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发表于 2008-12-3 09:28:12 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
电缆及设备安装程序 PACE(program for arrangement of cables and equipment)
千伏安 KvA(Kilovolt-ampere)
用浮筒把电缆拉上海岸 to float a cable ashore
浅海电缆、岸边电缆 shallow water cable
浅海电缆、岸边电缆 shallow-water cable
三聚氰胺石棉塑料 asbestos filled melamine plastics
磺胺类药物 sulfa
磺胺类药 sulfa drug
直焊性聚酰亚胺漆包铜圆线 solderable polyesterimide enamelled round copper wire
聚酰胺 polyamide
聚酰胺漆包线 polyamide enamelled wire
聚酰胺-(酰)亚胺 polyamide-imide
聚酰胺-(酰)亚胺漆包铜圆线 polyamide-imide enamelled round copper wire
聚酰胺-酰亚胺漆包线 polyamide-imide enamelled wire
聚酰胺-酰亚胺浸渍漆 polyamide-imide impregnating varnish
聚酰胺纤维 polyanide fiber
聚酰亚胺 polyesterimide
聚酰亚胺漆包铜扁线 polyesterimide enamelled rectangular copper wire
聚酰亚胺漆包铝圆线 polyesterimide enamelled round aluminium wire
聚酰亚胺/聚酰胺复合漆包铝圆线 polyesterimide enamelled round aluminium wire overcoated with polyamide
聚酰亚胺漆包铜圆线 polyesterimide enamelled round copper wire
聚酰亚胺/聚酰胺复合漆包铜圆线 polyesterimide enamelled round copper wire overcoated with polyamide
聚酰亚胺漆包线 polyesterimide enamelled wire
聚酰亚胺/聚酰胺复合漆包铝圆线 polyesterimide overcoated with polyamide-imide enamelled round aluminium wire
聚酰亚胺/聚酰胺复合漆包铜圆线 polyesterimide overcoated with polyamide-imide enamelled round coper wire
聚酰亚胺涂层光纤 polyimide coated optical fiber
聚酰亚胺漆包铜扁线 polyimide enamelled rectangular copper wire
聚酰亚胺漆包铜圆线 polyimide enamelled round copper wire
聚酰亚胺漆包线 polyimide enamelled wire
聚酰亚胺薄膜 polyimide film
尼龙、酰胺纤维 nylon
金属包层芳族聚酰胺纤维 metal-clad aramid fiber
环已酰亚胺 cycloheximide
抗组织胺 antihistamine
聚酰胺 PA(polyamide)
聚酰亚胺 PI(polyimide)
二基乙酰胺 DMA(dimethyl acetamide)
地表凹陷、地面下沉 subsidence of ground
凹口试杆冲击试验 notched bar impact test
有凹槽的 fluted
凹陷半径 dip radius
凹状梯度折射率光纤、凹形渐变折射率光纤 dipped graded-index fiber
牙、槽、凹陷 dent
凹陷型包复 depressed clad
深凹陷内包层光纤 depressed cladding fiber
凹陷深度 depth of pip
 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-3 09:28:28 | 只看该作者
粉末涂敷 powder coating
流化床涂敷 fluidized bed coating
十八盘两段卧式绞线成缆机 18-bobbin 2-cage horizontal wire stranding and laying-up machine
十八盘绞笼 18- bobbin bay
模湿式拉丝机、八模湿拉机 wet drawing machine with 8 dies
星绞八芯软电缆 spiral-eight cable
扭绞八芯电缆、对绞四线组电缆、双四线组电缆 quad pair cable
八芯光纤连接器 eight-ways optical fiber connector
摆杆式拉线机 dancer arm drawing machine
摆杆 dancer rocker arm
并列摆动分线板 coordinated oscillating face plate
柱式荡轮、柱式荡轮式储线器、舞摆[动盘]式储线器 column-type dancer accumulator
在...支配或摆布下 at the mercy of
半导电膨胀阻水层 semi-conducting moisture swelling layer
半导体釉 semmiconducting glaze
半导电漆 semiconductive varnish
半年、学期、半学年 semester
半空气绝缘电缆 semi-air space cable
半退火铝导体 semi-annealed aluminium conductor
