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发表于 2007-7-29 21:01:01 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
文件名称File name/
喷砂产品检验规范Sand-blasting products inspection code
文件编号File serial number W-QA0808
第A版 Ath edition
第00次修订 00th proof
页次 page
共1页 第1页 Total one page/the First page
发行日期Date of Issue /2005-11-26
1.0 目的Objective:
Checkup of the processing quality of the exporting sand-blasting products when they are taken back in order to better control their quality.
2.0 管制范围:本公司所有外发喷砂的产品
Controlling range: All the exporting sand-blasting products produced in this company
3.0 定义Defination:无None
4.0 权责:Responsibility
4.1 生管课Production Control Section:负责对喷砂产品的外发点收(包括
数量、包装等); Responsible for checking of the exporting sand-blasting products (including the quantity and package)
回收时 通知IQC做来料检验。When they are taken back, Production Control Section should call the IQC to check the materials.
4.2 采购课Purchase section:负责与协力厂商的沟通,品质信息的反馈等. Responsible for communication with manufacturers and feedback of quality information.
4.3 品管课QC Section:负责对喷砂之产品回收时时的抽样检验,并记录检验结果. Responsible for sampling inspection of the exporting sand-blasting products taken back and recording the inspection results.
5.0 检验规范 Inspection code:
检验项目Inspection items /依据 Standards /方法Methods/工具Tools /判定标准 Determining standard
外观 Appearance /形状Shape /样品图纸Sample drawing 目视Eye-viewing /45W日光灯Daylight lamp光源 Lamp-house 无扭曲、变形 No distortion and disformation
颜色 无明显色差 Color: no remarkable chromatism.
划痕 无明显划痕印 Nick: no remarkable nick marking
光泽 符合样品标准 Luster: according with sampling standard.
喷砂均匀度 无厚薄不均现象Sand-blasting uniformity: no odds in thickenss.
结构Structure 尺寸Size 图纸 Drawing 测量Measurement 卡尺Callipers、千分尺 Micrometer 符合图纸要求 In accordance with the drawing demand
特性Characteristics /开口测试 Hatching measurement /图纸要求 Drawing requirement /按图纸要求展开的宽度,在直尺上取一定的长度,展开到要求的宽度后,自然回弹/直尺/展开后的宽度减去展开前的宽度,极差满足要求。Take a given length on the ruler according to the expansion width of the drawing requirement, and then expand it, naturally spring back/ruler/ the expanded width detract original width, the range should meet the requirement.
酒精测试Alcohol measurement: 以棉花浸酒精后,施加1kg力于产品表面来回50次/棉花酒精1kg重物/无掉砂 A cotton wick dipped in alcohol should have been forced 1 kg to the surface of the product for 50 times/ cotton and alcohol, 1kg clog/ No fallen sand granular
附着力(表面)Adhesion strength (surface) / 600#3M胶纸,
600#3M gluing clanged tightly on the surface of the product should have been pulled up in an angel of 45°for 3 times / 3 M Gluing/ No sand fallen
包装(出货)Package (shipment)/标识 Mark /客户要求Client demand 目视Eye-view /符合客户要求 In accordance with the clients’ demand
放置方式 Setting methods /层叠或平放 cascade or horizontal placing /胶袋、纸箱Gluing bags, Paper boxes/无错乱 No disorder
封箱 Box-sealing /“工”字形封箱 “H” -type sealing /符合“工”字形要求 In accordance with the “H” –type requirement
制定:Establishment 审核:Auditing
1.0 目的:
2.0 管制范围:
3.0 定义: 无
4.0 权责: 4.1 生管课:负责对喷砂产品的外发点收(包括数量、包装等);
回收时 通知IQC做来料检验。
4.2 采购课:负责与协力厂商的沟通,品质信息的反馈等。
4.3 品管课:负责对喷砂之产品回收时时的抽样检验,并记录检验结果.
5.0 检验规范:
检验项目 /依据/方法/工具/判定标准
外观/形状 /样品图纸 目视/45W日光灯光源 无扭曲、变形
颜色 无明显色差
划痕 无明显划痕印
光泽 符合样品标准
喷砂均匀度 无厚薄不均现象
结构 尺寸 图纸 测量 卡尺、千分尺 符合图纸要求
酒精测试 /以棉花浸酒精后,施加1kg力于产品表面来回50次/棉花酒精1kg重物/无掉砂
包装(出货)/标识 /客户要求 目视/符合客户要求
放置方式 /层叠或平放/胶袋、纸箱/无错乱
制定: 审核:
Document name/ spray the sand product examination serial number/W-QA0808 of the norm/document/ A version/the 00th-time emendation
Page number/total one page page 1/date/2005-11-26 of issue
1.0 Purpose:
Make the outside hair spray the product of sand, while taking back it processes the quality of craft to be authenticated to reach more
Control an outside hair product the purpose of the quality so much.
