the sears is seeking qc inspector now. if you get interview with this company and they will ask you to show the certification of salary. so you should show your salary is among 3500. it is to high and you will lose this job作者: 一个验货员 时间: 2007-9-29 00:28
Your means msut under 3500RMB? Too Lower ...作者: cxxvx 时间: 2007-9-29 08:29
would you let us know how to contact their hr and advise how to get an interview?
not just a news in a few words, it is helpless to us.作者: blue.sky18 时间: 2007-9-29 12:59
3.5K is too lower! now money is not worth as before! i hope every one can make more money! so we need to show our salary not less than 4.5K when the HR ask you!作者: atw 时间: 2007-9-29 13:15
my friend worked at sears and the salary just 3200 /month. he said that more inspectors of sears just pay for 2500-3600 /month. so if you ask more and you will lose the job.作者: 一个验货员 时间: 2007-9-29 13:32
Then ....they have other way to get more money ..?作者: catfly18 时间: 2007-9-29 14:07
My god, the salary of sears became too thin after it was mergered by Kmart.作者: liaowj277 时间: 2007-9-29 14:07
真受不了你们这些家伙作者: ghost 时间: 2007-9-29 16:00
fuck the owner of the building, and the 2nd floor to 7th floor, why can't you just type Chinese instead of English. Do you think your Engilsh better than "ghost old"?作者: 飘风 时间: 2007-9-29 18:42
YUAN LAI YING YU SHI ZHE YANG XUE HAO DE!!!作者: jonelychen 时间: 2007-9-29 18:54
JESUS,ALL CRAZY GUYS.作者: lzg0218 时间: 2007-10-3 10:07
sear's是一家德国公司吧?是不是做家具的?作者: BYANG564 时间: 2007-10-4 12:46
Want to say that it is difficult to love you作者: wu_wusong 时间: 2007-10-12 09:31
英文懂也不要这样吧! 刺激呀!作者: ah-sim 时间: 2007-10-18 22:45
my god...the HR company suggested me to show 5.5k...then the job gone作者: unioninspection 时间: 2007-11-11 22:24
i was failure on this step due to my salary requested too higher.作者: ULCE540 时间: 2007-12-19 13:27
I had been interview by their HR of Hk, who ask me many questions and examined english. I need salary about 3500K, and later have not inform me to work. I feel this company that it is not good company.