半自动电缆绝缘剥除机 semi-automatic cable de-insulating machine
半自动电缆测量装置 semi-automatic cable measuring system
半自动收线装置 semi-automatic take-up
半自动双盘收线装置 semi-automatic twin take-up
半导电的、半导体的 semi-conducting
半导体丁基橡胶带 semi-conducting butyl tape
半导体混合物 semi-conducting compound
半导体护套 semi-conducting jacket
半导电层、半导体层 semi-conducting layer
半导体尼龙 semi-conducting nylon tape
半导体橡胶 semi-conducting rubber
半导体屏蔽 semi-conducting screen
半导体带 semi-conducting tape
半导体漆 semi-conducting varnish
半导电的、半导体的 semi-conductive
半导体混合物 semi-conductive compound
半导电线芯 semi-conductive core
半导体层、半电导电层 semi-conductive layer
半导体屏蔽、半导电屏蔽 semi-conductive screen
半导体 semi-conductor
半导体层、半电导电层 semi-conductor layer
半连续铸锭机 semi-continuous casting machine
半连续铸锭 semi-continuous ingot casting
半硫化 semi-cure
半成品 semi-cylindrical conductor
半圆形导体 semi-finished product
半硬铝线 semi-rigid aluminium wire
半硬同轴电缆 semi-rigid coaxial cable
半塞止式接头盒 semi-stop joint
半切线式纸包头[绕包头] semi-tangential lapper
半切线式纸包头[绕包头] semi-tangential lapping head
半圆、半圆形体 semicircle
半圆形导体 semicircular conductor
 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-3 09:28:43 | 只看该作者
半导体 semicon
半导体材料挤出机 semicon extruder
半导电绝缘屏蔽 semicon-insulation
半导体交联聚乙烯 semiconducting crosslinked polyethylene
半导体材料 semiconducting material
半导体纸、半导电纸 semiconducting paper
半导电层、半导体层 semiconductive layer
半导体纸、半导电纸 semiconductive paper
半导体 semiconductor
半导体材料 semiconductor material
半硬铝线 semihard-drawn aluminium .
半盲的、愚笨的 purblind
半[准]导体 semi(quasi)-conductor
半径损耗 radii loss
辐射光线、半径范围 radius
中间[半成品]线材、非银亮线材 process wire
外部曲率半径 outer curvature radius
外半导电层 outer semi-conducting layer
纤芯半径失配损耗 mismatch-off-core-radii loss
电缆转弯的曲率半径与电缆平均直径、节径比、节距比 lay ratio
内半径电层 inner semi-conducting layer
中间[半成品、过程]线材 intermediate wire
半双工 half duplex
半扭绞结构 half twist structure
半硬铝线 half-hard aluminium wire
半硬铜线 half-hard copper wire
动物)半冬眠 half-hibernate
半圆黄铜带 half-round brass strip
半波导线 half-wave conductor
半球、范围 hemisphere
(扇形线芯的)弯曲半径、棱角半径 edge radius
二分法、两半 dichotomy
临界半径 critical radius
线芯半径 core radius
扇形线芯的)棱角半径、弯边半径 corner radius
弯曲半径 bending radius
允许弯曲半径 allowable bending radius
铜芯或铝芯半导体屏蔽聚乙烯绝缘聚氯乙烯护套电缆 Lyonithene cable
金属氧化物半导体 MOS(metal-oxide semiconductor)
最小弯曲半径 Min.bending radius
作用半径 R/A(radius of action)
电平(全)带宽、半最大值处(全)带宽 FWHM(full width at half maximum)
无纬绑扎带 unidrectional binding tape
紧绑 swathe
绑结、绑扎、扎结 stiching
圈线压紧绑扎机 rod coil compacting-tying machine
捆、扎、绑、连接 lace
场控金属线绑扎 field-controlling wire binding
场控金属线绑扎 filed-controlling wire binding
电缆绑结 cable stitching
捆绑、包扎、装钉 bind
绑扎 binder tape
捆绑(物) binding
绑轧绳、捆绑绳 binding yarn
包装 packaging
包封 encapsulating
灌注 potting
密度 Density
