If you are going on a journey,see that you take with you all that you may need.
It is about 20 hours’journey by train from Beijing to Shanghai. 从北京到上海坐火车大约需要20小时。
He has just returned from his travel. 他刚刚旅行归来。
They made a number of Japanese friends during their travel. 他们在旅行时结识了许多日本朋友。
The nature of my work requires me to make daily trips to the city. 我的工作性质要求我每天进城。
We took a trip to the Summer Palace. 我们到颐和园玩了一次。
He will make a round-the-world trip. 他将周游世界。
He went on a tour round the world. 他周游了世界。
The inspection team is now making a tour of some factories. 检查团正在巡回视察几家工厂。
I’m going on a shopping tour. There are lots of things I must get before I leave for the country. 我要出去逛一下商场,在下乡前有许多东西得买好。
Did you get seasick during the voyage? 你在坐船时晕船了吗?
The day is coming when man takes voyage to the moon. 人类去月球航行的日子即将来临。
They want to make a walking excursion next week. 他们下星期要做一次徒步旅行。
Are you going on the weekend excursion to the Western Hills? 周末西山游你去不去?
He was sent on an expedition to the North Pole. 他被派往北极探险。
Many important scientific discoveries were made during ourrecent geological expeditions. 我们探险队在最近的地质勘查期间有许多重要的科学发现。
八、pilgrimage原义是指到宗教圣地或其它类似地点去“朝圣” ,可用于借喻义中。例如:
He has been asked to join the Moslem delegation which is shortly going on a pilgrimage to Mecca. 他被邀请参加一个不久要去麦加朝圣的穆斯林代表团。
I have long dreamt about a pilgrimage to Yan’an,the cradle of the Chinese revolution. 我长久以来就梦想着要到中国革命的发祥地延安去观光。
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