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发表于 2011-4-12 16:52:13 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
【名称】 Regulations for the Implementation of the Law of t
he People's Re-public of China on Import and Export Commodity I

  【题注】 (Approved by the State Council on October 7, 1992
Promulgated bythe State Administration of Import and Export
Commodity Inspection onOctober 23, 1992)

  【章名】 Whole Doc.

  【章名】 Chapter 1 General ProvisionsArticle 1

  These Regulations are formulated in the light of the Law
of thePeople's Republic of China on Import and Export Commodi
ty Inspection(hereinafter referred to as the Law of Commodity In
spection).Article 2

  The State Administration of Import and Export Commodity Insp
ection ofthe People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred
to as the StateAdministration of Commodity Inspection) s
hall be in charge of theinspection work of import and exp
ort commodities across the country.Article 3

  The import and export commodity inspection bureaus and their
branches(hereinafter referred to as the commodity inspection au
thorities) set upby the State Administration of Commodity In
spection in the provinces,autonomous regions and municipal
ities directly under the CentralGovernment, as well as at
ports and concentrating and distribution centersof import and e
xport commodities in the regions under their jurisdiction.The c
ommodity inspection authorities are held responsible for inspe
ctionand surveying of the import and export commodities, admi
nistration andsupervision over the quality and inspection work
of import and exportcommodities.Article 4

  In the light of the need in the development of foreign tr
ade, theState Administration of Commodity Inspection shall work
out, adjust andpublish a "List of Import and Export Commodi
ties Subject to CompulsoryInspection Enforced by the Commodit
y Inspection Authorities" (hereinafterreferred to as the List
of Commodities) for those commodities whichinvolve public
interest.Article 5

  The compulsory inspection on imports and exports by the
commodityinspection authorities or inspections agencies designa
ted by the StateAdministration of Commodity Inspection or com
modity inspection authoritiescovers:

  (1) inspection of import and export commodities included in
the Listof Commodities;

  (2) sanitary inspection on the foods for export;

  (3) testing and inspection on the performance and employment
of thepackages a nd containers for the outbound dangerous goo

  (4) suitability inspection on the vessels' holds, contai
ners andother means of transportation for carrying the outbound
perishable foodsand frozen goods;

  (5) inspection of imports and exports to be conducted
by thecommodity inspection authorities according to rele
vant internationaltreaties; and

  (6) inspection of imports and exports to be carried out
by thecommodity inspection authorities as stipulated in
other laws andadministrative rules and regulations.Article

  Sanitary inspection of imported and exported medicine, calib
ration ofweighing and measuring instruments, supervision and
inspection on thesafety of imported and exported boilers and p
ressure vessels, survey ofthe ships (including offshore platf
orm, main equipment and materials forthe ships) and containers
in the light of relevant rules and regulations,inspection on f
light safety and fitness of the aeroplanes (including theplane
's engine and equipment) and safety inspection on nuclear equi
pmentare to be undertaken by other inspection organizations acc
ording to theprovisions of relevant laws and administrative
rules and regulations.Article 7

  The commodity inspection authorities may conduct random insp
ection ofand exercise supervision and control over the im
port and exportcommodities other than those subject to compu
lsory inspection. With regardto the import and export commo
dities other than those subject tocompulsory inspection for
which the commodity inspection authorities shallissue inspectio
n certificates as provided for in the foreign tradecontr
act or as applied for by the receivers and consignors of
thecommodities, the commodity inspection authorities sh
all undertakeinspection accordingly.Article 8

  Samples of imports and exports, gifts, non- trade exhibits a
nd othernon-trade goods may be exempted from inspection,
unless otherwisestipulated by the State or specified in the f
oreign trade contract.

  Those import and export commodity inspection authorities, o
r havingbeen certified with regard to their quality by relevant
foreign agenciesaccredited by the State Administration of C
ommodity Inspection may beexempted from inspection upon appli
cation by the receivers, consignors ormanufacturers of the good
s and subject to the approval of the StateAdministration
of Commodity Inspection.
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