 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-3 09:28:58 | 只看该作者
十六锭高速编织机 16-carrier high-speed braiding machine
双面双层十六头纱包机 16-head double-side douoble-rosette cotton covering machine)
漆包 enamelling
立式四头包带机 4-head vertical tape lapping machine
盘纸包机 412-sheet paper lapping machine
绕包带 taping
金属焊丝惰性气体保护焊 MIG(Metal-Inert Gas) welding
聚酯漆包线漆 polyester wire enamel
包封胶 埋封胶 encapsulating compound embadding compound
漆包线漆 wire enamel
成圈机)包扎机 wire coil wrapping machine
线(材)绕包 wire covering
线材绕包机 wire covering machine
漆包线漆 wire enamel
单纱包线 wire insulated with single cotton yarn sewings
材线包装 wire packaging
铅包钢丝铠装、铅(护)套加钢丝铠装 wire-reinforced lead sheath
绕包、缠绕、电缆填充物 wormings
披肩 wrap
绕包屏蔽 wrapped screen
绕包机 wrapper
包装材料 wrapping
绕包方向 wrapping direction
绕包机 wrapping machine
钢带绕包 wrapping of steel tape
绕包车间 wrapping workshop
纱包头 yarn covering head
纱包机 yarn wrapping machine
纱包头 yarn-spinning head
立式笼型包带机、立式笼型绕[纸]包机 vertical cage lapper
立式笼型包带机、立式笼型绕[纸]包机 vertical cage type lapping machine
立式漆包炉 vertical enamelling oven
立式绕[纸]包机、立式包带机 vertical lapping machine
立式包带机 vertical taping machine
涂蜡纱包线 waxed cotton covered wire
双层编包风雨线 weatherproof double braid
无包层光纤 unclad fiber
通用绕包机 universal wrapping machine
无包套光纤 unjacked optical fiber
无磁性漆包铜圆线 unmagnetic enamelled round copper wire
深漆玻璃丝包铜线 varnish-bonded glass-lapped copper conductor
浸漆玻璃丝包铜扁线 varnish-treated glass-fibre covered rectangular copper wire
漆包线 varnished wire
 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-3 09:29:12 | 只看该作者
三包层光纤 triple clad fiber
三层纱包的 triple cotton-covered
十二头三层绕包机 triple covering machine with 12 individual heads
三层环氧漆包圆铜电磁线 triple epoxy-coated round copper magnet wire
三股编包线 triple-braided
三层丝包线 triplex silk covered wire
三层绕包线 triply covered wire
三涂层[三包层]光纤 triply-coated fiber
挤包绝缘或护套 tubing
浇包、铸包、浇铸桶 tundish
挤包实体绝缘三芯电缆 three-core cable with extruded solid insulation
分相铅套[铅包]电缆 three-core single lead sheath cable
紧包光纤、紧套光纤 tight (coated) fiber
紧包缓冲套 tight buffer jacket
紧包保护光纤 tight protected fiber
紧包结构<光缆的> tight structure
紧包光纤 tightly packaged fiber
紧包的 tightly wrapped
紧包光纤 tightly-buffered fiber
镀锡铜包钢线 tin-caoted copper-clad steel wire
镀锡、包锡、挂锡 tin-coat
镀[挂、包]锡 tin-coating
镀[挂、包]锡 tinning
螺旋式绕包 to apply helically
螺旋式绕包 to apply spirally
挤压[挤包]铅护套、压铅 to apply the lead sheath
用纸绳绕包 to apply the paper string
用纸绳绕包 to spin the paper string
拉线漆包机组 tandem wire drawing and enamelling line
切线式绕[纸]包机 tangential lapper
切线式纸包头[包带头] tangential lapping head
切线式绕包机 tangential paper lapping machine
切线式绕包机 tangential type lapping machine
带、条 tape
带(状)绝缘、绕包绝缘 tape insulation
包带头、包带机 tape lapper
包带头 tape lapping head
包带机 tape lapping machine
包带式 tape type
