Fire Safety
As part of our effort to work with suppliers globally to improve facility conditions related to risk of fire, we have
made several modifications to our protocol for auditing and assessing facilities.
Facilities found to have fire safety related violations must initiate corrective actions immediately. All repairs or
changes that are not able to be completed immediately must be completed no later than thirty (30) days from
identification. During this thirty-day period, the factory must implement plans to mitigate the identified risks or
further production will be barred.
In addition, there is a certain set of requirements which may be above and beyond legal requirement(s) that
must be implemented and adhered to. These include:
No locked doors. Doors should have push bar operation for easy exit in case of emergency
Barred windows must have an internal mechanism for emergency release or removal to allow
for worker escape and must remain unlocked
All floors and buildings, including dormitories, must have a secondary exit, and preferably an
external fire escape route
Fire escape routes must lead to safe assembly points without any obstructions. Assembly
points must be designated and marked as such and must be kept clear at all times.
Proper access for fire department vehicles and other fire-fighting equipment in the factory
Adequate water supply for sprinkler and fire hydrant systems.
Audible, visible and operable smoke alarms placed appropriately throughout the building with
at least the minimum number required by law
Audible and operable fire alarms that can be heard in all parts of the building, that operate as
one system amongst all floors and areas of the building
Marked and lighted exit routes for all floors and areas of the building, including stairwells.
Emergency lights to be fire grade ‘industrial emergency lights’ for use in smoke and fire
Quarterly joint fire drills including all floors of the building to be overseen by an external party,
such as the fire authority, for timely and effective personnel evacuation. Documentation of
these drills must be retained by the facility for review during any visit to the facility.
Fire safety training conducted for all personnel every 6 months
Personnel on-boarding process should include fire safety training upon hiring
Trained firefighters for each floor of the facility
Valid fire license where required by law
Valid construction approval where required by law
Hazardous/flammable chemicals must be kept away from ignition sources
Crèche/childcare facilities must be on the ground floor of the building, preferably located in a
separate non-industrial facility
Suppliers must work with their facilities to ensure the above requirements are being met