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发表于 2008-5-5 11:36:12 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
短语动词(Phrasal verbs)和惯用语(Idioms)在日常写作和会话中使用非常普遍,但一般英语教科书中对之涉及甚少。所以我们准备介绍一些有关知识,希望有助于读者的了解和使用。


比如一个普通的英语动词work, 它有工作、运转、管理、经营、制作等意义。但与不同的副词或介词搭配成短语动词后,则能表示完全不同的意义。请看以下两个例句:

Two lackeys of the Mafia boss worked the shopkeeper over for quite a while and ran away. (黑社会头头的两个马仔把店主痛打了一顿,然后跑掉了。) 这里work someone over 表示攻击某人并致伤,类似于黑话中的修理某人。

All fans got worked up as soon as Li Yuchun started singing. (李宇春一开始唱歌玉迷们就激动起来。) 这里work someone up 表示使某人激动。

上两例中动词work 是与不同的副词搭配。有时即使搭配的是同一副词,如果使用在不同的语言环境中也可有不同的意义。

The director is a deep person, I’ve never been able to work him out. (老板城府很深,我从来没有把他摸透。) 这里work someone out 表示了解某人。

My wife keeps fit by working out for an hour every morning. (我老婆每天早上锻炼一小时以保持身体健康。) 这里work out 表示积极锻炼。

汉语中有很多生动的惯用词,如勾兑、做手脚、炒作之类,有时用一般的英语动词翻译很难贴切,但却能找到很传神的短语动词。比如勾兑有可能是买通、贿赂,也有可能是用其他好处把事情搞定。如果翻译成buy off(买通)或bribe(贿赂),就不能充分表达出勾兑的意味。这时可以使用短语动词get at。朗曼英语短语动词词典给出的get at的一种解释是 to attempt to influence someone wrongly, as by paying money or performing favors so as to persuade him to do something,与上述勾兑的意思完全吻合。例句

After getting at the officials in charge, a shell company was finally awarded the highway contract.(勾兑了负责官员后皮包公司终于拿到了高速公路合同。)

Get at用在事物上还有做手脚的意思,如

The drug robber got at the drink he gave to the victim, and got away with all his money.(蒙汗药大盗对受害者的饮料做了手脚,而后把他的钱席卷一空。) 在句子中不用got at,而用added knock-out pills in the drink(在饮料中放麻药)当然可以,但就没有做手脚的味道了。


This new film will attract the crowds, whatever its quality, provided that it gets played up a lot. (新片子不管质量如何只要炒作到位就能吸引观众。) 这里 play up表示言过其实的吹嘘、夸耀。

I’ll get by with a bicycle until we can afford a car. (在买得起小汽车之前骑自行车也将就了。) 这里get by表示日子过得去, 就是口头上常说的也凑合,也将就。

All the office workers believe that the appointment of the new director was put up. (办公室的人都知道新主任的任命已经内定了。) 这里put up表示秘密安排某事。

Tian Liang was knocking about with Guo Jinjin for a couple of years before she left him. (田亮和郭晶晶分手前一起在公开场合出入了好几年。) 这里knock about with someone表示与某某一起在公开场合亮相。

A float procession tomorrow will kick off the famous samba festival.(著名的桑巴舞节由明天的彩车游行开始。)这里kick off表示使某事物开始,发起某事物。用足球的开球来比喻事物开始,相当生动。
 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-5 11:37:16 | 只看该作者


英语惯用语是一些短语或句子,其意义不能简单地从成分单词的意义看出;作为一个整体它有另外的约定俗成的意义。这个特点是它与短语动词所共有的。事实上许多惯用语是由短语动词构成的,如go off at half cock(操之过急)、be out of the woods(脱离险境)等。


I don’t know how they got wind of the company’s going public.(我不知道他们怎么打听到了公司上市的消息。)get wind of表示听到风声。

Vincent van Gogh finally took the easy way out, all the friends’ attempts to help him went down the drain.(凡高最终自杀了,朋友们想帮助他的一切努力都付诸东流。)go down the drain表示白费力气,四川话就是打了水漂。下水道虽然不是什么东流的大江大水,但东西掉下去同样回不来了。