带包绝缘导体 tape wrapped conductor
带包式电容锥 tape-wrapped type condenser cone
绕包层 taped covering
内绕包层 taped inner covering
带(状)绝缘、绕包绝缘 taped insulation
绕包型接头 taped joint
绕包式电缆终端头、绕包终端 taped termination
带绕包、包带 taped wrapping
包带机、包带头 tapelapper
带绕包、带包、包带、绕包 taping
包带头、带包头 taping head
包带机 taping machine
包带点 taping point
包带装置 taping unit
包带节距 tapping pitch
包带速度 tapping speed
 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-3 09:29:26 | 只看该作者
电话线芯[话缆]包带机 telephone core taping machine
丝包束合漆包铜线 textile -covered bunched enamelled copper wire
绳绕包 string spinning
绳绕包机、绕绳机 string spinning machine
包含、包摄 subsume
合成漆包线 synthetic enamel wire
钢带绕包头 steel tape spinner
钢带绕包头 steel taping head
绞线纸包联合机 stranding and paper lapping machine
绞合回转弓(绕包头) stranding flyer
直焊性聚酰亚胺漆包铜圆线 solderable polyesterimide enamelled round copper wire
直焊性聚氨脂漆包铜圆线 solderable polyurethane enamelled round copper wire
溶剂粘接直焊性漆包线 solvent bonding self-fluxing enamelled wire
绳、纱、丝、麻)绕包头 spining head
带包头、包带头、绕包头 spinner
纸带(绕包)绝缘 spiral strip paper insulation
螺旋形绕包 spiral wrap
螺旋式绕包机 spiral wrapping machine
插入鞘、包、覆 sheathe
有外护套层的卷边纵包金属护套布线电缆 sheathed metal-clad wiring cable
挤[包]护套、护套 sheathing
护套挤包设备 sheathing equipment
屏蔽(层)、包屏蔽 shielding
屏蔽包制机 shielding machine
包围、围攻 siege
石英包层光纤 silica cladded fiber
有机硅漆包线 silicon enamelled wire
硅酮包层光纤 silicone-clad silica fiber
纱(编)丝包线 silk and cotton covered wire
丝包机 silk covering machine
丝包机 silk wrapping machine
丝包机 silk yarn covered wire
丝包铜线 silk-covered copper conductor
丝包软线 silk-covered cord
丝包圆铜电磁线 silk-covered round copper magnet wire
丝包线 silk-covered wire
镀银铜包钢线 silver-coated copper-clad steel wire
镀银铜包钢(导)线 silver-plated copperweld conductor
挤包实体绝缘单芯电缆 single cable with extruded solid insulation
单纱包的 single cotton covered
单纱包漆包线 single cotton covered enamel wire
单纱包线 single cotton covered wire
单纱双丝包(的) single cotton double silk covered
单层环氧漆包圆铜电磁线 single epoxy-coated round copper magnet wire
单玻璃丝包漆包圆线 single glass-fiber covered enamelled round wire
 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-3 09:29:40 | 只看该作者
单头单位式纸包机 single head unit type paper insulating machine
单丝包线 single silk covered wire
单丝包漆包线 single silk enamel covered wire
单包层光纤 single-coated fiber
单纱包机 single-cotton covering machine
单(层)纱包漆包线 single-cotton enamel
单层纸包圆铜电磁线 single-paper-covered round copper magnet wire
单丝包的 single-silk covered
单丝包机 single-silk covering machine
单丝漆包 single-silk enamel
书包 schoolbag
密封绕包 sealing wrap
金属护套的无缝挤包、无缝护包金属护套 seamless extrusion of metal sheaths
自粘直焊漆包线 self-bonding and self-fluxing enamelled wire
自粘直焊漆包线 self-bonding solderable enamelled wire
自粘直焊漆包线 self-fluxing and self-bonded enamelled wire
