标题: 英语陷阱(1) [打印本页] 作者: hung 时间: 2009-10-12 09:57 标题: 英语陷阱(1) ★ He is a bicycle doctor.
此句不能译作:“他是个骑单车的医生”,因句中的doctor是委婉语(euphemism),是对某种职业的美称,故不作“医生”解,而是表示repair man的涵义。委婉语起源于远古,维多利来女王时代中期为其鼎盛时期,在现代英语中,其出现频率依然颇高,因为人们通过委婉语,可以用温顺悦耳的词语去谈论或叙述一些原来令人不快或逆耳之事物。为此,他们用domestic help、day help或live-in help代替mail或servant(佣人);以custodian或superintendent替代doorkeeper、caretaker或janitor(看门人或管理人);用She has a tile loose或She has a cylinder missing去代替She is crazy或Sh is not right in the head(神经失常)。
原 称 委 婉 语
无线电修理工 radio electrician radio doctor
理发师 barber cosmotologist
妓女 whore working girl/ street girl
家庭妇女 housewife household executive
收垃圾工人 garbage collector sanitary engineer
老年 old age second childhood
老人 old people senior citizens
假牙 false teeth dentures
小解 piss urinate/ number one
Nowadays many weight-watchers would like to go to the gym.
That luster has taken a fancy to Middle Eastern dancing.
They are the culturally deprived.
A libray of teaching materials for preventing teenage suicides will open for educators in Hong Kong this year.
值得注意的是,委婉语虽然是“古已有之,于今为烈”,但决不能用得过多过滥。使用时要考虑场合和对象,如用得不得体,反而会使你“欲礼而不达”,甚至令人不知所云,一头雾水。作者: hung 时间: 2009-10-12 09:58 标题: 英语陷阱(2) ★ You cannot be too careful.
此句不能按字面译作:“你不能过分小心。”因为cannot…too是个固定结构,其义为“无论如何…也不过份”。如用英语阐述,上句相当于:You should be as careful as possible. 我们在学习英语的时候,遇到这类实际意义与其字面意义大相径庭的句子,必须小心区别,正确地理解其涵义。下面请看几类例:
We cannot recommend this book too strongly.
You can't be too care ful in dong this experiment.
The importance of this session cannot be exaggerated.
No man can have too many friends.
L.G.Alexander编著的“New Concept English”第二册其中一课"Do You Call That a Hat?"
中有这么一段风趣的夫妻对话,丈夫和妻子都用了这个句型的变体:"I find it beautiful," I said. "A man can never have too many ties." "And a woman can't have too many hats," she anwered. “这条领带很漂亮,”我说道,“男人的领带愈多愈好。”“女人的也是愈多愈好啊,”她答道。
We cannot too strongly inculcate (or It would be impossible to over-estimate) the importance of more teacher training to deal with student problems and prevent teenage suicides in Hong Kong. The importance of the campaign against dogs in public housing estates in Hong Kong cannot be exaggerated.作者: hung 时间: 2009-10-12 09:59 标题: 英语陷阱(3) ★ Do you know how to service this new-type machine?
在现代英语里,出现了一种用名词作动词的倾向。例如:to paper one's room; to bottle the fruit;to bandage up a wound;to oil a machine;to position a factory near the town;to pressure him to do so等等。然而,某些名词作动词使用时,与原有动词的涵义有所不同,上面所述的to service和to serve的区别就是一个典型的例子。试对比下列各组词的不同涵义:
to power:为…提供动力 to empower:为…授予权力
to site:为…提供场所 to situate:位于;处于
to package:给…打包装箱(美语) to pack:给…包装
to loan:贷款 to lend:出借;出租
to decision:根据积分评定 to decide:决定;判决
应当在此指出,把名词作动词使用时必须要符合一条准则,那就是在找不到适当的动词表示涵义时,才能用名词作动词,否则就是滥用。因此,以to message代替to send a message to;用to bill替代to charge to one's account;以to signature 代替to sign或用to suspicion去替代to suspect老是不妥当的。然而,我们又应该注意到,在现代英语中,把名词作为动词使用的现象是很普遍的,而且有日渐增多的倾向。下面是一些从英美书刊中信手拈来的例子:
Tom has his car serviced (=maintained) regularly.
Mr. Smith has authored (=written) a book on AIDS.
You must pressure (=force) him to do it.
Her dress is patterned upon (=made from) a Paris model.
Dick is the man who used to partner Mary.
Opposition to the war snowballed.
We shall book through to Hong Kong.
Don't fool away your time, my boy!
Mr. Smith noons for half an hour every day.
