When you answer the phone, announce your name in an enthusiastic way and, throughout the interview, sound interested and energetic. Be succinct, give short answers and don’t go on and on in a long winded fashion. Likewise don’t swear or use colloquialisms or jargon; you might be tempted to, in order to seem cool or fashionable, but don’t! It would be a good idea to have glass of water nearby, in case your throat gets dry, but don’t smoke, eat or chew gum. Speak slowly and clearly and take your time. Use the person’s title, Mr. or Mrs. and their last name, regularly throughout the conversation. Also, use the company’s name from time to time but don’t address the interviewer by his or her first name unless asked to. Smile! This will change the tone of your voice and project a positive image to the listener.
接电话过程中,回答自己名字的时候要热情活力,面试中,要始终听起来对工作报以最大兴趣,且精力充沛。回答问题的时候要简明扼要,不要使用句式繁杂的长句。不要使用宣誓,方言,或行话,即使听起来让人感觉你很酷很时尚,也别这么说。面试时候,可以在旁边放杯水,口渴时候润润喉,不要吸烟,吃东西或嚼口香糖。调整语速,吐词清楚。使用某某先生或女士等称谓,时不时在对话中以此称呼对方,也可以数次提及公司的名字,不过不要去姓留名的称呼对方,除非对方提出你可以。保持微笑!微笑会改变你的声音,会给面试官留下你积极乐观的印象。 |