大包干 all-round responsibility system
打白条 issue IOU
大病统筹 comprehensive arrangement for serious disease
大藏经 Tripitaka
打黑 crack down on speculation and profiteering
大轰动 blockbuster
打假 crack down on counterfeit goods
打假办 Office of Cracking down on Fake Products
大款 tycoon
打口碟 cracked CD
大开眼界 open one's eyes; broaden one's horizon; be an eye-opener
大专生 junior college student
大专文凭 associate degree
代职 function in an acting capacity
待业 job-waiting
待岗 "await job assignment, post-waiting"
带薪分流 assign redundant civil servants to other jobs while allowing them to retain their original rank and benefits
带薪假期 paid holiday
点球 penalty kick
盗用公款 embezzlement
德智体美劳 "all around development of moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetics and labour education "
盗版VCD pirated VCD
盗打 (电话) free call on somebody else's expense through illegal means
点子公司 consultancy company
电信运营商 telecom operators
电视直销 TV home shopping
电视会议 video conference
电脑迷 mouse potato
电脑盲 computer illiterate
电话号码升位 upgrade telephone number
电话会议 teleconference
电子商务认证 e-business certification
邓小平外交思想 Deng Xiaoping's diplomatic thoughts
等外品 "off-grade goods, rejects"
低调 low keyed (a metaphor for taking a cautious and slow approach) / 吊球 drop shot
吊销执照 revoke license
吊带衫 sun-top
第三产业 tertiary industry; service sector
第三代移动电话(3G手机) third generation mobile; 3G mobile
第一双打 first pair
第一发球权 first inning
第一发球员 first server
第二上市 secondary listing
第二产业 secondary industry
垫付 "advancement, payment on account"
抵免 offset
单循环制 single round-robin system
单边主义 unilateralism
单刀赴会 start a solo run
党群关系 Party-masses relationship
党政机关 Party and government organizations
捣浆糊 give the runaround
倒爷 profiteer
倒票 speculative reselling of tickets
倒春寒 unusually cold spell in an otherwise warm early spring
倒计时 countdown
(把…当成)耳旁风 Like water off (on) a duck's back
鳄鱼的眼泪 crocodile tears
恶性通货膨胀 hyperinflation
恶性循环 vicious circle
厄尔尼诺现象 El Nino phenomenon
二流选手 "scrub, second-rater"
二手房 second-hand house
二元经济 dual economy
二板市场; 创业板市场 growth enterprise board; second board; hi-tech board
二次创业 start a new undertaking
二级市场 secondary market
二进宫 "to enter the palace a second time (people with a past criminal record again commits a crime, and is convicted and put into a correctional institution)"
粉领族 "pink-collar tribe (Women who play major role in certain professions such as office workers, secretaries, models, airline hostesses, etc)"
放行单 release permit
放下架子 to relinguish haughty airs; to get off one's high horse; throw off one's airs
放高球 lob
锋利扣杀 razor-sharp smash
分流 reposition of redundant personnel
分税制 system of tax distribution
分业经营 divided operation/ management
分期付款 installment payment
扶贫 poverty alleviation
扶贫办公室 Poverty Relief Office
分拆上市 A subsidiary company of a corporation is listed on the stock market.
发烧友 fancier; zealot; enthusiastic fan
发展是硬道理 Development is of overriding importance. / Development is the absolute need.
发展不平衡 disparate development
发案率 incidence (of criminal cases)
法律硕士 juris master (jm)
法人股 corporate shares
法治国家 a country under the rule of law
法制国家 a state with an adequate legal system
翻两番 quadruple / 反倾销措施 anti-dumping measures against …
反败为胜 "bring about a complete turnabout, pull out of the fire"
反不正当竞争法 Law of the People's Republic of China Against Competition by Inappropriate Means
反弹道导弹条约 Anti-ballistic Missile Treaty (ABM)
反腐倡廉 combat corruption and build a clean government
房权证 property right certificate
房产证 property ownership certificate
房产估价师 real estate evaluator
房管 real estate management
浮动工资 floating wages; fluctuating wages
福利彩票 welfare lotteries
福利分房 welfare-oriented public housing distribution system
覆盖率 coverage rate
复式住宅 duplex apartment; compound apartment (a type of residential housing that maximizes usable space by increasing the number of the storey building)
复合型人才 inter-disciplinary talent
附加意外险 supplemental accident insurance
个人演唱会 solo concert
(公路)隔离带 median
(精通电脑和网络的)高手 geek/ 皈依三宝 become a Buddhist
《国际先驱论坛报》 International Herald Tribune
感谢款待的信 a bread and butter letter (a letter sent as thanks for being treated well as someone's guest)
感到不妙 I smell a rat.
干细胞 stem cell
干部队伍革命化、年轻化、知识化、专业化 " make the ranks of cadres more revolutionary, younger in average age, better educated and professionally more competent "
格列佛游记 Gulliver's Travels
港人治港 Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong
港务局 port office; harbor authority
岗位培训 on-the-job training
港澳台 Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan
根本政治制度 fundamental political system
跟踪审计 follow-up auditing
更快、更高、更强 Citius, Altius, Fortius
改制上市 An enterprise is re-organized according to modern corporate system so that it will get listed on the stock market.
个人收入应税申报制度 the system of the declaration of individual incomes for tax payment
个人所得税 personal income tax
个人自扫门前雪, 莫管他人瓦上霜 hoe one's own potatoes
个体工商户 privately or individually-owned business
高清晰度 high definition
高新技术产业开发区 high and new technology industrial development zone
高手 master hand, expert
高原反应,高山反应 altitude stress; altitude sickness
高难度动作 stunner, stunt
高层次、全方位的对话 high-level and all-directional dialogue
高产优质 high yield and high quality
高等教育自学考试 self-study higher education examination
高度自治 high degree of autonomy
高峰 peak time
高峰论坛 summit (forum)
高杠杆交易机构 highly-leveraged institutions(HLI)
高官会 Senior Officials Meeting (SOM)
高架公路 elevated highway; overhead road
高级商务师 Certified Business Executive
高科技板块 high-tech sector
高考 (university) entrance examination
各大菜系 major styles of cooking
各就位 " ""On your marks!"""
各尽所能 let each person do his best; from each according to his ability
光通讯 photo-communication; optical communication
广域网 wide area network (WAN)
光盘杂志 CD-ROM magazine
广播电视大学 radio and television university
广告电话直销 direct response advertising
光谷 optical valley
光机电一体化 "optical, mechanical and electronic integration"
骨干企业 key enterprise
股市行情 the ups and downs of the stock market
股票期权 the stock option
股本 share capital
股本回报率 return on equity
股本金 equity capital
股份有限公司 limited liability company
股份制 shareholding system; joint-stock system
归国留学生 returned students
归口管理 put under centralized management by specialized departments
固定电话初装费 installation fees for fixed-line telephones