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发表于 2011-4-12 17:01:44 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
   --- 新月空中英语
Learning is a skill and it can be improved.
一、Your path to learning effectively is through knowing: 要找到有效的学习途径,你首先要了解:
    1. yourself 了解你自己
    2. your capacity to learn 了解你学习的潜力
    3. processes you have successfully used in the past 了解你曾有过的、成功的学习经历
    4. your interest, and knowledge of what you wish to learn 了解你的兴趣以及想要学习的知识
二、Motivate yourself 自我激励
If you are not motivated to learn English you will become frustrated and give up. Ask yourself the following questions, and be honest:-
    1. Why do you need to learn/improve English? 你有必要学习或提高你的英语水平吗?
    2. Where will you need to use English? 日常生活中你会用到英语吗?
    3. What skills do you need to learn/improve? (Reading/Writing/Listening/Speaking) 你想学习或提高哪一部分技能哪?(比如:读、说、听、写)
    4. How soon do you need to see results? 你想在多长时间内达到预期效果哪?
    5. How much time can you afford to devote to learning English. 在英语学习上你会花费多长时间哪?
    6. How much money can you afford to devote to learning English. 在学习英语上你打算花多少钱哪?
    7. Do you have a plan or learning strategy? 你有制定学习计划或策略吗?
三、Set yourself achievable goals. 给自己定立一个切实可行的学习目标。
You know how much time you can dedicate to learning English, but a short time each day will produce better, longer-term results than a full day on the weekend and then nothing for two weeks.
Joining a short intensive course could produce better results than joining a course that takes place once a week for six months.
四、Here are some goals you could set yourself:-下面是一些可以为自己制定的学习目标:
    1. Join an English course (and attend regularly). 参加一个英语培训班(并坚持下来)。
    2. Do your homework. 按时做家庭作业。
    3. Read a book a month. 每月读一本书。
    4. Learn a new word every day. 每天学一个新词。
    5. Visit an English speaking forum every day. 每天访问口语论坛。
    6. Read a news article on the net every day. 每天在网上阅读新闻。
    7. Do 10 minutes listening practice every day. 每天做10分钟听力练习。
    8. Watch an English film at least once a month. 最少每月看一部英文电影。
    9. Follow a soap, comedy or radio or TV drama. 坚持听广播或电视上的肥皂剧、喜剧戏剧等。
A good way to meet your goals is to establish a system of rewards and punishments.
Decide on a reward you will give yourself for fulfilling your goals for a month.
    1. A bottle of your favourite drink 一瓶喜欢的饮料
    2. A meal out / or a nice meal at home 到外面或在家里大吃一顿
    3. A new outfit 给自己添加一个新玩意
    4. A manicure or massage 去外面修修指甲或按按摩
五、Understanding how you learn best may also help you. 了解使用什么样的方法会使自己学习的更有效。
There are different ways to learn. Find out what kind of learner you are in order to better understand how to learn more effectively...
1.The visual learner 视觉型(的判断方法)
    Do you need to see your teacher during lessons in order to fully understand the content of a lesson?
    Do you prefer to sit at the front of the classroom to avoid visual obstructions (e.g. people's heads)?
    Do you think in pictures and learn best from visual displays including: diagrams, illustrated text books, overhead transparencies, videos, flipcharts and hand-outs?  
    During a lecture or classroom discussion, do you prefer to take detailed notes to absorb the information?
【学习提示】 !Learning Tip - you may benefit from taking part in traditional English lessons, but maybe private lessons would be better.
2.The auditory learner 听觉型(判断方法)
    Do you learn best through verbal lectures, discussions, talking things through and listening to what others have to say?
    Do you interpret the underlying meanings of speech through listening to tone of voice, pitch, speed and other nuances?
    Does written information have little meaning until you hear it?
【学习提示】 !Learning Tip - you may benefit from listening to the radio or listening to text as you read it. You could try reading text aloud and using a tape recorder to play it back to yourself.
3.The Tactile/Kinesthetic learner 触觉/动觉型(判断方法)
    Do you learn best through a hands-on approach, actively exploring the physical world around you?
    Do you find it hard to sit still for long periods?
    Do you become distracted easily?
【学习提示】 !Learning Tip - you may benefit from taking an active part in role plays or drama activities.
六、Here's How: 13条英语学习的座右铭:
1.Remember that learning a language is a gradual process - it does not happen overnight.
2.Define your learning objectives early: What do you want to learn and why?
3.Make learning a habit. Try to learn something every day. It is much better to study (or read, or listen to English news, etc.) 10 minutes each day than to study for 2 hours once a week.
4.Remember to make learning a habit! If you study each day for 10 minutes English will be constantly in your head. If you study once a week, English will not be as present in your mind.
5.Choose your materials well. You will need reading, grammar, writing, speaking and listening materials.
6.Vary your learning routine. It is best to do different things each day to help keep the various relationships between each area active. In other words, don't just study grammar.
7.Find friends to study and speak with. Learning English together can be very encouraging.
8.Choose listening and reading materials that relate to what you are interested in. Being interested in the subject will make learning more enjoyable - thus more effective.
9.Relate grammar to practical usage. Grammar by itself does not help you USE the language. You should practice what you are learning by employing it actively.
10.Move your mouth! Understanding something doesn't mean the muscles of your mouth can produce the sounds. Practice speaking what you are learning aloud. It may seem strange, but it is very effective.
11.Be patient with yourself. Remember learning is a process - speaking a language well takes time. It is not a computer that is either on or off!
12.Communicate! There is nothing like communicating in English and being successful. Grammar exercises are good - having your friend on the other side of the world understand your email is fantastic!
13.Use the Internet. The Internet is the most exciting, unlimited English resource that anyone could imagine and it is right at your finger tips.
【学习提示】 Tips: Remember that English learning is a Process. Be patient with yourself. Practice, practice, practice。
发表于 2014-1-13 10:15:17 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-8-5 12:31:41 | 只看该作者
Joanna-shi : 经验很丰富,非常有耐心。elle 老师,谢谢你!
发表于 2013-7-22 16:48:26 | 只看该作者
angellover : helen上课真的很棒, 不是照本宣科!遇到关键点都会复习之前的知识点!上课结合旧版教材,足见备课下足了功夫!
发表于 2013-7-15 13:59:09 | 只看该作者
xiaoyanqian : 很喜欢上老师的课,很活跃气氛很好,希望剩余的几堂课还能上到老师你的课。
发表于 2013-7-8 13:49:18 | 只看该作者
382454137@qq.com : linda是很好的老师,讲解清楚,声音甜美,很有耐心,我喜欢。
发表于 2013-7-8 13:30:05 | 只看该作者
yanglei996666 : 老师的课讲得很有吸引力,循序渐进的能力很强,让我们有兴趣一直坚持下来,谢谢
发表于 2013-7-1 10:24:13 | 只看该作者
Ruby_Qin : Easy讲课特别仔细!解决了我多年一直不懂的知识点!!Thank you so much~
发表于 2013-6-24 12:52:38 | 只看该作者
juliet-zhou : 在快乐中学习,在学习中成长,这才是最好的课堂!
发表于 2013-6-17 12:32:07 | 只看该作者
ellen-chu : james老师的课让我们上的很有乐趣,希望可以由他来带语法课
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