Sydney Carton worships Lucie, he would go through fire and water for her.(卡顿敬爱露西,他愿为她赴汤蹈火在所不辞。)go through fire and water for someone 表示愿为某人做任何事情。在英国著名作家狄更斯的小说“双城记”中,律师卡顿暗恋马奈医生(Doctor Manette)的女儿露西。露西的丈夫达奈(Charles Darnay)被法国革命政府逮捕后,卡顿替他赴死。

The withdrawal of the Japanese fund has knocked the bottom out of the natural gas pipeline project.(日方资金的撤出抽了天然气管线工程的底火。)knock the bottom out of 表示撤消必要的支持,即四川话说的抽底火。抽底火不算太霸道,只是抽掉锅底下的柴火,釜底抽薪而已。而按英语的说法干脆把锅底都敲掉了。

On the way home he was taken to the cleaners by two robbers! (回家的路上两个劫匪把他洗白了!) take someone to the cleaners表示抢劫或欺骗某人,就是现在常说的把某人洗白。把人拖进洗衣房,就要脱得干干净净。

You can’t sit on the fence forever, or both parties will give you up.(你不能老当骑墙派,不然两派都要将你拒之门外。)sit on the fence意思很明显,fence就是墙。

The man by the girl has designs on her.(女孩旁边的那个人对她图谋不轨。) have designs on someone表示对某人有不良企图。Design一般翻译成设计、规划等,实际上也有企图、打算之意。

还有一点值得一提。中、英两个民族相距万里,文化习俗也大相径庭,但对一个死字却有一个完全相同的隐喻说法。中文是上西天,英文是go west。两者虽然意义相同,但来历可能不同。中文上西天可能来源于佛家说法,人死后就是去了西方极乐世界。而英文中的go west则可能与日落西山有关,这点还要请专家指教。

有些惯用语虽然中、英文用语相同,意思上则有所差异。如夹起尾巴在汉语中主要表示为人处世谦虚谨慎。但英语中have one’s tail between one’s legs表示因失败、挫折而垂头丧气。

The Rockets really have their tails between their legs since their seven-game losing streak.(七连败后火箭队完全丧失信心了。)

同样翘尾巴在汉语中主要表示骄傲自满,而英语中have one’s tail up只表示因成功、胜利而兴高采烈。

The Republicans really have their tails up since their surprising election victory.(大选意外获胜后共和党人大喜过望。)

又比如pull someone’s leg 照字面很容易理解为拖某人的后腿,但其实英语的意思是取笑、作弄某人。如

You are pulling my leg! I don’t believe the prom queen really said she would like me to take her out. (你开玩笑嗦!我不相信校花真说过要我约她外出。)校花一词在网上提到过几种英语说法,如school it girl、prom(学生舞会)queen、homecoming(校友返校活动)queen等等,但都不太准确。相信很多美国学生会直接说成是the cutest/hottest/prettiest girl in the school。但没见有人硬译成school flower。
 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-5 11:38:23 | 只看该作者



The New Hope Group has been on the map for over ten years. (新希望集团出名十多年了。) be on the map表示著名。看看很多城市地图, 只有著名的企业才能标在上面。

The portable PC that the young man is peddling must have fallen off a lorry. (那个年轻人兜售的手提电脑可能是贼<四川话念zúi>货。) fall off a lorry表示扒车贼从货车上扒下的货物,即偷来的赃物,贼货。这是英国人的用法。

The other Chinese Go players have been out: they hope that Luo Xihe could pick up the pieces.(其他中国围棋手都出局了,他们希望罗洗河能够收拾残局。)pick up the pieces直译是检起碎片,意思是收拾破碎的局面。

With many top players being absent through injuries, the Rockets had to scrape the bottom of the barrel to get a full team, and then lost to the Lakers 90-105. (由于许多主力队员受伤缺阵, 火箭队只好勉强拼凑一个阵容, 结果以90比105输给了湖人。) scrape the bottom of the barrel直译是刮桶底。别人把桶里的酒都喝光了,只剩下桶底的一点点。这时也只好将就喝了,总比没有强。所以这个惯用语的意思是将就使用现有的东西。

I shan’t complain about the poor show since the ticket was free; after all, you don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.(演出再歪我都没意见,反正是免费票;总不能当叫花子还要挑施舍。)look a gift horse in the mouth意思是送你一匹马你还要挑牙口。北方人的调侃说法就是当叫花子还要挑吃的。

