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发表于 2007-12-18 14:57:16 | 只看该作者
太 感谢楼主了,顶……
发表于 2007-12-18 21:27:45 | 只看该作者
好用   好用    谢谢
 楼主| 发表于 2007-12-19 16:01:04 | 只看该作者
1. It pays to be careful these days. 这年头凡事谨慎点儿划算。

2. better safe than sorry. 防范未然,胜过事后悔恨。(The safest way is the best way. 最安全的方法才是最好的方法。)

3. Measure twice and cut once. 三思而后行。(measure twice = 需反复丈量,以免一刀下去铸成大错。Lest you regret an irretrievable mistake. 事先特别当心be extra cautious. )

4. Don't get in too deep. 不要涉水太深,而无法重返岸头。(不要积重难返。)(勿牵涉太深Don't become too involved, 难以自拔otherwise you can't get out. Don't go in over your head. 不要踏进水深没顶之处。)

5. Look before you leap. 勿轻举妄动。

6. Watch it! You.ve got a rival there. 当心点儿,你的死对头在那里。(rival= contender; 对手; 敌人opponent)

7. Be careful, accidents can happen. 要当心,意外随时都可发生。(Sometimes said as a threat; Mafia talk.)

8. We can't take any chances. 我们不能冒任何风险。(take any chances = 提醒人小心从事a reminder to be cautious; 连小错都不能犯There's no room for error. 许成不许败。Failure will not be tolerated.)

9. Why take chances? 何必冒险呢?

10. Always expect the unexpected. 要随时戒备意外的发生。

11. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. 一分预防胜过十分之治疗。(预防为主。It's best to take precautions.)

12. There's safety in numbers. 人多势重。(the numerical strength will protect you. 数目众多时更具有保护作用。)

13. Don't get so friendly with the competition. Play your cards close to your vest. 不要跟你的对手太友善,当心别人刺探机密。(Play your cards close to your vest.=把poker cards 贴身拿着。指:勿泄内情keep things un-disclosed; 要谨慎be discreet )

14. Watch your mouth. The walls have ears. 说话当心点儿,别忘了隔墙有耳。

16. Be careful what you say. I think the line is tapped. 说话要谨慎,我想电话线上有人窃听。

17. He thinks before he speaks. 他言必经心。(他说话经常不经大脑思考。He always talks off the top of his head.)

18. He chooses his words carefully. 他的谈吐严谨。(不落人口实doesn't give anyone grounds for criticism. 他措辞谨慎。He speaks carefully.)

19. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林。(掌握的数目虽不大,但却远胜那不可捉摸的。A small but sizable asset outweighs greater assets which are uncertain. Few but tangible. 虽少却稳妥。)

20. It's better for us to gain the upper hand. 我们占上风比较妥当。(upper hand = be advantageous 处于有利地位。Stay ahead of our competitor 制敌先机; gain the upper hand = 稳操胜券;)

21. The truth is the details. 要点都在细节上。(try to infer(推断) missing details based on the given information.)

22. Try to read between the lines. 要懂得弦外之音。(read between the lines = understand the hidden message 领悟隐意。Line = 每一行的字;between the lines = 行与行之间的空白处。)

83-Carelessness 疏忽

1. you don't sweat the details. 你没用心处理细节。(don't sweat the details = 不关切细微之处aren't concerned with details. Don't sweat. 不用穷紧张。)

Don't get nervous. 别紧张。(No sweat. 没问题,小意思。)

2. when you're tired, you lose your edge. 人一累了,思路就迟钝。(lose your edge = lose your sharpness in thinking 失掉思考的犀利性)

Threats 恐吓

1. watch it! (could be a friendly or hostile warning. Watch it, buster! 你给我当心点,混帐东西! Watch it, asshole! 当心点儿,你这臭屁股!)

2. why don't you watch where you're going? 你走路为什么不带眼睛呢?

3. Are you blind?

4. Hey, you almost bumped into me. 嘿,你差一点儿撞到我了。

5. If I were you I wouldn't say that. 如果我是你,我不会那么说。(you'd better watch what you say. 你要留意自己在说什么。)

6. Not so fast, buster! 混帐东西,想骗我,还早得很呢?(混帐东西,别想溜得那么快。)

7. Don't even think about it. 这种事想都甭想。(Don't even try it. 连试都不要试。Just try it! 有种你试试看!)

8. Do that again and you'll get it. 再做一次,就有你好受的。(you'll get it = you will suffer adverse consequences. 你会尝到恶果。)

9. you'd better wise up. 你要放明白些。(wise up = 改变行为reform your behave;睁大眼睛open your eyes; 看明局势be perceptive.)

10. Don't get in my way.

11. Don't interfere. 不要搅局。

12. Leave me alone. 少惹我。

13. Don't aggravate me. 不要惹恼了我。(aggravate = annoy)

14. Don't piss me off. 少惹我生气。

15. Don't try anything stupid. 不要蠢动。(否则你会后悔or you'll be sorry;)

16. you're already on my blacklist. 你已上了我的黑名单。

17. Don't try to play games with me. 少跟我玩什么把戏, 不然有你瞧的。(play games = 玩花样pull some kind of trick )

18. Talk straight, don't double-talk me. 有话直说,不许你含糊其词.

19. Nobody screws me up! 不许任何人跟我糊来!(不许谁来占我的便宜。 Don't anyone mess with me!)

20. No one crosses me. 不许有谁反抗!(cross = 阻挡,碍事cross my path; 欺骗,黑吃黑。Double-cross.)

21. Don't fuck with me. 不要跟我捣蛋。(fuck with me = mess things up for me 搞砸了我的事情。)

22. Do it and you'll be sorry. 做了这见事,你会后悔的。

23. I'm warning you.

24. I'm telling you for the last time.

25. Do it and you'll lose your allowance forever. 如果你敢做,再也别想问我要零用钱花。(杀手锏attack strategy. Do it and you'll be grounded. 如果你敢做,我就再不让你出去玩。 Grounded = forbidden to go out;)

26. Vito twisted his son's arm into staying in the family business. 维多强迫他的儿子继续为家庭的事业工作。(twisted ……arm = compelled; forced; a.)often by using verbal (口头的) threats . b) This is usually an exaggeration; c.) The threats are seldom physical.

