1. Bravo! Encore! 要得!再来一个!
2. Nice show! 表演的真精彩!(what a performance! 多了不起的表演!)
3. who knew they were this good! 没想到他们竟如此了得!(skill,knowledge etc. 超越我们的期待they surpassed our expectation.)
4. you're a quite a guy! 你实在了不起!(quite a guy = impress me a whole lot. Could be a sarcasm)
5. the audience gave him a thumbs up. 观众都一致赞许他。(the critics gave the movie a thumbs down. Gave a thumb down = 喝倒彩,恶评critiqued negatively)
6. I give this picture two thumbs up. 我给这部片子极高的评价。(It's a superb film. 这是一部超级巨片。)
7. Please give her a big hand. 请大家为她鼓掌。(applaud enthusiastically; give a warm welcome)
8. A: your speech was fabulous!
B: You're too kind. I know it wasn't that good. 你太客气了,我知道没那么好。
9. Are you serious or just trying to make me feel better? 你说真心话,还是豆着我玩的?
10. you're just being polite. 你只是在说客套话。(礼貌上说说而已doing it out of manners. 受赞时谦虚之应答a modest reponse to praise, compliments)
11. Can't you take a compliment? 你不能接受人家一句恭维话吗?(用于拍到马脚时,打圆场的话)
Rurning a compliment
1. How sweet of you! 你这个人真好!(generally said by female)
2. That's the nicest thing anybody ever said to me. 这是我一生中最受用的话。(a sincerely reply to a compliment)
3. That's very flattering. 真会讨好人。(感到十分舒服feel rather pleased. In other words, I accept the compliment)
4. you flatter me. 你把我捧得飘飘然。(It's very nice of to say so. 你这么说太客气了。)
5. It was nothing. Anyone could have done it. 这没什么,谁都做得来。
6. you give me more credit than I deserve. 你太抬举我了。
7. I owe it all to my friends who helped me so much. 这全归功于那些鼎立相助的朋友们。
8. you're boosting my ego. 你使我志得意满。
9. Don't spoil me. 别捧坏我。
Please Someone
1. this will be a real crowd pleaser. 这准会讨众人的欢喜。(crowd pleaser = appeals to the masses, general public)
2. Is it to your liking? 这适合你的口味吗?(to your liking = up to yours standard. Does it meet your specifications? 合你的要求吗? Do you accept this?
3. Everything I do is to please you. 每一件事我都是为了讨好你而做。
4. Anything for you, my love. 亲爱的,你要什么我都依你。
5. I knocked my head against a wall trying to please him. 我拼死想讨好他。 (knocked my head against a wall = 以头撞墙,试图完成无法办到之事spent time and effort in trying to complish something futile.)
6. I've been breaking my tail at work, and my boss shows no appreciation. 拼命工作,但老板却不领情。(I'm busting my ass to please her. 我使尽吃奶的力气去讨好她。)
7. I give up. There's just no satisfying you. 我认了。反正我无法使你称心如意。(hard to get along; fee frustrated)
8. I try so hard to please, and all I get is a slap in the face. 我吃力不讨好。
9. he uses gifts to win a woman over. 他利用馈赠去博取女人的欢心。(win….over = convince someone to like him)
10. you can't please everyone.
1. Here you go! 拿去吧!(here you go. Keep the change. 拿去吧!零钱不用找了。)
2. A: Here. Go buy yourself some flowers. 拿这些钱去为自己买些花吧。
B: That would buy a whole lot of flowers. 那些钱可以买不少花呢。
3. he showered her with gifts. 他买给她满山满谷的礼物。(showered = give abundantly as in pouring out water; gave generously)
3. He lavished presents on his girlfriend. 他奢侈地购买了一大堆礼物,送给他的女友。(lavished = squandered freely and without restraint; gave overmuch过分给予)
5. you shouldn't have. 你这是何必呢? (指:我不配得到如此厚礼 I really don't deserve it.)
5. It really wasn't necessary. 实在没这必要。
6. you really went overboard buying presents. 你买礼物的钱真是花过头了。(went overboard = spent or bought too much.)
7. you're an Indian giver. 你把已送给人的东西,又要回来了。(Indian giver = someone who gives a gift and then takes it back. 本句是种族歧视之词a racial slur )
8. Take it or you're not a friend. 把我当朋友的话,就收下吧。(If you're a true friend, you will accept my gift.)
9. You'r a good giver, but a poor receiver. 你不吝惜送东西给人,却不肯接受别人半点好处。
10. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. 你尽管接受礼物,不必多问。(自马口向里头张望。)
11. Keep it. You might need it. 你留着吧。也许有一天会排上用场。
12. It tough thinking of a present for her. 想不出该送她什么礼物时,真是伤透脑筋。(especially to a wife who has everything.)
13. Please, say it with flowers. 请带些礼物去,不要光说好听话。(send gifts instead of verbal good will.)
14. He takes without giving anything in return. 他不懂得礼尚往来。(To me, taking without giving is a serious offense. 对我来说,光拿不给是严重的过失。)
15. It's not necessary to spend money on me. Being my daughter is gift enough. 不用花钱买东西给我。你能作为我的女儿,已是最大的礼物。
16. It's the thought that counts. 心意如何才是最重要的。(counts = that's important;)