直焊性漆包铜圆线 self-fluxing enamelled round copper wire
直焊性漆包线 self-fluxing enamelled wire
直焊性聚氨酯漆包铜圆线 self-fluxing polyurethane enammelled round copper wire
半切线式纸包头[绕包头] semi-tangential lapper
半切线式纸包头[绕包头] semi-tangential lapping head
绕包头、旋转式浮拉器 rotating flier
橡皮绝缘编包线 rubber-covered braided
橡皮绝缘编包风雨线 rubber-covered braided\weather-proof
橡皮绝缘双层编包线 rubber-covered double braided
三明治(夹心面包片) sandwich
多层绕包的(电缆)外护层 sandwich covering
线盘包装机 reel packing machine
误差率、误码率、(漆包线的)针孔数 reeor rate
加固带绕包头 reinforcement tape spinner
钱包、小钱袋、手袋 purse
四层聚酯漆包扁铜电磁线 quadruple polyester-coated rectangular copper magnet wire
人造丝包铜线 rayon-covered copper conductor
浇包、铸勺、浇铸桶 pouring ladle
浇包、铸勺、浇铸桶 pouring-ladle
挤包绝缘电力电缆 power cable with extruded insulation
漆包线漆膜针孔 pinhole of insulation of enamelled wire
油性漆包线漆 plain enamel
平面式绕包头[纸包头] plane lapping head
平面式绕包机 plane type lapping machine
 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-3 09:29:52 | 只看该作者
塑料薄膜包线 plastic film covered wire
塑料包覆光纤、塑料包层光纤 plastic-clad fiber
聚酰胺漆包线 polyamide enamelled wire
聚酰胺-(酰)亚胺漆包铜圆线 polyamide-imide enamelled round copper wire
聚酰胺-酰亚胺漆包线 polyamide-imide enamelled wire
聚酯漆包铜扁线 polyester enamelled rectangular copper wire
聚酯漆包线 polyester enamelled wire
聚酯漆包扁铜电磁线 polyester-coated rectangular copper magnet wire
聚酯漆包圆铜电磁线 polyester-coated round copper magnet wire
聚酯漆包矩形铜电磁线 polyester-coated square copper magnet wire
聚酯玻璃丝包扁铜电磁线 polyester-glass-fiber-covered rectangular copper magnet wire
聚酯玻璃丝包圆铜电磁线 polyester-glass-fiber-covered round copper magnet wire
聚酯玻璃丝包矩形铜电磁线 polyester-glass-fiber-covered square copper magnet wire
聚酰亚胺漆包铜扁线 polyesterimide enamelled rectangular copper wire
聚酰亚胺漆包铝圆线 polyesterimide enamelled round aluminium wire
聚酰亚胺/聚酰胺复合漆包铝圆线 polyesterimide enamelled round aluminium wire overcoated with polyamide
聚酰亚胺漆包铜圆线 polyesterimide enamelled round copper wire
聚酰亚胺/聚酰胺复合漆包铜圆线 polyesterimide enamelled round copper wire overcoated with polyamide
聚酰亚胺漆包线 polyesterimide enamelled wire
聚酰亚胺/聚酰胺复合漆包铝圆线 polyesterimide overcoated with polyamide-imide enamelled round aluminium wire
聚酰亚胺/聚酰胺复合漆包铜圆线 polyesterimide overcoated with polyamide-imide enamelled round coper wire
字形绕包聚乙烯护套 polyethylene sheath of figure-8 formation
聚酰亚胺漆包铜扁线 polyimide enamelled rectangular copper wire
聚酰亚胺漆包铜圆线 polyimide enamelled round copper wire
聚酰亚胺漆包线 polyimide enamelled wire
聚合物包层光纤 polymer-clad fiber
聚硅氧烷包层光纤 polysiloxane cladding fiber
聚砜及聚缩醛漆包线 polysulfone and polyacetal-coated wire
聚氨酯漆包线 polyurethane enamelled wire
聚氨酯漆包圆铜电磁线 polyurethane-coated round copper magnet wire
聚氨酯-尼龙丝包圆铜电磁线 polyurethane-nylon-coated round copper magnet wire