27. Let's go kick some butt. 咱们去痛宰他们。(Said to psych up a team for any competition. 以便击溃对手so as to defeat the opponent.)

28. you take that back or I'll box your ears. 你快把那句话收回去,不然我会揍你。

29. Keep on talking like that and you'll get busted for nothing. 你再像那样子说话,就会无缘无故地被捕。(get busted = get arrested or get beatten up(痛揍),for nothing = for no reason)

30. Don't you ever do that to me again. 你绝对不可以再如此对待我。(ever …again = anymore.)


参与人数 1金币 +10 威望 +22 收起 理由
he_aqi + 10 + 22 你太有才了


 楼主| 发表于 2007-12-19 16:03:01 | 只看该作者
31. You don't know whom you're dealing with. 你不晓得你在跟谁打交道。(你低估了我. You've underestimated me. 你不晓得我的全力有多大。 You don't realize how much authority I have.)

32. This is all far from over. 我跟你的戏还有得唱。(far from over = not nearly finished; 仍没完没了。可当威胁用语could be said as a threat. I'm not trough with you yet. 我根你的帐还没算呢。)

33. we shall meet again. 咱们后会有期。(我改个时间再来对付你。I'll deal with you at another time.)

34. Another time, another place. 哪一天冤家路窄碰上了,我会揍你。

35. we'll see about that! 我们等着瞧吧!

36. you're going down for this. 你会为这事弄得灰头土脸。(going down = 下场凄凉,如 going to jail; getting punished; receiving harm.)

37. we've got ways of dealing with guys like you! 我们有的是对付像你这种人的方法。

38. you'll pay for this. 到头来你会为此付出代价。(pay = be punished.)

39. I'll get my revenge. 我会报仇。

40. He's holding a press conference. 他正在举行记者招待会。(press conference = publicity meeting in front of reporters)

41. Don't do anything you might regret.

42. Beat it, or I'll call the cops. 快滚,不然我就报警。

43. I'll report you to the authorities. 我要向有关当局去告你。

44. A: I'm reporting you to your superiors. 我要去向你的上司去投诉。

B: Go ahead. See if I care. 尽管去吧,看我在不在乎。

45. A: Pay me that money or else. 还我那笔钱,不然有你好受的。

B:Or else what? 不然你敢把我怎样?

A:Is that a threat? 你在威胁我吗?

B:No,it's a guarantee. 不是威胁,而是保证我说到做到。

46. well, we'll see who's meaner. 好,走着瞧,看谁更毒。(meaner = tougher)


I'll set them an example. 我来杀鸡儆猴。

47. you'll get clobbered! 你会挨一顿毒打。(clobbered = beaten up 揍个半死。 You'll get killed.)

48. How would you like a fat lip? 你想让我揍你一拳吗?(fat lip = get beaten up 挨打;嘴唇肿大)

49. you're asking for a knuckle sandwich! 你在讨打!(knuckle = fist; knuckle sandwich = 拳头三明治。打在脸上的一拳a fist in your face.)

50. Cool it. 你少来。 (你到一边凉快去吧。) (cool it = calm down; cease doing it.)

51. you're gonna get creamed. 你会被毒打一顿。(get creamed = beaten badly; get servely defeated 被惨败)

52. He'll punch your lights out. 他会把你打得昏死过去。(he'll kick the shit out of you. 他会打得你屎滚尿流。He'll knock your shit out. 他会打得你拉稀。)

53. Do it. Your very life depends on it. 好自为之,你的命寄托在它上面。(鼓励做某事以图保命。Urging another to do something in order to stay alive. Your very life = your one and only life 你仅有的一条命)

54. you're running out of time. 你的时间不多了。

55. you're a walking dead man. 你活不久了。(走动的死人)。Soon to be terminated; 即将被杀害; what the syndicated, mob would say. 黑社会人物恫吓语。

56. Your days are numbered. 你的时日不多了。(you'll soon die or lose your job.)

57. Kiss your ass good-bye! 你死定了!

59-I'll skin you alive if you don't do it. 如果你不做,我会活剥你的皮。

60-If you ask any more questions, they'll cut you throat. 如果你再多问,他们会宰了你。

61. If you ever cross my path, I'll pluck your eyes out. 如果你妨碍我的好事,我会把你的眼睛挖出来。(pluck your eyes out = dig out your eyes.)

62. you'd better settle this matter or I'll personally bury you. 你最好把这件事解决,不然我会亲手活埋你。(bury you = ruin you)

63. A: You're bluffing. 你在吓唬人。

  B:Oh yeah? Try me. 是吗?你试试看我敢不敢。
1.(try me = implies if you push me too far, I intend to carry out my threat.)