I gave the dog some lovely sausages, and he just looked down his nose at it.(我给了小狗几根上好的香肠,它却不屑一顾。)look down one’s nose at就是瞧不上的意思。想想你如果从自己的鼻尖上去看一件东西,那只能是昂着头,乜斜着眼。不屑的神情活灵活现。

Georges d'Anthes laid siege to Natalya for two years before she accepted him. (丹特士死缠烂打追求娜塔莉娅整整两年,最后她答应了他。) lay siege to someone表示死死追求某人,就像包围城池毫不放松一样。法国军官丹特士与俄国著名诗人普希金的妻子娜塔莉娅·冈察洛娃有暧昧关系,诗人与他决斗身亡。


You’ve been caught cheating; now you must face the music.(你的骗局已经戳穿,这下子你只好吃不了兜着走。)face the music表示自食其果。马上就要吃苦头,还说是听音乐,英国人的幽默真可以!

Drinks are on the house tonight! (酒水今晚免费!)on the house是饭店老板请客的意思。

Zhang Yimou is really going to town on “Curse of the Golden Flower”, ordering costly dresses, building luxurious sceneries and recruiting D-cup girls,etc.(张艺谋拍“满城尽带黄金甲”不计成本,定制昂贵服装,搭建豪华外景,招募大胸美女,等等。)go to town表示搞什么事都不遗余力,特别是不计费用。

New York public transportations have been off-limits for several days.(纽约公交系统已经停运好几天了。)be off-limits意思是关门(closed)或不营业(not available)。原来的用法是be off-limits to certain people = be forbidden to certain people to enter,即禁止某些人入内。例如,The town’s bars are off-limits to troops.(军人不能进入该市酒吧。)

英语还有一个表示死的惯用语kick the bucket,直译是踢水桶。这怎么和死扯上了关系?原来有一个故事。说是一百多年前一个美国内战老兵退伍回到家乡,穷愁潦倒;最后站在一个水桶上把颈子伸进绳套,踢开水桶吊死了。以后kick the bucket就成了表示死的隐喻说法。相当于汉语的蹬腿儿。
 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-5 11:39:25 | 只看该作者



be above 动词+介词

The children have been above themselves ever since the rain stopped.(雨一停孩子们就高兴得忘乎所以了。)be above/beside oneself表示异常激动, 比如高兴或愤怒。/号前后的词或词组可以等同使用。

Most of what the speaker said was above my head, so I fell asleep.(演讲者说的我大多不懂,所以就睡着了。)这里be above/over one’s head 表示不能为某人所理解。

be after动词+介词

My daughter has been after me for a year to buy her a PC.(我女儿缠了一年要我给她买一台计算机。)这里be after/at/onto someone to do something意思是一再要求某人去干什么事,不达目的决不罢休,有点扭倒闹的味道。

be around动词+副词

Chris Philips is still around, though not so well-known now.(费翔还在唱,不过没那么出名了。)这里be around表示某人还在从事活动,或者某首歌还在流行。Chris Philips是费翔的英文名字。

By Jin Yong’s description,Wei Hsiao Bao is a man of the world—he’s been around!(在金庸笔下韦小宝是个老江湖,精通世故。)这里be around有贬意,表示一个人世故老练,尤其是在两性关系方面。用完成时。韦小宝就是金庸“鹿鼎记”(The Deer and the Cauldron)中那个有名的混混。

be at 动词+介词

Guerrillas are ready, all armed and eager to be at the enemy.(游击队员们全副武装,随时准备出击敌人。)这里be at someone表示攻击某人。

You must get your clothes at Parkson,that’s where it’s at. (你的衣服是不是在摩尔百盛买的?那里的东西很时尚。)where it’s at 意思是时髦或热闹的场所。摩尔百盛是成都市中心一个大购物广场。

After months of arguments, the peace talks are now at a dead end.(经过长时间争吵和谈走进了死胡同。)be at a dead end表示事物无进展,没希望。

Those teenagers are at it again, I’ll have to stop them! (那些娃儿又在胡闹了,我必须去制止!)be at it 表示行为不端。

The shock was so great that at a moment I was at a loss for words.(我太震惊了,一时间张口结舌不知所措。)be at a loss表示不知道该干什么或说什么。

