标题: 挪威奥力进口公司中山代表处怎么样 [打印本页] 作者: jeffyip 时间: 2011-1-26 14:38 标题: 挪威奥力进口公司中山代表处怎么样 挪威奥力进口公司中山代表处怎么样? 公司概况,薪水,做什么市场,行业口碑等等作者: goodscott 时间: 2011-1-26 17:13
路过。。。作者: hhm.owen 时间: 2011-1-26 19:30
公司在中山啊,顶的人越多,我透露的也就越多~~~~作者: territong 时间: 2011-1-26 19:35
路过,看看,赚点积分走人作者: ryanyu 时间: 2011-1-26 20:54
到底怎么样呀 楼上的说下吗作者: hhm.owen 时间: 2011-1-26 21:09
Orient Import AS Zhongshan Representative Office was setup in 2005 by Orient Holdings AS, which is headquartered in Norway. Orient Holdings has established solid business partnership with key market players and has become one of the leading import company in Norway. We source a wide range of China products, including but not limited to mechinary, electronics, household products, indoor/outdoor furnitures and plastic product, etc. and export to north European countires. We provide our employees with competitive salary, welfare, and most importantly, a great potential to learn and grow. We have opening for the following positions.作者: jeffyip 时间: 2011-1-27 00:27
楼上的,请告诉我啊,他们昨天打电话给我,说叫我面试呢,请告知我详情吧。听你的口气,好像很不好哦 这个公司作者: aa300 时间: 2011-1-27 10:44
仔细讲讲啊,作者: hhm.owen 时间: 2011-1-27 16:21 标题: 回复 7# jeffyip 的帖子 叫你面试什么?然后你想了解什么?作者: leapjc 时间: 2011-1-27 18:38 标题: 回复 9# hhm.owen 的帖子 你以前是不是在SGS混过啊??知道就告诉兄弟们, 卖什么关子.作者: hhm.owen 时间: 2011-1-27 19:11