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一天一杯酒 活过九十九

发表于 2008-4-7 15:21:25 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

  A drink a day for a longer life: study

  LONDON (Reuters) — Drinking is healthy, exercise is healthy, and doing a little of both is even healthier, Danish researchers reported.

  People who neither drink nor exercise have a 30 to 49 percent higher risk of heart disease than people who do one or both of the activities, the researchers said in the European Heart Journal.

  “The main finding is there seems to be an additional beneficial effect of drinking one to two drinks per day and doing at least moderate physical activity,” said Mortem Grosbeak of the University of Southern Denmark, who led the study.

  Several major studies have found that light to moderate drinking — up to two drinks a day on a regular basis — is associated with a lower risk of heart disease, and some have also found this leads to a lower risk of some cancers.

  But the Danish study, one of the largest of its kind to examine the combined effect of drinking and exercise, found there were additional protective effects gained from doing both.

  The researchers collected information on the drinking and exercise habits of nearly 12,000 men and women aged 20 years or older between 1981 and 1983.

  Over the next 20 years, some 1,200 of the participants died from heart disease and about 5,900 died from other causes.

  Non-drinkers had a 30 percent to 31 percent higher risk of heart disease compared to moderate drinkers, no matter the amount of physical activity they undertook. Moderate consumption was defined as between 1 to 14 drinks per week.

  But teetotalers who exercised at least moderately were able to reduce their risk of heart disease, an important finding for people who abstain because of religious beliefs or other health issues such as pregnancy, the researchers said.

  People who had the lowest risk of dying from any cause were physically active, moderate drinkers while those at highest risk were the physically inactive, heavy drinkers, the study found.



  “主要的研究结果是,每天饮一两杯 酒并且至少进行适度体育活动似乎具有额外的益处,”该研究的带头人、南丹麦大学的莫滕•格龙贝克说。

  几项主要研究发现,少量至适度饮酒,即经 常性地每天饮酒达两杯  ,与心脏病患病风险较低有关,有些研究也发现这一习惯会降低患某些癌症的风险。



  在接下来的20年间,大约1200名调查对象死于心脏病,约5900名死于其他 原因。

  不论从事体育活动量大小如何,不饮酒者比适度饮酒者患心脏病的风险高30%至31%。适度饮酒,即每周饮酒1至14杯 。


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