My ambition is to be at the wheel of a big corporation by the time I reach forty.(我的雄心是在40岁时当上大公司主管。)be at the wheel意思是驾驶车或船,比喻为控制某事物。

With his business gone down and scroungers crowding in on him, the pushover was at the end of his rope.(公司生意不好,伸手讨钱的人又蜂踊而至,这个好心人一筹莫展。)be at the end of one’s rope表示智穷力尽。 Pushover 在这里指那些轻信别人而又乐于助人的人,比如说民间慈善家。现在很多民间慈善家被索捐者纠缠,处境尴尬。

Come and see us if you’re at a loose end! (没事的时候到我家坐坐!)be at a loose end表示无事可做,不知道做什么好。

be away 动词+副词

Harry Potter is away in a world of his own these days.(哈里·波特这几天老是一个人想他的心事。)这里be away表示出神。

If the directors agree to a meeting, we’re away! (如果董事们同意开会我们就大有希望了!)这里be away表示有成功的希望。

be before 动词+介词

Van Gogh was before his time with many of his paintings.(凡·高的许多画超越了他的那个时代。)be before one’s time表示太超前而不为同时代人所接受。

be behind动词+介词

What’s behind North Korea’s offer? (北朝鲜为什么提出这个建议?)这里be behind表示某事物背后的动机或原因。
 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-5 11:40:28 | 只看该作者



be between 动词+介词

I have it straight from the horse’s mouth that Tianke’s stock price is to rise, but that’s between you, me and the gatepost.(有可靠消息说天科股票要涨,但这事只能天知,地知,你知我知!)be between you, me and the gatepost表示某秘密不能让外人知道。From the horse’s mouth表示来自可靠来源。

be beyond 动词+介词

The children tried to build a hut in the garden, but the work was beyond them.(孩子们想在园子中建一个小木屋,但他们根本干不了。)这里be beyond/past someone表示事情对某人太难了,不能理解或不能干。

Your continual lateness is now beyond a joke, if you’re not on time tomorrow, you will be dismissed.(你老是迟到,这可不是开玩笑的事。如果明天再不准时就炒你的鱿鱼。) be/get/go beyond/past a joke 表示事态严重,不能开玩笑。

be by动词+副词

I’ll be by in the morning and see what I can do.(我明早过来看看能干点什么。)这里be by表示拜访或到达之意。

be down 动词+副词

The hard-hearted teacher is always down on the slower students.(这个没同情心的老师总爱挑差生的毛病。)这里be down on someone表示找某人的碴。

I was down to my last penny when I found a job at last.(我最终找到工作时几乎腰无分文了。)这里be down to something 表示只有一点点钱或别的什么东西了。

be for动词+介词

You’ll be for it when they find out who broke the window.(他们知道你打破窗子后你就要遭了。)be for it 表示要受到惩罚。be in for it也是这个意思。

The risky rescue of the tsunami victims on Phuket Island was one for the book.(对普吉岛海啸受害者的惊险抢救值得大书特书))be one for the book表示值得记载的事迹。

be from动词+介词

Vivien Leigh’s appearance now is a far cry from what we saw in her early films.(费雯丽现在的容貌与她早期电影中看到的有天壤之别。)be a far cry from something 表示与某事物有很大差别。费雯丽是早期好莱坞顶级明星,主演过“乱世佳人”(Gone with the Wind),“魂断蓝桥”(Waterloo Bridge)等经典大片。年轻时天生丽质,被称为绝代佳人。

be in动词+副词

Tell me who’s in?(告诉我谁当选了?)这里be in表示当选。

Short skirt will be in again next year! (短裙明年又要流行了!)这里be in表示时尚,流行。而be out则表示不流行。

It’s cold;I hope the fire’s still in when we get home.(天太冷了,希望回家时火还没熄。)这里be in表示火还燃着。

It looks as if we’re in for some nice weather.(看起来天气要好了。)这里be in for something表示可以期望某事。

Are you in for the running race? (你报名参加赛跑没有?)这里be in for something表示报名参与竞赛。

Lin Fujiu, China’s wealthiest police-officer, was in with the criminals.(中国第一大款警察林福久与犯罪份子有勾结。)这里be in with someone表示袒护某人,或与某人有秘密勾结。相当于be in collusion with someone。

