标题: ROHS缩略术语 [打印本页] 作者: Aaron 时间: 2007-6-11 12:22 标题: ROHS缩略术语 ROHS缩略术语
CCC 中国强制认证
EEE 电子电气设备
EFUP 环保使用期限
EU 欧盟
EUCTP 欧盟中国贸易项目
FAQ’s 常见问题
GAC 中华人民共和国海关总署中国采
IEC 国际电工委员会
Kitemark 英国标准协会认证方案(自主)
MCV 最高浓度值
MII 中华人民共和国信息产业部
MOC 中华人民共和国商业部NDRC 国家发展和改革委员会
NWML 国家重量和测量实验室
PRC 中华人民共和国采
RoHS 限制(在电子电气产品中)使用有害物质的指令
SEPA 中国国家环境保护总局
WEEE 废电子电气设备指令
Acronym Definition Meaning
AAS Atomic absorption spectroscopy
ABS Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene
ASO Ag / Sn / O2 Silver Tin Oxide
AgSnO2 Ag / Sn / O2 Silver tin oxide
Ag Silver Chemical Symbol
BGA Ball Grid Array
Bi Bismuth Chemical Symbol
CAF Conductive anodic filament
Cd Cadmium Chemical Symbol
Cr (VI) Hexavalent Chromium Chemical Symbol
CRT Cathode ray tube
CSP Chip Scale Package
DEFRA Department of the Environment, Food & Rural Affairs UK Government environment ministry
DTI Department of Trade & Industry Key UK government department involved in RoHS compliance promotion
EC European Commission
ED-XRF Energy dispersive X-Ray fluorescence analysis
EEE Electrical and electronic equipment
ELV End of Live Vehicles EU Directive
ESH Environmental Safety & Health
FR4 A material used as a substrate for a PCB, made of fibreglass & epoxy
FTIR Fourier transform infra-red (spectroscopy)
GCMS Gas chromatography mass spectroscopy
HASL Hot Air Solder Leveling
Hg Mercury Chemical Symbol
HPLC High performance liquid chromatography
IC Integrated circuit or ion chromatography depending on context
ICP Inductively coupled plasma spectroscopy
IT Information Technology
LFS Lead Free Soldering
m.pt. Melting point
MCV Maximum Concentration Value
MLCC Multilayer ceramic capacitors
MSL Moisture sensitivity level
NiAu Nickel / Gold
OEM Original equipment manufacturer
Pb Lead Chemical Symbol
PBB Polybrominated Biphenyls Flame retardant chemical
PBDE Polybrominated Diphenyl Ether Flame retardant chemical
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PVC Poly vinyl chloride
QA Quality assurance
RoHS Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances EU Directive
SAB Sn / Ag / Bi Tin Silver Bismuth alloy
SABC Sn / Ag / Bi / Cu Tin Silver Bismuth Copper alloy
SAC Sn / Ag / Cu Tin Silver Copper alloy
SAC305 Sn / Ag 3.0% / 0.5% Cu Alloy mix percentiles
SAC385 Sn / Ag 3.8% / 0.5% Cu Alloy mix percentiles
SAC408 Sn / Ag 4% / 0.8% Cu Alloy mix percentiles
SEM/EDX Scanning electron microscope / energy dispersive X-ray analysis
SME Small and medium sized enterprises
Sn Tin Chemical Symbol
TAC Adaption C ommittee EU Technical Committee
TCE Thermal coefficient of expansion
TCF Technical compliance file
Tg Glass transition temperature
VOC Volatile Octane Compound
WD-XRF Wavelength dispersive X-Ray fluorescence analysis
WEEE Waste electrical and electronic equipment EU Directive作者: Aaron 时间: 2007-6-11 12:23
稍微有点乱,多多包涵!作者: wenbo_wu 时间: 2007-6-13 09:55
谢谢分享,。。。。。作者: hycfeng 时间: 2007-11-25 09:58
TKS for good share!