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楼主: hung
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-31 14:16:54 | 只看该作者
Tell it to the marines.
原句:I don't believe.

That's it.
原句:That's the whole story.

There you go again.
原句:No, not again.

What's up?
原句: What's going on?

What are you up to?
原句: What do you intend to do now?

I'm on the wagon.
原句: I quit drinking.

Walls have ears.
原句: Keep your voice down.

Still water runs deep.
原句:A wise man playing a fool.

What do you say?
原句: What do you think?

So what?
原句: What can you do about it?

What's up?
原句: Anything happen?
 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-31 14:17:55 | 只看该作者
C 容易弄错的美语


son of a gun 与 son of a bitch:
son of a gun 是对好友表示一种惊讶的口语(an interjection or an exclamation of surprise between very good friends),有点像「坏蛋」、「家伙」的味道。
但 son of a bitch(或 SOB)是美国人极为严重的骂人话(curse word),千万不可乱用,以免闹事。因为这不但意味这位 son 没有确定的父亲,同时母亲也是缺乏道德和贞操(less virtuous)。 例如:

* I have not seen you for a long time;you (are)son of a gun!(你这坏蛋啊,我好久不见你了!)
* After the two men called each other“son of a bitch”(SOB),they started a fight.(这两位男子互骂SOB後,就动起武来。)
至於 son of a gun 的来由,据说从前女人可以住在海军船上服务。结果一位女人生下孩子时,不知父亲是谁,於是船上的人,就以「gun」做为孩子的 paternity,孩子也就被称为「son of a gun」。虽然只用在好友中,但有时也真有坏蛋的意思(evil person or a rogue)所以不是恭维语(complimentary word),除非真正好友,少用为妙。

at large 与 by and large:
at large 当形容词,最常用的意思是指嫌犯脱逃,逍遥法外(escape,referring to criminal before arrest)而 by and large 当副词用,意思是一般而言(generally speaking on the whole)。 例如:

* The murder suspect is still at large. (凶手仍然逍遥法外)
* By and large, I feel(that)the new proposal is sensible.(大体来说,我认为新的建议是很切合实际的。)
* By and large, most people will care about their weight. (一般而言,许多人关心他们的体重)

然而,有时 at large 也有「一般」(in general)的意思。 例如:
* The Chinese people at large are peace-loving. (一般中国人是爱好和平的)

Here you go 与 Here you go again:
Here you go 是指给别人东西时说:「这就是你要的」(=Here is what you want);有时也表示同意对方的意见(= you are right);有时又与 there you go 互用。

* The cashier said, “Here you go!”when she gave me the change. (当收款员找我零钱时,她说:「这就是!」)

但是 Here you(或 we)go again 意思是「你又旧事重提了」,表示对一件事情多次重复的厌烦。(feel annoyed when something is repeated over and over again)。例如:
* When he brought up the same issue to me, I said, “Here you go again!”(当他向我提出同样的问题时,我说:「又是老话题了!」) 至於“Here goes”又是指说话者开始做某事时说:「开始了」。例如:
*“Here goes!”, shouted the racer as he started running.(当赛跑者开始跑步时,喊著「我就开始了!」)
to marry (someone)与 to be married to(someone): marry 当做及物动词时,多用主动语态(active voice)。 例如:

* She married a man ten years younger(或older). (她嫁给一位比她小或大十岁的男人)
= She married a man ten years her junior(或senior).

但是 marry 用在被动语态时(passive voice),後面要用介系词 to。 例如:
* She is(was)married to a man ten years younger(older).
= She is (was)married to a man ten years her junior(senior).(假如用 is,指目前还是夫妻,如用 was,可能已经不是夫妻了)

然而,在 married 後面用介系词 by 时,又有「牧师证婚」的意思。 例如:

* She was married by a man ten years younger. (是指为她证婚的牧师,比她小十岁。)
* She was married by my father.(为他证婚的牧师是我老爸。)(因为牧师证婚已成过去,所以要用过去式 was。)
near 与 near by:
near 是介系词(preposition)通常後面跟受词(object),但是 near by(或 nearby)当形容词(adjective)意思是指「附近」(=close),只指某一地方(somewhere),没有特定地点(no specific location)。 例如:

* The school is near the railway station. (学校在火车站附近。)
* The post office and library are near by. (邮局和图书馆都在附近。)

可见 near by(或 nearby)通常後面不加受词,不然就显得 awkward 了。所以很少人说:

* I ate at a near restaurant. 不过可以说:
* I ate at a nearby restaurant.; 或
* The restaurant where I ate is nearby.(不过也有老外用 near)
school is open 与 the school is open:
school is open (或 schools are open) 是指「学校开学」(classes are in session),这里的 open 是形容词,school 前面不加冠词 the,意味整个中小学的 school system。但是 the school is open,多指学校的建筑物开放著,但没有学生上课。

同理:He goes to school. 是指他去上学读书受教育,而 He goes to the school. 又指他去学校的建筑物(看朋友、参观等)。
至於 School is closed.(或 Schools are closed.) 是指「学校停课」,前面也不加 the。

注意:close 当形容词时,也有「附近」(nearby) 或「友善」(friendly) 的意思。 例如:
* The school is close(=nearby).(学校在附近。)
* That is a close neighborhood.(那是一个友善的住宅区),而 The school is opened at 8 a.m.; 或
* The school is closed at 5 p.m.(都是指学校的建筑物开放或关闭的时间。)

