indexes inspection (inspect the physical and chemical indexes of peanut)
mass part of moisture not more 4%
mass part of wrinkled, underdeveloped and dried peanuts 2%
admixture, not more than 1%
half grains – not more than 10 %
imperfect kernels – not more than 2 %
mineral and extraneous admixtures not accepted
presence of mould and damaged wreckers kernels not accepted
infection by the wreckers of panary stores not accepted
作者: QC009 时间: 2009-11-5 18:15
大哥这么了解食品,来我们公司吧,我们老们找食品验货员找了差不多两年都找不到呀作者: zxww301 时间: 2009-11-6 21:38
可惜只会吃不会检验作者: frankfu11 时间: 2009-11-7 14:43
那是客人给的标准,不是他很会检验,看有没有瘪的,半颗的,含水率,再不允许有发霉,杂质作者: 空中花狐 时间: 2009-11-8 22:19 标题: 回复 4# frankfu11 的帖子 HI Frank, you are right, looks like you are quitr familiar with the peanut, can you contact me? thank you!
inspestar@163.com作者: QC008 时间: 2009-11-9 14:45
搞的好象老外是的....经常都是说鸟语!作者: smith 时间: 2009-11-9 15:29
这些要求也蛮严格的。作者: 空中花狐 时间: 2009-11-9 17:27 标题: 回复 6# QC008 的帖子 Hi, it's because I'm quite old and can not type Chinese fast, it's easy for to use english, if you don't like, i say sorry to you, BTW, I love your word........... haha.........作者: frankfu11 时间: 2009-11-11 18:44
i 've reply you already by short message, i can not handle food inspection ,i'm a hardline and garment QC, soory.作者: 前进666 时间: 2009-11-12 10:59
花生也要检验?是个人都知道它好不好啦作者: 空中花狐 时间: 2009-11-12 16:41 标题: 回复 10# 前进666 的帖子 花生也要检验?是个人都知道它好不好啦
you are cool....................作者: kinzo 时间: 2009-11-13 20:50
无知者无畏作者: benzliu 时间: 2009-11-14 09:31
I'd like to be a peanut inspector but no oppotunity. Could you pls consider to give some training to the people like me. Then after a short time I can work for you as an inspector. How do you think? Pls contact with QQ:510831038, or email: ruixingren@126.com作者: arsion 时间: 2009-11-14 15:49 标题: 不错哟 这个应该是个技术含量的东西。要有设备作者: QC008 时间: 2009-11-16 12:01
在顶一下。。哈哈!作者: lorrykai 时间: 2009-11-17 04:33