2. He's bullshitting you. 他在跟你胡扯淡。

3. My boss's bark is worse than his bite. 我的老板叫得比咬的凶(他看似危险其实不然he seems dangerous but isn't.)

4. Don't treaten me!

5. you wouldn't dare! 谅你也不敢。

6. I dare you! 你敢!(有种你过来!)

7. Don't think I won't. 别以为我不会做。(必要时我会履行我的诺言I'll carry out my threat if need be.)

8. Don't doubt me! 不要怀疑我不敢做。(you have my word on it. 相信我敢说敢做。)

9. she wasn't just kidding. 她没在说笑。(她是来真的)

10. These guys are for real. 这写家伙在玩真的。(they mean it. They're not bluffing. 他们并非虚张声势,而是言出必行。)

Friendly Warnings

1. watch your step. 走路时要当心。

2. look out! 小心。

3. Be careful! 当心。

4. Don't trip! 不要跌跤。

5. Beware of dog! 当心恶犬。

6. Hold on or you'll fall off. 抓紧一点不然你会跌下去。(hold on = hold tightly; grasp firmly; fall off = lose your balance; drop to the ground)

7. Be alert now! 提高警觉。(stay alert. 保持机警)

8. on guard! 看招!(看剑!)

9. keep your eyes peeled! 随时提高警觉!(eye peeled = open-eyed)

10. this is no time for a nap. 现在不是松懈的时候。(It's no time to sleep. 现在不是高枕无忧的时候。)


参与人数 1金币 +12 威望 +22 收起 理由
he_aqi + 12 + 22 全球验货员感谢你


 楼主| 发表于 2007-12-19 16:05:10 | 只看该作者
11. you can't just sit there. 你不能光坐在那里(不想办法)。

12. you don't want to wave the flag, do you? 你不愿太张扬,而引起众人的注目吧?(wave the flag = draw attention.)

13. Be careful. It's deadly. 小心一点,这会要人命的。(careful. It's dangerous.)

14. we've only got one life. 我们只有一条命(丢不起。Once it's gone, it's gone.)

15. you're walking on the ice. 你如临深渊,如履薄冰。

16. you're digging your own grave. 你在自掘坟墓。(自寻死路seeking your own demise.)

17. you'd better take a walk fast. 你最好趁早开溜。(take a walk = go away from here before anything bad occurs.)

18. Run for your life. 要保命快逃开。(get out of here fast. 快离开这里。)

19. Go home before something happens to you. 趁还没出事之前,赶紧回家去!

20. Avoid it at all costs. 不计代价,竭力避免它发生。(at all costs = no matter what; under any circumstance)

21. watch your back.(watch behind you so no car hit you or someone stabs you in the back.)

22. Cover yourself. 想一套好理由来替自己辩解。(make sur you have a good alibi or excuse. Cover your ass. 想一套说词来替你自己开脱。

23. Don't jeopardize all you've worked for. 不要把你多年的心血毁于一旦(jeopardize = 冒损失的风险risk losing)

24. If you don't stay on your toes, you'll get buried alive. 如果不警惕,你会被活埋。(stay on your toes = 以脚趾尖站立着。随时小心翼翼,四下观望。Be attentive, watchful.)

25. I told you so. 我不早跟你说过了吗?(你偏不听/信)?


1. you've done well for yourself. 你混得不错。(你做得挺成功)。

2. He'll go far. 他大有前途。(go far =will have a bright future)

3. He's a smash!他已声明显赫。(smash = a big success)

4. she's a hit. 她成了热门人物。

5. she brought down the house. 她博得满堂彩。

6. He's sensational! 他真是不可思议!(sensational = unbelievable)

7. Steve rose from obscurity to be the spotlight. Steve 从默默无闻,变成家喻户晓。(obscurity = a nobody; unkown;spotlight = 探照灯the focus of attention)

8. he came out from nowhere. 他是半路杀出来的程咬金。

9. he's a self-made man. 他白手起家。

10. he's made a name for himself. 他塑造了自己的名气。

11. you've made quite a place for yourself in society. 你已争取到相当的社会地位。(made quite a place = achieved a high, impressive position.)

12. you're a big shot now. 你已成了举足轻重的人物。(a big shot = an influential person. 但不见得很成功doesn't necessarily mean big success. He's a big shot in that gang. 他是哪个黑帮里的头头。)

13. he began as a busboy and died an industrial tycoon. 他从打杂童工起家,到老死之时已成了工业界的泰斗。(busboy = a nobody who does odd jobs)

14. Maryann finally hit the bull's eye. Maryann 终于顺逐心愿。(hit the bull's eye = hit the target; hit the mark; achieved her goal)

15. No one can beat you. You're the champ. 谁都赢不了你,你是此道中的翘楚。(champ = a champion; a winner; implies: expert高手)

16. she stole the whole show. 她抢尽了风头。(stole the show = outshined everyone else)

17. I'm on my way up the ladder. 我的行情看涨。(up the ladder = 平步青云ascending to a higher economic, social plateau)

18. I've risen to the top. 我已爬到颠峰。

19. there is no mystery behind his success. 他的成功,并无玄妙之处。(it's easily understood)

20. the key to success is perseverance. 坚韧是开启成功之匙。

21. Success is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration. 成功是一分灵感,加99分汗水。

22. He's set for life. 他这下半辈子已不愁吃穿。(set for life = financially secure 经济稳固)

23. Success is hard to hold on. 创业难,守业更难。(hold on to = keep, maintain 保持)

24. their time has come and gone. 他们的黄金时期已过。(has come and gone = 风光不再Their prime has passed. 月园而亏Peaked and is now declining)


1. this award will be frosting on the cake. 这份奖赏,犹如锦上添花。(frosting on the cake = 蛋糕上的白糖)

2. he who dances must pay the piper. 享乐者,必须付酬劳。(piper = 引伸为"服务人员")

a. Dancer has to pay for the piper. 要享受就的付出代价。

b. If you wanna play you gotta pay. 想玩乐就得花钱。

3. There's no free lunch. 天下没有白吃的午餐。(任何事都有代价。Nothing is free. There's a price for everything.)

a. You gotta pay your dues. 你必须付工资(费用)。

b. You can't get something for nothing. 你怎能不劳而获。

4. No pain, no gain.

88-To seek Credit

1. Don't forget to give me the credit I deserve. 别望了我应得的酬劳。(deserve = merit; am entitled to)

2. Tommy is just a copycat. 只是个抄袭者。(copycat = one who imitates, copies from another)

3. he has no originality. 他没创作力。(no originally = lacking inventiveness)

