to avoid the other's glance or you look out of the window as if nobody sat nearby, you would appear so uneasy and so unnatural that you might lay yourself open to suspicion!


To gaze intently may show your attentiveness, but is not that necessary. The best way is to look at him or her as naturally as he or she looks at you.


Some of them, perhaps because of nervousness, like to bury their nose in their manuscript to read their speech all the time.


Speaking in public is also a kind of two-way communication, which needs eye contact from both sides. The speaker will certainly feel embarrassed when he sees that his audience do not look at him. But if he doesn't look at his audience now and then, his audience also has the right not to listen to what he is saying.



You may look at the approaching strangers until they are about eight feet away, then your glances must veer away as they pass.

当众发言的时候, 他们是不会把脑袋埋在稿子里面说话的。

A British lecturer should look at his audience now and then.
 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-5 12:32:55 | 只看该作者



一般说来,首席长官的汉语称谓常以“总......”表示,而表示首席长官的英语称谓则常带有chief, general, head, managing这类词,因此当翻译冠以“总”字的头衔时,须遵循英语头衔的表达习惯,例如:

总工程师 chief engineer

总经理   general manager; managing director

总教练   head coach

总干事   secretary-general

有些部分或机构的首长或主管的英译,可以一些通用的头衔次表示,例如下列机构的负责人可以用director, head或chief来表示:

局长     director of the bureau, head of the bureau, bureau chief

汉语中表示副职的头衔一般都冠以“副”字,英译时需视词语的固定搭配或表达习惯等情况,可选择vice, associate, assistant, deputy等词。相对而言,vice使用面较广,例如:

副总统   vice president

副省长   vice governor

副市长   vice mayor


副教授   associate professor

副研究员 associate research fellow

副主任医师 associate senior doctor

以director表示的职位的副职常以deputy director表示。此外,secretary, mayor, dean等头衔的副职也可冠以deputy,例如:

副秘书长 deputy secretary-general

副院长   deputy dean


高级编辑 senior editor

高级工程师 senior engineer

资深翻译 senior translator


首席执行官 chief executive officer (CEO)

首席法官   chief judge

首席记者   chief correspondent


代理市长   acting mayor

常务理事   managing director

执行主席   executive chairman/chair (或presiding chairman)

名誉校长   honorary president


主任秘书   chief secretary

主治医师   attending/chief doctor; physician; consultant

特级教师   special-grade senior teacher

特派记者   accredited correspondent

特约编辑   contributing editor
 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-5 12:34:37 | 只看该作者


'space'=' '

 ̄ hyphen 连字符
' apostrophe 省略号;所有格符号
— dash 破折号
‘ ’single quotation marks 单引号
“ ”double quotation marks 双引号
( ) parentheses 圆括号
[ ] square brackets 方括号
Angle bracket
{} Brace
《 》French quotes 法文引号;书名号
... ellipsis 省略号
¨ tandem colon 双点号
" ditto 同上
‖ parallel 双线号
/ virgule 斜线号
& ampersand = and
~ swung dash 代字号
§ section; division 分节号
→ arrow 箭号;参见号
+ plus 加号;正号
- minus 减号;负号
± plus or minus 正负号
× is multiplied by 乘号
÷ is divided by 除号
= is equal to 等于号
≠ is not equal to 不等于号
≡ is equivalent to 全等于号
≌ is equal to or approximately equal to 等于或约等于号
≈ is approximately equal to 约等于号
< is less than 小于号
> is more than 大于号
≮ is not less than 不小于号
≯ is not more than 不大于号
≤ is less than or equal to 小于或等于号
≥ is more than or equal to 大于或等于号
% per cent 百分之…
‰ per mill 千分之…
∞ infinity 无限大号
∝ varies as 与…成比例
√ (square) root 平方根
∵ since; because 因为
∴ hence 所以
∷ equals, as (proportion) 等于,成比例
∠ angle 角
⌒ semicircle 半圆
⊙ circle 圆
○ circumference 圆周
π pi 圆周率
△ triangle 三角形
⊥ perpendicular to 垂直于
∪ union of 并,合集
∩ intersection of 交,通集
∫ the integral of …的积分
∑ (sigma) summation of 总和
° degree 度
′ minute 分
″ second 秒
# number …号
℃ Celsius system 摄氏度
@ at 单价
x'是x prime(比如转置矩阵)
x"是x double-prime
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