2.0 Control scope:
All outside hairs of our company spray the product of sand
3.0 Definition: Have no
4.0 Power: 4.1 Production control lesson:Be responsible for to spray a sand product of the outside hair order to accept;(include an amount, pack...etc.)
The notice IQC does to anticipate an examination while recovering.
4.2 Buy lesson:Be responsible for and join force the manufacturer's communication, feedback etc. of[with] quality information.
4.3 Quality control section:Be responsible for to the product recovery which sprays sand always of sampling examination, and record an examination a result.
5.0 Examine norm:
Examine item/basis/method/tool/judge standard
The external appearance/shape/sample diagram paper eyes see/the 45 W fluorescent lamp light source have no distortion and transform
The color has no obvious color to differ
Rowing the has no to row to print obviously
The sheen matches sample standard
Spraying the sand even degree has no degree of thickness not and all phenomenon
The structure size diagram paper measures a card Chinese foot, thousand cent the Chinese foot match diagram paper a request
Characteristic/openings test/the diagram paper request/press diagram paper a request to launch of width, take certain length in keeping a Chinese foot, launch to the back of the width of[with] request, the nature returns to play/keep a Chinese foot/exhibition
回答者:紫络蓝心 - 助理 三级 8-11 21:01
1.0 Purpose:
Make the outside hair spray the product of sand, while taking back it processes the quality of craft to be authenticated to reach more
Control an outside hair product the purpose of the quality so much.
2.0 Control scope:
All outside hairs of our company spray the product of sand
3.0 Definition: Have no
4.0 Power: 4.1 Production control lesson:Be responsible for to spray a sand product of the outside hair order to accept;(include an amount, pack...etc.)
The notice IQC does to anticipate an examination while recovering.
4.2 Buy lesson:Be responsible for and join force the manufacturer's communication, feedback etc. of[with] quality information.
4.3 Quality control section:Be responsible for to the product recovery which sprays sand always of sampling examination, and record an examination a result.
5.0 Examine norm:
Examine item/basis/method/tool/judge standard
The external appearance/shape/sample diagram paper eyes see/the 45 W fluorescent lamp light source have no distortion and transform
The color has no obvious color to differ
Rowing the 痕 has no to row 痕 to print obviously
The sheen matches sample standard
Spraying the sand even degree has no degree of thickness not and all phenomenon
The structure size diagram paper measures a card Chinese foot, thousand cent the Chinese foot match diagram paper a request
Characteristic/openings test/the diagram paper request/press diagram paper a request to launch of width, take certain length in keeping a Chinese foot, launch a request of width after, the nature returns to play/keep a Chinese foot/the width after launching subtract width of launching the front, differing a contented request very much.
Alcohol test/exert a 1 kg dint after immersing the alcohol by cotton in the product surface return 50 times/the cotton alcohol 1 kg heavy thing/DO not drop sand
1.0 目的:
2.0 管制范围:
3.0 定义: 无
4.0 权责: 4.1 生管课:负责对喷砂产品的外发点收(包括数量、包装等);
回收时 通知IQC做来料检验。
4.2 采购课:负责与协力厂商的沟通,品质信息的反馈等。
4.3 品管课:负责对喷砂之产品回收时时的抽样检验,并记录检验结果.
5.0 检验规范:
检验项目 /依据/方法/工具/判定标准
外观/形状 /样品图纸 目视/45W日光灯光源 无扭曲、变形
颜色 无明显色差
划痕 无明显划痕印
光泽 符合样品标准
喷砂均匀度 无厚薄不均现象
结构 尺寸 图纸 测量 卡尺、千分尺 符合图纸要求
酒精测试 /以棉花浸酒精后,施加1kg力于产品表面来回50次/棉花酒精1kg重物/无掉砂
包装(出货)/标识 /客户要求 目视/符合客户要求
放置方式 /层叠或平放/胶袋、纸箱/无错乱
发表于 2007-7-30 09:07:48 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-8-7 16:52:58 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-8-8 10:25:15 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-8-9 12:59:58 | 只看该作者

发表于 2008-6-1 00:46:17 | 只看该作者
good job...
发表于 2008-6-11 13:35:32 | 只看该作者
thank you for your great help
发表于 2008-7-11 15:04:54 | 只看该作者
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