但是 The store is open. 是指店铺在营业中(= Business is going on.),而 The store is closed. 又是指店铺暂时不营业。

* The store was closed down. (permanently)

不过 closed 当形容词时,又有「保守」(conservative)或受某种「限制」(restricted)的意思。 例如:
* This is a closed community.(这是一个保守的社区。)(由於宗教信仰等原因,美国有的社区不欢迎外来的人。)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-31 14:18:58 | 只看该作者
D 美国人的口头禅

9. It is a shame!
这是一句可以用在许多适当情况的口语 (Catch-all phrase),是表示一种轻度的「遗憾」或「同情」(a form of sympathy or regret) 但没有「羞耻」的意思。例如:

It is a shame that your car got stuck in the snow.(你的汽车陷在雪里,真糟糕。)
When I said, "I lost ten dollars from my pocket.",he replied, "It is a shame!"(当我说:「我从口袋里掉了十块钱」,他回答:「真遗憾?」)

至於 "What a shame",其实与 "it is a shame" 意思相似,也有 "It is too bad" 的味道。例如:
What a shame that his son's behavior is so rude.(他儿子的粗鲁行为是令人遗憾的)

10. May it ever be thus!
意思是:希望保持现在的情况,不会改变。(I hope it will not change; may the situation always remain the same.),通常用在喜庆时,也有祝你与现在一样的健康快乐之意。(I hope you are always as healthy and happy as now.) 例如:

We are wonderful friends; may it ever be thus!(我们是好友,愿永远如此!)
He said to the newly weds, "May it ever be thus!"(他对新婚夫妇说:「愿你们永远这样的恩爱、幸福」)

11. Am I being petty?
意思是:「我是气量小吗?」或「我是心胸狭窄吗?」(narrow-minded) 这是一个人做了或说了某件事情後,唯恐别人批评或指责而自加「反省」的表态。(或表示谦虚)
这里用 verb to be 的现在进行式,表示气量小或心胸窄是「暂时性」的。而 Am I petty? 又是指「经常性」的。(但是谁又愿意承认自己是经常的气量小,心胸窄呢!所以为了「自尊心」,通常不说"I am petty",只说"I am being petty." 同理:

Am I being over-reactive?(或 over sensitive?)(我是反应过火或过份敏感吗?)
Are you being in bad mood?(你情绪不好吗?)都是强调「暂时性」。否则就不必使用现在进行式 (being)
(主词可用任何人称代名词 you, we, he, she, they 等,动词可用任何时态。)

12. Stay tuned!
这多半是指播音员在收音机或电视上所说的。意思是:「稍等一下,下面还有」(Stay where you are in the same channel),但也可以表示对一件事情的继续讨论 (to keep continuing the same issue)。(tuned是形容词,原意是调好电台或电视)例如:

Stay tuned, there will be more on this subject tomorrow.(稍等,这个问题明天再谈。)
Stay tuned 的等候时间,可长可短,要看情况而定。

然而 "wait a moment" 通常是指 immediately,时间较短。例如:
Stay tuned(或 wait a moment)I will be right back.(指马上回来)

We have to stay tuned regarding the name change of our school.(我们必须等待校名的变更)(等待时间较长)

13. You can say that again!
这句话的意思是「我同意你」(I agree with you.)或「你对了」(You are right.)例如:

When the professor spoke on human rights, the students responded, "You can say that again!"(当教授谈到人权时;学生回答说:「你说得对!」)

虽然这句话的主词通常只用第二人称单数 You,但在某些情况下,也可以用其他人称。例如:
When we heard Mr. Clinton's speech on tax reduction, my wife turned to me and said, "He can say that again!"(当我们听到柯林顿先生减税的讲演时,内人转头对我说:「他说得对!」)

14. Let me sleep on it.
意思是「让我考虑一下」或「让我想想看」(let me think about it.)(这与 sleep 没有关系)例如:

Let me sleep on your proposal.(让我考虑你的建议。)
When he asked if she wanted to stay with him, she said, "Let me sleep on it."(当他问她要不要留下来,她说:「要想想看」。)

在 "let me sleep on it." 中,me 可用其他人称代名词(him, her, you, us, them 等),it 有时也用 this 或 that 代替。

15. Take heart!
意思是「勇敢些」、「不必苦恼」、「振作起来」(be brave; don't worry; don't let things get you down)(多半指感情方面,比较 emotional)例如:

Take heart, and the situation will be better.(不必怕,情况会好些。)
Take heart, I am sure you will be successful in the future.(振作起来吧,我相信你将来会成功的。)

16. Tune him out!
意思是「别听他的」,「不必理会他」(don't listen to him; don't pay attention to him.)例如:

Mr. Lee just talked nonsense; tune him out.(李先生在瞎扯,别听他的。)
I am going to tune her out when she begins to speak on the subject.(当她谈及主题时,我不想理会她。)
The husband tuned out his wife when he was watching the football game.(老公看足球赛时没有理会太座。)
(tune out 有时也可连在一起使用)(在 "tune him out" 这句口语里,动词 tune 可用任何时态;受词 him 也可用其他人称代名词。)
发表于 2009-9-1 11:28:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2009-9-1 13:09:39 | 只看该作者

回复 14# swot1984 的帖子

just try it again, there is no this kind of limit.....
发表于 2009-9-1 18:31:43 | 只看该作者

回复 10# hung 的帖子

thank you for sharing.
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