4. you picked that up from me. 那是你从我那儿学的。(picked …up = learned …. I taught you that. N那是我教你的。)

5. she gives herself too much credit. 她太抬举自己。 (自视过高)

6. Give the devil his due. 他虽讨人厌,但也不应否认他的功劳。(due = deserved recognition; 应得的嘉许。Pay the devil his due. 功归功,过归过,暇不掩瑜。)

7. I owe it all to you for what I am today. 我能有今天,全托你的福。(owe it all to….= due to; an expression of gratitude)

8. his record of achievements is hard to dispute. 他的丰功伟绩不容争辩。(hard to dispute = cannot be discredited;无法抹杀; difficult to challenge 难以挑战。 You can't deny his accomplishments. 你无法否认他的成就。)


参与人数 1金币 +12 威望 +22 收起 理由
he_aqi + 12 + 22 精品文章


 楼主| 发表于 2007-12-19 16:08:29 | 只看该作者
Fairness & Favoritism 公平与偏袒

1. he sees facts, not people. 他论事不论人。

2. Everyone is playing by the same rules, fair is fair. 大家都规规矩矩在参加比赛,没人耍花样。

3. he won it fair and square. 他赢得光明磊落。(fair and square = without cheating, did it honestly.)

4. what's good for the gander is good for the goose.要论公平的话,男人可以做的,女人也可以做。(gander =male goose; goose = female goose)

5. Don't ask me. I'm neutral. 不要问我的意见,我不想偏袒哪一方。

6. he's impartial. 他公正无私。

7. these names are chosen arbitrarily. 这些名字是随意挑选出来的。(arbitrarily = at random; unplanned 信手拈来。 Not out of favoritism 不偏袒任何人;everyone has an equal chance. 众人机会均等。)

8. I want to be fair with you. 我不想让你吃亏。(be fair with you = don't intend to exploit you. 不想剥削你。)

9. A: How about if we split it 50/50?

B: Fair enough!

9. A: Is that fair enough?

B: what's fair is fair!

10. A: This game is always tilted in their favor. 这种比赛老是他们占便宜。(tilted in their favor.= beneficial to them; 有利于他们。 Biased in their favor. 偏袒给他们。)

11. 12. They all do it. Why can't I ? 他们都在做,为何我不可以做?(why should I be an exception? 为何惟独我例外?)

12. Justice is blind. 真正的公平是论事不论人。(一视同仁, blind = 不因人而异. Same standard applies to all.)

13. she's siding with her son. 她袒护她的儿子。

14. he's always been the teacher's pet. 他一直都是老师最钟爱的学生。(teacher's pet = teacher's favorite student. Lenny is the teacher's golden boy. Lenny 是老师心目中的优秀学生。)

15. he's a hometown favorite. 他是家乡人士眷爱的人物。(he's a local favorite. 他是本地人喜爱的人物。)

16. they are taking sides. 他们在偏袒人。(taking sides = favoring one side of an argument instead of remaining neutral)

17. you're showing favoritism. 你偏心。

18. you're protecting her. 你在袒护她。

19. you can't shield this man forever. 你没办法一辈子护着这个人。(shield = protect, defend)

20. he gets all the breaks. 他占了所有的甜头。(he gets special treatment. 特殊待遇。Everything goes in his favor. 处处亨通 )

21. how come you're all on his side? 为何你老跟他同一个鼻孔出气。

22. It doesn't seem fair. 这好像不太公平吧? (it's unfair. That's not fair.)

23. which side are you on, anyway? 你到底是在帮哪一边吗?

24. He is he and you are you.

25. you know I'm always on your side. 你知道我一直都支持你。(on your side = siding with you; supporting you)

26. Listen to both sides of the story. 不要光听片面之词。(事情的黑白曲直,没那么单纯。 Things aren't always in back and white.)

27. you're jumping to conclusions. 你妄下断语。(jumping = without careful consideration,轻率的。 Rushy 急躁的。)

28. I hope you will get a fair shake. 我希望你获得公平的待遇。(fair shake = equal treatment ; an equal opportunity; your fair share公平权益。)

29. The only way to guarantee a fair shake for ourselves is to stick together. 团结是唯一能保证我们获得公平待遇之道。


1. Everyone needs a compliment now and then. 每个人都需要偶尔被夸奖几句。(now and then = once in a while 有时候)

2. A compliment makes you feel good all over. 一句恭维的话使你遍体舒畅。(good all over = physically or emotionally gratifying.身心受用)

3. Not bad! (pretty good!)

4. A: you did a great job.(工作出色)。

B: thank. You did pretty well yourself. 你自己也蛮不错。

2. Good going! 干得好!(nice work! Job well done!)

3. Way to go! 要得!

4. That's my boy(girl)! 这才是我的乖孩子。

5. I'm so proud of you.我多么已你为容。

6. you're a great kid. 你是个了不起的孩子。

7. wow, that's amazing! 哇, 好惊人!

8. you're amazing.

9. A: you're amazing!

B: So I've been told. 别人一向就是这样对我说的。(a cocky reply 傲慢的回答。)

10. this is wild! 这是天纵英才,几近于狂。(因为天才和疯子仅有一线之隔。There's only a fine line between a genius and a madman. This is crazy. 这真是才情横溢)

11. Hats off to you for getting a donation from that miser. 你能从那小气鬼身上募到钱真不简单,我佩服你。(hats off to you =向你脱冒致敬。)

12. you are some piece of work! 你实在是一件不可多得的艺术杰作!

