我在这里好言相劝还没进入验货行和非常想进验货行的朋友一句,这行业并没有大家想的那么风光,不管在什么地方做事,一定要有原则,有底线,钱是挣不完的,但是良心是能用光的。作者: songli 时间: 2010-5-11 12:39
几天前才看过,写的确实不错,是个敢于说真话的主作者: yucaili 时间: 2010-5-11 12:53 标题: 这都是表面现象 最基层的挣点辛苦钱。你知道上面赚的是你多少倍吗作者: junxia 时间: 2010-5-11 15:53
工厂如果确实有了问题 用钱销销灾 也是正常
给了B 结果货也会少看点 工厂也少被折腾了 报告过了 顺利走货 给客人的感觉也非常好 客人会继续下单 这样也就良性循环了啊作者: 无岩冰极 时间: 2010-5-15 11:29
话倒是很实在,只是其实有很多验货员还是满尽责的,至于工厂给的红包,就算辛苦费吧!作者: zhenghaolin 时间: 2010-5-18 10:56 标题: 回复 5# 无岩冰极 的帖子 我们的原则是:该吃的吃,该喝的喝,该拿的拿,该退的还是要退;不要因为吃喝拿去退货,不行就要退货;恶劣的工厂另当别论, :lol作者: 金牌QC 时间: 2010-5-18 23:54 标题: 回复 1# PTRIX 的帖子 Protecting your own reputation is most important & helpful for your career. I agreed with you that most of inspectors have the integrity issues, which is a great hurdle ahead of you. But if you learn more professional knowledge and leadership, you should have the chance to be promoted to the next level, while the merit is the best reward for your hard working and learning, you won't attract by the under payment, you are getting a way toward future successful. Again, learning professional knowledge is a best way and only way to elevate yourself, to support you to enjoy the easy life with your family.作者: jiaoding 时间: 2010-7-23 17:28