我觉得还是比较合理的 。作者: passolo 时间: 2008-5-19 22:34
学习了,小顶一下!!作者: masonmei 时间: 2008-5-20 01:12
多谢楼主的资料,学习学习作者: JLAAGNSL 时间: 2008-5-21 17:45
Hair iron, 2 pin plug, product designed as class II, but the cord is single cover, not double, and can not pass hi-poit 3500v 1mA( causing of the cord). How to do with this? thanks for any reply.作者: JLAAGNSL 时间: 2008-5-21 17:47
by the way, can pass hi-pot 1800v/3mA test.作者: yyj0517 时间: 2008-5-22 09:41
非常好的资料,谢谢LZ作者: SKYS 时间: 2008-6-2 09:52
谢谢楼主作者: 熊程 时间: 2008-6-7 16:32
谢谢楼主.作者: masonmei 时间: 2008-6-7 17:50
只不过I类产品有时也有II类结构作者: tonydong2008 时间: 2008-6-10 17:33
keep in mind, thanks作者: tigerzhou 时间: 2008-6-11 15:41
学习了,谢谢了,好东东作者: eliot 时间: 2008-6-25 10:32