--Re--look for part time qc job for garments in Jiangsu and Shanghai
Dear Sirs/Ladies,
I am now working in a buying office as QC inspector.I have plenty
of free time.I am versed in inspection and I passed CET-6.I can
do inspections for garments,caps,scarfs,gloves,socks and handbags.
I live in Suzhou city and major work area is Jiangsu at present.I hope
to find some part time inspection jobs in Jiangsu,Shanghai and the
north of Zhejiang provience.I am also available at weekends.If you are
intrested,please contact with me via below methods:
(Please pay attention that I am looking for part time job here ,not full
time job):
Mobile phone:1 3 9 14 0 37 1 79.
Thank you !作者: firstonea 时间: 2012-6-24 23:26 作者: firstonea 时间: 2012-6-24 23:27
希望得到兄弟姐妹的大力支持哦作者: LYL 时间: 2012-6-25 08:02
支持你作者: davidwjq98 时间: 2012-6-25 08:30
支持作者: david818 时间: 2012-6-25 08:47
支持作者: 好好学习2 时间: 2012-6-25 09:35
支持作者: Jack-Huang 时间: 2012-6-25 10:02
深圳东莞区域的支持你。作者: Tony.L 时间: 2012-6-26 18:34
顶一个!作者: firstonea 时间: 2012-7-11 08:20 标题: 回复 1# firstonea 的帖子 谢谢各位兄弟姐妹的大力支持作者: firstonea 时间: 2012-7-11 09:11 作者: firstonea 时间: 2012-7-12 10:12
自己顶一下,免得沉掉作者: firstonea 时间: 2012-7-14 12:39
我顶我顶,不要沉掉作者: firstonea 时间: 2012-8-1 21:57 标题: 回复 12# firstonea 的帖子 mmkllklkl'k'作者: firstonea 时间: 2012-9-1 09:42
最近自己单位慢慢开始空闲了,有时间做兼职了,自己顶一下,免得沉掉作者: firstonea 时间: 2012-10-10 12:01 标题: 回复 1# firstonea 的帖子 作者: firstonea 时间: 2012-10-31 20:18 标题: 回复 16# firstonea 的帖子 作者: albertkong 时间: 2012-11-2 13:12
同求!10年服装验货经验,现以全兼职为主,时间充裕,请联系电话18952635048.孔先生.作者: firstonea 时间: 2013-1-4 22:36 标题: 个人信息更新 寻江苏上海服装验货兼职工作
袜子,以及手提包,我住上海 ,目前主要工作地是江苏地区,希望寻
手机:1 3 9 14 0 37 1 79.谢谢!
--Re--look for part time qc job for garments in Jiangsu and Shanghai
Dear Sirs/Ladies,
I am now working in a buying office as QC inspector.I have plenty
of free time.I am versed in inspection and I passed CET-6.I can
do inspections for garments,caps,scarfs,gloves,socks and handbags.
I live in Suzhou city and major work area is Jiangsu at present.I hope
to find some part time inspection jobs in Jiangsu,Shanghai and the
north of Zhejiang provience.I am also available at weekends.If you are
intrested,please contact with me via below methods:
(Please pay attention that I am looking for part time job here ,not full
time job):
Mobile phone:1 3 9 14 0 37 1 79.
Thank you !作者: firstonea 时间: 2013-4-19 21:23 标题: 寻江苏上海服装验货兼职工作-信息更新 寻江苏上海服装验货兼职工作-信息更新
袜子,以及手提包,我住上海 ,目前主要工作地是江苏盐城/浙江宁波/ 山东青岛/福建福州地区,希望寻找以上地区以及上海,江苏苏州,无锡, 南通,以及浙江北部的兼职验货,周末也可以看货。我自带数码
手机:1 3 9 14 0 37 1 79.谢谢!
--Re--look for part time qc job for garments in Jiangsu and Shanghai
Dear Sirs/Ladies,
I am now working in a buying office as QC inspector.I have plenty
of free time.I am versed in inspection and I passed CET-6.I can
do inspections for garments,caps,scarfs,gloves,socks and handbags.
I live in Suzhou city and major work area is Jiangsu at present.I hope
to find some part time inspection jobs in Jiangsu,Shanghai and the
north of Zhejiang provience.I am also available at weekends.If you are
intrested,please contact with me via below methods:
(Please pay attention that I am looking for part time job here ,not full
time job):
Mobile phone:1 3 9 14 0 37 1 79.
Thank you !作者: firstonea 时间: 2013-4-22 11:46 作者: jackyxiao 时间: 2013-4-22 14:00
支持你作者: firstonea 时间: 2013-4-26 00:16
谢谢各位支持作者: charlescai 时间: 2013-4-30 21:08 作者: firstonea 时间: 2013-12-26 23:51