13. you're born charmer. 你天生讨人喜欢。(charmer = have the natural ability to attract and please. 对女人指:"妩媚""娇媚"。That man left, you can hide way your charmer. 那个男人走了,不用再撒娇了。)

14. he's one in a million. 他是难得的人物。

15. you're to be blessed. 像你这样的人一定会蒙神祝福。(will receive abundant reward from God; 会得神厚赐。 Praising one's kindness, generosity 赞美某人仁心厚道。)

16. you deserve a medal. 你配得一个奖章。(he should get a medal for this. 他办成了这件事,按理应得奖赏。)

17. you deserve laud and honor. 理应受到公开表扬。(you deserve the highest praise.)

18. he will be a hard act to follow. 很难超越他杰出的表演。


参与人数 1金币 +10 威望 +22 收起 理由
he_aqi + 10 + 22 原创内容


 楼主| 发表于 2007-12-19 16:11:09 | 只看该作者
1. Bravo! Encore! 要得!再来一个!

2. Nice show! 表演的真精彩!(what a performance! 多了不起的表演!)

3. who knew they were this good! 没想到他们竟如此了得!(skill,knowledge etc. 超越我们的期待they surpassed our expectation.)

4. you're a quite a guy! 你实在了不起!(quite a guy = impress me a whole lot. Could be a sarcasm)

5. the audience gave him a thumbs up. 观众都一致赞许他。(the critics gave the movie a thumbs down. Gave a thumb down = 喝倒彩,恶评critiqued negatively)

6. I give this picture two thumbs up. 我给这部片子极高的评价。(It's a superb film. 这是一部超级巨片。)

7. Please give her a big hand. 请大家为她鼓掌。(applaud enthusiastically; give a warm welcome)

8. A: your speech was fabulous!

B: You're too kind. I know it wasn't that good. 你太客气了,我知道没那么好。

9. Are you serious or just trying to make me feel better? 你说真心话,还是豆着我玩的?

10. you're just being polite. 你只是在说客套话。(礼貌上说说而已doing it out of manners. 受赞时谦虚之应答a modest reponse to praise, compliments)

11. Can't you take a compliment? 你不能接受人家一句恭维话吗?(用于拍到马脚时,打圆场的话)

Rurning a compliment

1. How sweet of you! 你这个人真好!(generally said by female)

2. That's the nicest thing anybody ever said to me. 这是我一生中最受用的话。(a sincerely reply to a compliment)

3. That's very flattering. 真会讨好人。(感到十分舒服feel rather pleased. In other words, I accept the compliment)

4. you flatter me. 你把我捧得飘飘然。(It's very nice of to say so. 你这么说太客气了。)

5. It was nothing. Anyone could have done it. 这没什么,谁都做得来。

6. you give me more credit than I deserve. 你太抬举我了。

7. I owe it all to my friends who helped me so much. 这全归功于那些鼎立相助的朋友们。

8. you're boosting my ego. 你使我志得意满。

9. Don't spoil me. 别捧坏我。

Please Someone

1. this will be a real crowd pleaser. 这准会讨众人的欢喜。(crowd pleaser = appeals to the masses, general public)

2. Is it to your liking? 这适合你的口味吗?(to your liking = up to yours standard. Does it meet your specifications? 合你的要求吗? Do you accept this?

3. Everything I do is to please you. 每一件事我都是为了讨好你而做。

4. Anything for you, my love. 亲爱的,你要什么我都依你。

5. I knocked my head against a wall trying to please him. 我拼死想讨好他。 (knocked my head against a wall = 以头撞墙,试图完成无法办到之事spent time and effort in trying to complish something futile.)

6. I've been breaking my tail at work, and my boss shows no appreciation. 拼命工作,但老板却不领情。(I'm busting my ass to please her. 我使尽吃奶的力气去讨好她。)

7. I give up. There's just no satisfying you. 我认了。反正我无法使你称心如意。(hard to get along; fee frustrated)

8. I try so hard to please, and all I get is a slap in the face. 我吃力不讨好。

9. he uses gifts to win a woman over. 他利用馈赠去博取女人的欢心。(win….over = convince someone to like him)

10. you can't please everyone.


1. Here you go! 拿去吧!(here you go. Keep the change. 拿去吧!零钱不用找了。)

2. A: Here. Go buy yourself some flowers. 拿这些钱去为自己买些花吧。

B: That would buy a whole lot of flowers. 那些钱可以买不少花呢。

3. he showered her with gifts. 他买给她满山满谷的礼物。(showered = give abundantly as in pouring out water; gave generously)

3. He lavished presents on his girlfriend. 他奢侈地购买了一大堆礼物,送给他的女友。(lavished = squandered freely and without restraint; gave overmuch过分给予)

5. you shouldn't have. 你这是何必呢? (指:我不配得到如此厚礼 I really don't deserve it.)

5. It really wasn't necessary. 实在没这必要。

6. you really went overboard buying presents. 你买礼物的钱真是花过头了。(went overboard = spent or bought too much.)