Let’s rest here for a while, I’m all in.(我们在这里休息一会吧,我累坏了。)be all in意思是非常累。
 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-5 11:41:30 | 只看该作者



be in动词+介词

That pinhead has been in the clouds ever since he bought the lottery tickets.(那个天棒买了彩票后就一直胡思乱想。)be in the clouds表示心不在焉,沉溺于幻想。pinhead 是指没脑子的人。

I’m still in the dark as to what my colleagues intend to do to amuse me at my birthday party.(同事们在我的生日聚会上要出点什么花招我还蒙在鼓里。)be in the dark意思是不知道秘密或内情,两眼一抹黑。

I seem to be in deep water over this calculation, can you help me? (这个计算很困难,你能帮忙吗?)be in deep water表示有困难。

I’ve been in the dog house with the big cheese ever since I blew the lid off the widespread graft-taking in the office.(自从我揭发了办公室里普遍存在的受贿情况后,老板看我就不顺眼了。)be in the dog house with someone表示与某人失和,失宠于某人。big cheese是指单位的权势人物,公司的大老板。

Now that all sides of the question are in focus, can we please reach a decision? (既然事情的各方面都清楚了,我们作个决定吧?)be in focus表示事情清楚明白,而bring something into focus则表示使事情清楚明白。

Dai Li’s fair-haired boy was found to be hand in glove with the Japanese invaders.(已发现戴笠的红人勾结日寇。) be hand in glove with someone表示与某人密切合作, 就像手与手套一样密切。fair-haired boy表示受宠的人。戴笠是国民党军统特务头子。

The printers say that your book is now in hand and will be ready by the beginning of next month.(印刷厂说你的书已开始印刷,下月初就可完工。)be in hand表示工作已经开始,活已在手头。have something in hand意思相同。

The fire is well in hand and we are now sure that the building will be saved.(火势已被控制,大楼可保无虑。)be well in hand表示处于控制之下。 have something well in hand则表示使某事物处于控制之下。其中的 well 并没必要翻译出来,但它却使整个用语的意义与前面的be in hand完全不同。

After the spring festival the mall rat is always in the hole for at least one month.(春节后那个商场迷总要穷一个月以上。)be in the hole表示处于困境。mall rat指那些成天逛商场的人。

You’ll be in hot water when the taxman finds out that you’re cooking the book.(税务员发现你在做假帐时你就麻烦了。)be in hot water表示遇到麻烦。古时候爬云梯攻城的士兵常常被敌人泼滚烫的开水而处于困境,可能是这个用语的由来。

A farmer-worker is in the money, he won a prize in the lottery last week.(一个农民工发财了,他上周中了彩票。)be in the money表示新近富了起来。

Please tell me what this is all about; I’m not in the picture yet.(告诉我这究竟是怎么一回事,我还不了解情况。)be in the picture表示参与某事或了解情况,而 be out of the picture则表示未与其事或不了解情况。

Many conditions are in play in this round of bidding.(许多因素在这轮竟价中起了作用。)be in play表示有影响力,起作用。 而bring something into play则表示使某事物起作用。

Have you heard that Jia Pingao’s new novel is in the running for the MaoDun literature prize? (你听没听说贾平凹的新作在竞争茅盾文学奖?)be in the running for something表示可以考虑参与某事,而be out of running则表示不予考虑。

be inside 动词+副词

It can’t have been the drug addict who stole the jewels, he’s still inside.(不可能是那个瘾君子偷了珠宝, 他还在号子里。)这里be inside表示某人还在监狱中,而be out则表示放出监狱。

be into 动词+介词

Many yuppies don’t eat meat now, they're really into healthy food.(许多雅皮现在不吃肉,只对健康食品感兴趣。)这里be into表示对某事物产生兴趣。雅皮指年轻都市白领,是由young urban professional这几个字得来的。
 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-5 11:43:03 | 只看该作者



be of动词+介词

I don’t get the fortune until I’m of age, so we’ll have to wait.(到法定年龄前我拿不到那笔钱,只好等着。)be of age就是到了法定年龄。

Those kids will be the death of me, coming home so late ever night.(那些孩子真把我气死了,每天很晚才回家。)be the death of someone表示引起某人的极大忧虑。