缩醛漆包铜扁线 polyvinyl acetal enamelled rectangular copper wire
缩醛漆包铝圆线 polyvinyl acetal enamelled round aluminium wire
缩醛漆包铜圆线 polyvinyl acetal enamelled round copper wire
缩醛漆包线 polyvinyl formal enamelled wire
高强度缩醛漆包铜圆线 polyvinyl-formal enamelled round copper wire with high mechanical properties
缩醛漆包线 polyvinylacetal enamelled wire
 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-3 09:30:06 | 只看该作者
包装 packaging
包装等级 packaging level
包装机 packaging machine
包装用线盘 packaging reel
包装标准 packaging standard
包装箱 packing-case
纸包机 papare covering machine
纸包扁铜绕组线 paper covered rectangular copper winding wire)
纸包扁线 paper covered rectangular wire
纸包圆线 paper covered round wire
纸包头 paper covering head
纸包机 paper covering machine
纸包头 paper lapper
纸(带绕)包 paper lapping
纸包纱包联合机 paper lapping and cotton covering machine
纸包头 paper lapping head
纸包机 paper lapping machine
纸包工序 paper lapping operation
纸带(绕包)绝缘 paper ribbon insulation
纸带(绕包)绝缘 paper tape insulating
纸包 paper taping
纸包机 paper taping machine
纸包头 paper wrapping head
纸铝箔纵包机 paper-aluminium-foil applicator
漆包纸绝缘电缆[电磁线] paper-core enamelled type cable
纸包铜线 paper-covered copper conductor
纸包扁铜电磁线 paper-covered rectangular copper magnet wire
纸包圆铜电磁线 paper-covered round copper magnet wire
纸包矩形铜电磁线 paper-covered square copper magnet wire
纸包线 paper-covered wire
纸绝缘铅包的 paper-insulated lead covered
纸包头 papper lapper
 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-3 09:30:22 | 只看该作者
无磁性漆包线 non-magnetic enamelled wire
非组合包套 nonintegral jacket
漆包层数 number of enamel coats
缺陷数、(漆包线)、针孔数 number of faults
尼龙丝包圆铜电磁线 nylon-fiber-covered round copper magnet wire
油基漆、油性漆包线漆 oil-base enamel
油性漆包线 oleo resinous enamelled wire
油性漆包线 oleo-resin enamelled wire
油树脂漆、油性漆包线漆 oleoresinous enamel
油树脂漆、油性漆包线漆 oleoresinous varnish
疏绕、间隙绕包 open lapping
正反向绕包、正反向绞合 opposite-direction lapping
松包光纤光缆 optical fiber cable with fibers loosely packaged
紧包光纤光缆 optical fiber cable with fibers tightly packaged
挤包实体绝缘多芯电缆 multicore cable for extruded solid insulation
多头同心包带机 multiple head concentric taping machine
(漆包机的)导轮组 multiple sheave
镍包铜线、镀镍铜线 nickel coated copper conductor
镀镍铜线、镍包铜线 nickel-clad copper wire
镀镍铜线、镍包铜线 nickel-coated copper wire
镀镍铜包钢线 nickel-coated copper-clad steel wire 包层不圆度 non-circularity of cladding
用金属包 metal
金属包覆导体 metal clad conductor
金属包覆层 metal cover layer
金属包层 metal covering
金属包层芳族聚酰胺纤维 metal-clad aramid fiber
金属包覆电缆 metal-clad cable
金属包覆导体 metal-clad conductor
卷边纵包金属护套布线电缆 metal-clad wiring cable
金属包带 metallic cover tape
改性聚酯漆包铜圆线 modified polyester enamelled round copper wire
低损耗 FEP
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