7. you're an Indian giver. 你把已送给人的东西,又要回来了。(Indian giver = someone who gives a gift and then takes it back. 本句是种族歧视之词a racial slur )

8. Take it or you're not a friend. 把我当朋友的话,就收下吧。(If you're a true friend, you will accept my gift.)

9. You'r a good giver, but a poor receiver. 你不吝惜送东西给人,却不肯接受别人半点好处。

10. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. 你尽管接受礼物,不必多问。(自马口向里头张望。)

11. Keep it. You might need it. 你留着吧。也许有一天会排上用场。

12. It tough thinking of a present for her. 想不出该送她什么礼物时,真是伤透脑筋。(especially to a wife who has everything.)

13. Please, say it with flowers. 请带些礼物去,不要光说好听话。(send gifts instead of verbal good will.)

14. He takes without giving anything in return. 他不懂得礼尚往来。(To me, taking without giving is a serious offense. 对我来说,光拿不给是严重的过失。)

15. It's not necessary to spend money on me. Being my daughter is gift enough. 不用花钱买东西给我。你能作为我的女儿,已是最大的礼物。

16. It's the thought that counts. 心意如何才是最重要的。(counts = that's important;)

 楼主| 发表于 2007-12-19 16:13:46 | 只看该作者

1. Flattery is the name of the game. 奉承是使你吃得开的不二法门。 (the name of the game = main idea; objective)

2. Flattery paved the way to his post. 谄媚替他的职位铺了路。 (paved way = prepared; helped to achieve)

3. Flattery will get you everywhere. 谄媚会使你通行无阻。

4. He butters up everyone trying to make points. 他讨好每一个人,已广结人缘。(make points = earn points; 提高个人名气gain popularity; 达到个人的好处 gain an advantage)

5. they suck up to anyone with money. 他们谄媚任何有钱人。(suck up to = flatter)

6. he sure knows how to rub shoulders with the right people to get ahead.. 他很懂得趋炎附势,以便上升。(rub shoulders with = 勾肩搭背。 攀附权贵人物ingratiate yourself with VIP's.。于要人往来associate with shots.

7. Nice suit. 好漂亮的西装。

8. you look sharp. Interview? 你穿得这么帅,去面试吗?

9. you look spiffy(耀眼). Hot date tonight? 你打扮得花枝招展,今晚有热情的约会吗?

10. your hair looks great.

11. that's a beautiful ring.(戒指)。

12. that outfit looks great on you. 那件外衣穿在你身上挺好看。

13. it's a work of art! 这是一件不可多得的艺术品。

14. it's masterpiece.

15. it's a gem. 这像宝石一样好。(you're a gem. 你真是个大好人。)

16. how did a nice woman like you get stuck with a bum like him.? 像你这样一朵鲜花,怎会插到牛粪上呢?(said in jest)

17. you're got good taste. 你很有品味。(good taste = 好的鉴赏能力appreciate finer things in life)

18. Hey, that's real class. 嘿。那可真够气派。(real class = outstanding.)

19. that's real cool. 真有两下子。

20. your direction has done wonders for this company. 你的领导带给这家公司意想不到的效果。

21. it's about time I heard a compliment around here. 总算在这儿有人夸奖我了。(it's about time = finally)

22. he loves it when others kiss up to him. 他最爱别人奉承。(kiss up to =拍他的马屁flatter him; 取悦于他please him.compliment him)

23. he likes to wear a top hat. 他喜欢别人给他带高冒子。(top hat = praise; flattery)

24. some people just can't get enough of flattery. 有些人再多的恭维话也听不腻。(can't get enough of = insatiable)

25. people love flattery. It's a fact of life. 人爱受吹捧,这是铁一般的事实。

26. what do you want, a medal? 你还想要什么,一个奖章吗?(medal = monument.reprimanding someone who's looking for undeserve merit)

Rejecting Flattery

1. You're just trying to relate. 你只是想套近乎。(relate = 拉关系)

2. Stop trying to buddy up to me. 别想亲近我。(buddy up = trying to get friendly with)

3. I don't want to hear any sweet-talk. 我不要听任何甜言蜜语。(sweet-talk = flattery)

4. I hate it when someone tries to butter me up! 我最讨厌人家奉承我。(butter me up =因有求于我而谄媚 flatter me to grt something; 说好话以获得好处say nice things to gain an advantage)

5. I dislike flattery. 我讨厌谄媚。

6. you don't have to wine and dine your higher-ups. 你犯不着用酒肉来奉承上司。(wine and dine = butter up 吹捧;以获得升迁to obtain promotion; higher-ups = superiors; )

7. Don't patronize me. Nobody eats that shit. 别想拍我马屁,没人会吃你那一套。

8. He's too much of a back-slapper. 他太会胁肩谄笑。(back-slapper = 自身后拍人肩膀者。过度友善someone who is overly friendly)

9. He's a brown-noser. 他是马屁精。(brown-noser 棕色鼻子的人,kissing boss' behind, 长期接触粪便而变色。)

10. He's an apple-polisher.

11. She doesn't really like you. She's just a social climber. 。。。。。。。她只是长袖善舞的女人。(social climber = 攀缘富贵者person who associates with successful people in the hope of improving his/her own status.)

12. he's always licking the president's boots. 他总是在拍总经理的马屁。

13. you must've rubbed him the wrong way. 你准是拍错了马屁。(rubbed him the wrong way = displeased him; made a bad impression on him 使他留下坏印象。)

14. I meant it as a compliment, but he took it as an insult.我存心要恭维他,但他却当成悔辱(took it as an insult = took offense)

Center Of Attention

1. it's your turn to be on stage. 轮到你上台亮相了。

2. you're going to be in the spotlight. 你即将为众所瞩目。

3. he thrives on female attention. 他在女人垂青下,过得神气活现。(thrives on = like plants under ideal sunshine and water condition do very well. Attention = emphasizes on admiration 偏重爱慕)

4. she's eating up all this attention. 别人对他的注目,使她好不得意。(乐在其中she's enjoying it.)

5. Be individual. 要显出自己的特性。(要与众不同Set yourself apart.)

6. you're on center stage. 你正在众目睽睽之下。

7. All heads turned when she walked into the room.

8. Everybody is watching! (watching = staring. Don't make a scene. 不要出洋相。)

9. Everyone's eye is on you. 每个人都在瞧着你。(不要把事情弄糟。Don't screw up. 不要犯任何错. Don't do anything wrong.)

10. I get stage fright. 我容易怯场。(我害怕许多眼睛瞪着我。I dread having all eyes focus on me. )

11. I hate being in the center of attention.

12. I'm afraid of being under the microscope. 我不愿把自己披露在别人仔细的观察之下。

13. he keeps a low profile. 他韬光养晦。(he stays out of the limelight to avoid attention. Keeps a low profile = 隐匿自己,不张扬)

 楼主| 发表于 2007-12-19 16:16:42 | 只看该作者
1. it lives up to its name. 它名副其实。(lives up to = 声明切合实际it matches its reputation.)