Deng Xiaoping is still full of beans at 80.(邓小平80岁仍然精神饱满。)be full of beans表示精力充沛。

be off动词+副词

This fish is off, I won’t buy it.(这鱼都臭了,我不要了。)这里be off 表示食品变质了。但如果饭店服务员说fish is off,则表示鱼卖完了。短语动词的意义与使用环境有很大关系,这是一个很好的例子。

Oh dear, the motor mouth is off again on his experiences in the great cultural revolution.(天哪,机关枪又要滔滔不绝地讲他的文化大革命经历了。)这里be off on something意思是开始就某事长篇大论。be on about something 意思相同。motor mouth指那些没完没了说话的人。

How are you off for cash? (你有好多现金?)这里be off for something 表示有需要的某种东西。be well off表示有很多, be bad off表示只有一点点。

You’d be better off leaving the country.(你出国后情况要好一些。)be better off 表示状况不错。

Your guess was way off;it’s nothing like that at all.(你的猜测差远了,事情完全不是那么回事。)be way off 表示大错特错,就是be a long way out的意思。

be off动词+介词

I keep telling my son not to go to cybercafés, but it’s like water off a duck’s back.(我一直叫儿子不要进网吧,但一点不起作用。)be like water off a duck’s back表示不起作用,就好象水在鸭子背上趟过一样。

You must be off your head going out in weather like this! (你发疯嗦,这种天气还出去!)be off one’s head表示失去理智,不能清醒判断。

I’m sorry. I seem to be off my game today; let’s play again tomorrow.(今天我打得臭,明天再来。)be off one’s game表示在比赛或玩牌中发挥失常,表现不佳。这里说话人显然是在玩麻将(四川人叫打麻将)。

It’s no skin off my nose if I lose this job, I can always get another one.(丢掉这份工作没有关系,我随时都可以再找到工作。)be no skin off one’s nose表示与己无关,满不在乎。

The applicant expected to have to answer difficult specialized questions in the interview; but the conversation was purely social, so he was off the hook.(求职者原以为在面试中有许多困难的专业问题,但谈话完全是礼仪性质的,所以他大感轻松。)be/get off the hook表示脱离困境, be/get on the hook表示陷于困境,而 let someone off the hook表示使某人脱离困境。

The subject of politics was off limits in the premier’s family.(首相家中完全不谈政治。)这里be off limits表示不考虑,不涉及。

be on动词+副词

When father suggested a visit to San Xing Dui, I said, “I’m on!”(爸爸提议去参观三星堆时,我说:算我一个!)这里be on表示同意参加某个计划或活动。

Jiang Qing is always on at the workers for one thing or another.(XX老是找工作人员的碴儿。)这里be on at someone意思是不停地挑某人的毛病,或叫人干这干那。
 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-5 11:45:30 | 只看该作者


be out动词+副词

I’m out of my depth when it comes to natural sciences.(一涉及到自然科学我就完全是外行了。)be/get/go out of one’s depth表示某事对某人来说很难理解或胜任。

Among a group of polite diplomats, the Nazi ambassador’s rough manners were out of place.(在一群彬彬有礼的外交官中间,纳粹大使的卤莽举止很不相称。)be out of place表示不相称、不般配。

Claim all your travel costs, so that you are not out of pocket on your business trip.(把你的所有出差费用都报销掉,不要贴钱。)be out of pocket表示掏自己的腰包,即赔钱。而be in pocket就是赚钱。

The teenage mother has been out of sorts since the premature birth of her baby.(少女妈妈早产后身体一直不行。)be out of sorts表示身体不适。

I’d better show you how to get to the house, as it’s rather out of the way and you might get lost.(我给你指怎样找到那所房子,它位置很偏僻,容易迷路。)be out of the way表示位置偏僻。

Mr. Sharon is awake today; he seems to be out of the woods now.(沙龙今天醒过来了,似乎已经脱离危险。)表示脱离困难或危险。沙龙是以色列前总理,2006年初中风住院,告别政坛。

Liao Changyong’s voice is simply out of this world.(廖昌永的歌声不同凡响。)be out of this world表示非常好,超凡的好。

be over 动词+副词

I’ll be over later this evening.(今晚上我到你这里来。)这里be over/round表示到某人的家。

be over 动词+介词

Don’t be all night over playing mahjong.(不要熬通宵去玩麻将。)这里be over something表示长时间地做某事。

