No. It’s a simple word, but it can be so difficult to say. Whether it’s a favor asked by a friend, or a request from a colleague, many people will say “yes” because they hate to let others down and saying “no” makes them feel uncomfortable.
According to an article in The Wall Street Journal, people will even agree to unethical requests rather than risk the discomfort of saying no. In a recent study published in the journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, researchers recruited 25 college students and had them ask 108 strangers to vandalize a library book by writing a word in ink on one of the pages. While many of the strangers pointed out it was the wrong thing to do, or asked the students to take responsibility for any repercussions, half of the strangers agreed to deface the book — much more than the average of 29 percent that the students predicted. “One of our most fundamental needs is for social connection and a feeling that we belong” Vanessa Bohns, who led the study, told The Wall Street Journal. “Saying ‘no’ feels threatening to our relationships.”