2. he lived up to my expectations. 他没有辜负我的期待。(他达到我所要求的标准he met my standard.)

3. he's loosening his purse strings to gain more popularity. 他在掏腰包买知名度。(loosening his purse strings = 松弛束紧钱袋口的绳子。)

4. he wants his name to stand out. 他一心想出人头地。

5. he wants to get noticed. 他爱出风头。

6. he's won a name for his sense of humor. 他的幽默感出了名。(won a name for = become renowned for变成以。。。而著称; gained a reputation for. 获得。。。之名气。)

7. A: So, what makes her so hot? 到底是什么使她声名卓著? (so hot = so popular)

B: When you're hot, you're hot. 人要出名时,躲都躲不过。

8. John is a social butterfly. 八面玲珑的人物。

9. he's a local celebrity. 他是我们当地的风云人物。(celebrity = star)

10. he;s pretty well liked around here. 他在这里蛮受欢迎。(pretty well liked = fairly popular)

11. I've heard nothing but good reports about him. 我所听到有关他的,都是好事。(good reports = favorable information)

12. your reputation precedes you. 久仰,久仰。(could be a compliment or an insult. Reputation precedes you = 名胜先你而行。)

13. you are very famous. 阁下之大名如雷贯耳。(famous = known by many people; has favorable repute. You have too big a name. 阁下之大名如雷贯耳, notorious = known widely but unfavorably 恶名昭彰。She's notorious for her meanness. 她的卑鄙是出了名的。)

14. Your name rings a bell. 我听过你的名字。

15. He's an accomplished musician. 他是一位颇有成就的音乐家。(he has made achievements as a musician. He's earned a bit of a reputation.已薄有名气。)

16. He's a world-renowned artist. 他是一位举世闻名的艺术家。(声明远播enjoys a big reputation; 闻名prestigious;受敬重respected.)

17. Bill set off a bombshell in the computer industry. 比尔在计算机界里一鸣惊人。(set off a bombshell = 如引爆一枚炸弹似的。令人惊讶于他的成就stunned everyone with his success.)

18. He's become an overnight success. 他一夜发迹。(overnight = instant; immediate; within a short period of time.转眼间他成了家喻户晓的人物He became popular overnight.)

19. He's worth three chapters in a textbook. 他的功勋彪炳,值得在教科书里大写特写。

20. He's the man of the hour. 他是时下名气最响的人。(man of the hour = 最受人注目者the person receiving the most attention)

21. He was completely unkown years ago. 数年前他还默默无闻。(数年前他还是个籍籍无名的小子He was a nobody a few years back.)

22. If you did that, I'm sure you'd go down in history. 如果你办成了那件事,准会名垂青史。(go down in history = 不朽be immortalized)

23. He's a legend in his own time. 他活着的时候,已是个传奇人物。(他获得永久性的好名声。 He's attained permanent, lasting fame while he's still alive.)

24. You'll live after your dust. 你的名声永存。(after your dust = after you die 在你逝世后。)

25. His legacy lives on. 他的风范常存。(legacy = 名望。Although he's dead, his work, influence continues.)

To Idolize 偶像崇拜

1. He's my hero. 他是我心目中的英雄

2. He's my idol. (idol = role model )

3. you're become a hero to these kids.

4. she's my dreamboat. 她是我梦寐以求的人儿。(朝思暮想的情人。)

5. People worship this guy like he's a demigod. 众人把他当半个神来崇拜。(demigod = half god)

6. Madonna is a pop icon. Madonna是受人崇拜的人物。(pop icon = popular symbol)

7. she has a large following.(large following = many admirers )

8. I'm your most loyal follower. 最忠实的拥护者。

9. they are my diehard fans. 是我致死不渝的爱戴者。

10. they are my most enthusiastic fans. (enthusiastic = eager)

11. Can I have your autograph? 我可以要你的签名吗?(请你给我签名好吗?would you please sign your name for me?)

Bad Reputation

1. you are what they say you are. 你的所作所为,正如他们所说的。

2. you're just as bad as they say. 你正像他们说的一样坏。

3. It's true what they said about you. 他们对你的评语属实。

4. I was warned about you. 已有人警告过我要提防你。

5. He's notorious for ripping people off. 他因剥削人而恶名昭彰。

6. I can't put my name on junk. 我不能把我的名声毁在那种烂货上。

7. my reputation is on the line. 我的名声已岌岌可危。

8. we don't want to lose face. (lose face = let our honor to be quetioned, humiliated. It's an issue of honor. 这是有关名誉的问题。)

9. Get those cameras out of here! We don't need any bad press. 把照相机拿走,我们不需要任何负面报道。(bad press = lousy publicity)

10. It's bad for public relations. 这会弄坏公共关系。(It's bad publicity. 这会使公众留下坏印象。)

11. His name is mud. 他已声明扫地。(mud = defamed)

12. she's disgraced forever.她的羞耻永存。(disgraced = dishonored; humiliated)

13. In spite of the scandal he came off smelling like a rose. 虽然发生了丑闻,他的形象毫不受损。(came off smelling like a rose = 带着玫瑰的馨香离开。清誉未受污损with his image unblemished; 仍有好人的形象still looking like a good guy.)