As soon as Santa Claus opened the door, the children were all over him.(圣诞老人一打开门孩子们就围上来欢迎他。)这里be all over someone表示非常热情地欢迎某人。

The German women’s soccer team was all over the Argentine in the first few minutes.(开球几分钟德国女足就重创了阿根廷人。)这里be all over someone表示彻底击败某人。

Some young people think a man is over the hill if he is past forty.(有些年轻人认为一个人过了40岁就没用了。)be over the hill意思是走下坡路,老而无用。

When Liu Dehua invited a girl to sing with him, she was over the moon.(刘德华邀请一个女孩同他一起唱歌时,她简直欣喜若狂。)be over the moon意思是非常激动,欣喜若狂,好象是做梦上天一样。

Don’t keep on so, It’s water over the dam.(不要老念叨了,过去的就过去了。)be water over the dam意思是已发生的事已不能改变, 相当于汉语成语覆水难收。这里keep on表示没完没了地说一件事。句中被劝的人可能是被垃圾股套牢,或买彩票填错了号码,或被女朋友甩了,总之很不顺心,所以老念叨。

be through 动词+副词

I don’t want anything more to do with you, we’re through.(我不想和你再打交道,我们之间没任何关系了。)这里be through表示与某人的关系彻底结束。

be under 动词+介词

One of Zhang Daqian’s most famous paintings is now under the hammer.(一幅张大千名画正在拍卖。)be /come/go under the hammer表示拍卖,因为竟价结束时拍卖师一锤定音。

You’ve been under the weather for some days now, why don’t you see a doctor? (你不舒服已经几天了,还不去看看大夫。)be under the weather表示有点不适,有点小毛病。

The detainee will be under a cloud until he is definitely judged free of any terrorist leaning.(被拘留的人未被确定无恐怖主义倾向之前要受到怀疑。)be under a cloud 表示受怀疑。
 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-5 11:47:33 | 只看该作者



be up动词+介词

To hit a person when he’s down would be right up the double-dealer’s alley.(落井下石是那个两面派的拿手好戏。)be up one’s alley可以直译为对某人的路子,表示是某人所长,合某人的胃口。

be with动词+介词

I was with you as far as your last point, and then I got confused.(你说到最后一点时我还能理解,再往后就糊涂了。)be with一般表示同意或喜欢某事,但这里只表示理解某事。

I’m going to talk to the president of that company and ask him to give you a position; I happen to be quite tight with him.(我想去和该公司总裁谈谈给你一个职位,凑巧我和他很铁。)be tight with someone表示与某人关系很好。

That teacher will never be popular with the students; he’s just not with it.(那个老师不受学生欢迎,他太跟不上时代了。)be with it表示时尚或新潮。

bring about动词+副词

If the wind changes we’ll have to bring the boat about.(如果风向变了就要把船掉头。)这里bring about/around/round意思是使船转向相反的方向。

bring along动词+副词

This warm weather should bring the crops along.(暖和的天气促进庄稼生长。)这里bring along/forward/on表示促进某人或某事物的进展。

bring around动词+副词

We must bring the rest of the committee around to our point of view.(我们必须说服其他委员改变主意,同意我们的观点。)这里bring someone around/over/round就是说服某人改变主意。

bring away动词+副词

Yes, we enjoyed our holiday and brought away happy memories of the island.(假期我们玩得很开心,对小岛的印象很不错。)这里bring away表示带着某种东西回来。本句中就是带着美好的印象回来,相当于 bring back。

bring down 动词+副词

We have to rewrite the history textbook, bringing it down to 2005.(我们必须重新编写历史教科书,使其更新到2005年。)这里bring something down表示更新某事物。

The city council will bring down the new spending plans on Monday.(市政当局将在下星期一公布新开支计划。)这里bring something down表示公开宣布某事,从字面上看是下发文件。政府的位置总在公众之上,中外看来差不多。

The nerd had no idea how food prices had risen, so a day’s shopping soon brought him down to earth.(那书呆子根本不知道食品已经涨价,买了一天菜后晓得厉害了。)bring someone down to earth表示使人面对现实。Nerd指那些埋头于书本,不善交际的人。