 楼主| 发表于 2007-12-19 16:18:05 | 只看该作者
To Complain

1. Everybody's a critic. 每个人都是挑剔鬼。

2. He's a vocal critic of government overspending. 他是对政府胡乱花钱骂得最凶的评论家。(vocal critic = outspoken faultfinder. Overspending = 不量入为出to spend beyond one's means)

3. This sloppy job just doesn't cut it. 我无法接受这种草率的工作。(doesn't cut it = unacceptable)

4. he tried to find fault with me. 他存心挑我的错。(find fault with me = 借机抨击我find something to criticize about me.)

5. Don't knock it till you try it. 还没试用之前先别乱批评。(don't knock it = 不要诅咒don't condemn, knock = 恶意批评criticize it,常用于生活方式lifestyle, 饮食习惯food habit等)

6. she always picking on me for whatever I do. 她对我所做的任何事都看不顺眼。(picking on me = criticizing me)

7. Can't you do anything right? 你无法办成任何事吗?(why are you always so clumsy? 为什么你总是这么笨拙?)

8. you sound like my wife. 你的口气活像我太太。(sound like my wife = talk like my wife)

9. he's always looking for a bone to pick with me. 他老在我的鸡蛋里挑骨头。 (a bone to pick = 没错找错)

10. he likes to take cheap shots. 他喜欢揭人疮疤。(take cheap shots = 不公平地抨击别人的短处unfairly attack other's weak spot0

11. why is everybody on my back? 怎么搞的, 每个人都在找我的碴?(踏在我背上= on my back0

12. what are you busting my ass for? 干嘛你老盯在我屁股后头呢?(打我屁股 = busting my ass. Pushing me to do something; pressuring me)

13. Don't pick on me. 不要挑我的错。

14. Get off my back. 你给我滚开一点儿。

15. quit busting my chops. 不要一天到晚骂我。(Don't yell at me. Don't reprimand me. Chop = 私人印章;seal = 公司,政府的官章; rubber stamp = stamp)

16. shut up already! 你快给我闭嘴!(already = right away)

17. Stop the criticism. 少再批评我。

18. why are you always against me? 你为何老和我作对?(agaist = opposing)

19. Nag. Nag. Nag. That's all wives do. 做妻子的只会一天到晚喋喋不休。(nag = 抱怨个不停烦死人harp on; 使人感到苦恼feel aggravated; annoyed.)

20. She nags like a broken record. 她的唠叨,活像唱片跳针反复不停。(broken record = repeats the same old message)

21. Criticize and criticize. All you ever do is cut me down. 一大堆批评,你只会贬损我。(cut me down = 损人deprecate me)

22. Fine, I'm not good,but what about you? 对,我不是好东西,那你呢?(You aren't so great either. 你也好不到哪儿去。 You're not so hot yourself. 你也没多好。)

23. Must you always bring up my past? 你非得老提我过去不光彩的事吗?(bring up my past = remind me of my prior errors)

24. I hate her sharp tongue. 我恨她那张刻薄的嘴。(sharp tongue = points out other's shortcoming; harsh insults; retort; 老是在贬损人always disparaging others. I can't stand his sharp digs. 我受不了他的冷嘲热讽。Sharp digs = sarcastic comments.)

25. Don't pick on her. 不要去挑他的错。(pick on = criticize; complain about. 抨击得体无完肤pick her apart; 把她从众人中剔除single her out.)

26. Nobody takes criticism well. 谁都不愿被批评。

27. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. 缺点满身的人,不应该指责别人。(people who live in glass houses = 住在玻璃屋者。A person with many shorcomings. 缺陷满身。One who behave no better than others. 自己的行为并没比别人好。 Shoudn't throw stones = 不该扔石头。不该责备别人shouldn't reprimand other's wrongdoings.)

Fussy 吹毛求疵

1. I'm not fussy. (not fussy = not picky; 不随便批评not unduly critical; 随遇而安cope with everything.)

2. He's a finicky eater. 她很挑嘴。(finicky generally refers to food)

3. why should we make a fuss about it? 我们何必为它小题大做呢?(make a fuss = dwell on … needlessly and annoyingly. Don't make such a fuss about it. 不要为它牢师动众。)

4. don't make such an issue over it. 不要为它大做文章。

5. it's not worth fussing about. 这不值得你煞费周章。

6. why complicate things? 干嘛化简为繁呢?

7. Can't we simplify it? 不能简化一下吗?

8. what's a big deal? 没什么大不了的!

9. he's as finicky as a cat. (I'm not as picky as you. 我没像你那么难伺候。)

10. she's the world's number one fusspot. 她是全世界最吹毛求疵的女人。(fusspot = fussbudget 后责他人者)

11. he's such an anal retentive person.他过分拘泥小节。(anal retentive = 保持肛门干净,喻:过分精细。)

12. Men don't like women who nag. 男人讨厌喋喋不休的女人。

13. he's penny-wise and pound-foolish. 他小处精明而大处糊涂。

To Grumble 发牢骚

1. you are never here when I need you. 每当我需要你的时候,总是找不到人。

2. To you I'm a workhorse, a punching bag! 对你来说我只是一匹马和一个出气筒!(workhorse = someone who incessantly; punching bag = 恼怒时,可供泄愤者someone whom you can hit or push around when you're angry.)

3. you treat me like dirt. 你视我如粪土。

4. this is horrible.恶劣透顶。

5. I hate this. 我讨厌这种事。

6. this is shit.

7. he sucks. 恶劣透顶.

8. she's always gripping about something. 她老是咕哝个不停。(gripping = murmuring)

9. she's a whiner. 她好发牢骚。(whine = 呻吟,抱怨。 She's a grumbler. 她是个发牢骚的人。)

10. she bitches about everything. 她的贫嘴没饶过哪样东西。(bitches = 嘴不饶人)
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