Li Baiqing’s funny storytelling brought the house down.(李伯清的散打大受欢迎。)bring the house down表示剧场演出大获成功。李伯清是四川著名说书艺人,他的散打就是用嬉笑怒骂的四川方言评说市井中的人和事。

Mr. Darcy has too high an opinion of himself; it’s time we brought him down a peg or two. (达西太自以为是了,我们得杀杀他的傲气。)bring someone down a peg or two很像汉语中的让某人栽个跟斗,锉杀其锐气或威风。在英国女作家简·奥斯订的名著“傲慢与偏见”中富家子弟达西向班奈特小姐(Elizabeth Bennet)求婚,但他的傲气使她反感。后来改掉傲气后才如愿以赏。

bring forward 动词+副词

Mark the total at the top of the page “brought forward”.(将本页顶部的总数做上“转入”标记。)在会计上bring forward表示将前一栏(页)的总数转到下一栏(页)以继续做帐。

I thought we had agreed to bring the new contract forward today! (我记得我们曾经同意把合同推到今天来谈!)bring something forward就是将一项业务定到某个日子来处理。
 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-5 11:49:49 | 只看该作者



bring out 动词+副词

When Gemma heard the news that Padre Montanelli sold Arthur down the river, she was so shock that she could hardly bring out a word.(琼玛听到蒙泰尼里主教出卖了亚瑟的消息后震惊得几乎讲不出一句话。)这里bring out 意思是用语言表达。在英国女作家伏尼契(Ethel Lillian Voynich)的名著“牛虻”(The Gadfly)中,主教蒙泰尼里为了维护宗教统治签字处决了自己的私生子,革命者亚瑟。琼玛是亚瑟的恋人。sell someone down the river 表示出卖某人。一百多年以前,美国黑人如果被卖给了密西西比河下游的奴隶主,那就陷入了最悲惨的境地。所以这个短语就是出卖某人、令人陷入厄运的意思。

Eating all that rich food has brought my son out in spots.(高营养的食物又使我儿子全身出皮疹。)这里bring someone out in表示使某人处于某种情况。不仅指身体情况,也可以指精神状况。如

Don’t mention what happened last week, it could bring dad out in a temper.(不要提上周发生的事, 老爹可能发脾气。)

bring round 动词+副词

Do bring your wife round one evening; we’d love to meet her.(哪天晚上把你妻子带来,我们都想见见她。)这里bring someone around/round就是让某人来串门。

Three men fainted in the heat but were quickly brought round with spirit.(三个人中暑晕倒,但灌了白酒就苏醒过来了。)这里bring someone round表示使某人恢复知觉。

Dongrina brought the discussion round to the 110 meters hurdles.(冬日娜把话题转到了110米栏上。)这里bring round就是改变话题。冬日娜是中央电视台体育记者。

bring through 动词+副词

The hero who saved two children from drowning was very ill, but the doctors brought him through. (勇救两名落水儿童的英雄生命危急,但医生把他抢救过来了。) 这里bring someone through表示救了某人的命。

bring to 动词+副词

The captain wasn’t able to bring the freighter “Dongfeng” to before it hit the rock.(东风轮船长未能使船在触礁前停下。)这里bring to/up表示使船停下。东风号是大跃进中建造的新中国第一艘万吨货轮,1963年4月在首航驶往日本途中触礁沉没。

bring to 动词+介词

The university’s money troubles have been brought to the boil by the recent government cut.(政府拨款的削减使大学的财政达到崩溃的地步。)bring something to the boil表示使事态非常严重。

Any person who hides the incidence of SARS will be brought to book.(不管什么人隐瞒了SARS疫情就要背书。)bring someone to account/book就是要求某人对其行为作出解释。也就是常说的写检查,背书。

It’s not the enemy but the internal conflict which could bring the nation to the ground.(不是敌人而是窝里斗才能整垮这个民族。)bring something to the ground表示毁坏某事物。

Matters have been brought to a head in the negotiation; tomorrow they will either succeed or fail.(谈判已经到了最关键时刻,明天不是成功就是失败。)bring something to a head表示事情到了必须作出决定的时刻。

Anyone who refuses to follow discipline must be brought to heel before he does lasting damage.(必须让任何不守纪律的人都乖乖听话,以免造成更大危害。)bring someone to heel意思是使某人服从。把狗儿牵到脚后跟前,狗儿就是一付听话的样子。
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