They have husbanded their farms very well.
Students in Hong Kong can view a collection of more than 100 rare species of goldfish in the Ocean Park.
读者们不难从上面的例子看出,用名词作动词可以带来一种新鲜感,能唤起人们的注意并给人们留下一个逼真生动的画面。作者: hung 时间: 2009-10-12 10:02 标题: 英语陷阱(4) ★ I couldn't have got to Slough in time unless I'd had a helicopter.
一般的英语语法书和辞典都会谈到,连接词unless的涵义和if…not相同,它们可以互换使用。例如:I shan't go unless he asks me. 等于I shan't go if he does not ask me.(Eckersley's A comprehensive English Grammar);You will fail unless you work harder. 等于You will fail if you do not work harder.(A.S. Hornby's The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English). 其实,这样的提法是不够全面的,因为存在着这么一个问题:unless和 if…not是否在各种场合下都能互换使用呢?现以上例--I couldn't have got to Slough in time unless I'd had a helicopter. 为例来探讨一下这个问题.
此句引自国外报刊。说话人被控犯了谋杀罪,在法庭他自辩说:“发生此案时,我并不在S地,而是在离S地几十里外的另一个小镇上,关于这点我可以提供人证……”接着他说道:“I couldn't have got to Slough in time unless I'd had a helicopter.” 如果遵照一般语法书所述的公式:unless=if…not,将此句改作I couldn't have got to Slough in time if I'd not had a helicopter那会产生怎样的后果呢?若改作if…not,其涵义是:I did have a helicopter and I did get to Slough in time to commit the murder. 显而易见,这并不是犯人所想说的话。因此 unless是在大多数场合下可与if…not互换使用,但在某些场合里(例如在某些谓语动词用虚拟语气的句子里)却不能相互置换,否则它们会产生截然相反的涵义。
Unless you had lent me a hand, I should not have fulfilled my task.
= If you had not lent me a hand, I should not have fulfilled my task.
然而,在另一些场合里,unless并不是表示 if…not的涵义,而是表示近似于but…if的涵义。这时候,可以改写为but…if,但决不能用if…not去替代。例如,犯人在法庭上所说的那一句,可以改写为:I could not have got to Slough, but I could have got to Slough if I had had a helicopter.
I should not expect their help unless they were my friends.
I Should not expect their help if they were not my friends.作者: hung 时间: 2009-10-12 10:03 标题: 英语陷阱(5) ★ He is a good sailor.
此句不能译作:“他是一个好水手。”如要表达此意,应该说: He is a skilled seaman.
He is a good sailor. 的真正涵义是: He is not liable to seasickness. 或He is seldom seasick in rough weather. 因此,a good sailor 的内涵是:“不会晕船”。
四十年代出版的一本《英汉四用辞典》把He is a good sailor. 译作:“他是一个好水手”,因为它没有把这个句子的真正涵义表达出来。
What kind of sailor are you?
I'm a bad sailor.{或I'm not much of a sailor.}
Are you a good sailor?
Yes, I'm a good sailor.
从上面的例句可看出,a bad sailor是a good sailor的相对语,因此,它也不能照译作:“一个坏水手”,而应译作:“会晕船”或“容易晕船”。 请再看下面几个例句:
Lao Li is a bad teacher. (或Lao Li is not much of a teacher.)
Hsiao Wang is a good learner.
John is a good thief.
从上述例句可以看到,good和bad是表示“能力的大小”和“动作的特征”,是用来指“航海”, “教书”,“学习”,“偷窃”的动作特征,而不是指人的道德品质而言,因此 a good thief的内涵是 someone who thieves well;a good learner的内涵是someone who learns well。其余可以类推。
英语有句名谚: A bad workman always blames his tools.(自己笨,怪刀钝)
句中的bad也不是指workman的品德不好,而是“笨手笨脚”的涵义。a bad workman是“能工巧匠”的反语,可译作:“技艺差的工匠”。同理,a bad driver是“驾驶技术拙劣的司机”; a bad nurse是“不称职的护士”。
在其他场合里,“bad”还可能译为:“不胜任的”,“令人不满意的”,“差劲的”。总之,bad和good的译法必须根据具体的场合和搭配词才能选定。作者: hung 时间: 2009-10-12 10:04 标题: 英语陷阱(6) ★ You are being insulting her!
这一句不能译作:“你现在在侮辱她!”,如要表达此意,应该说:You are insulting her!为什么are being insulting会表示“故意侮辱”的涵义呢?在回答这个问题之前,让我们先对比一下下列两句的不同涵义:
1. She is kind.
2. She is being kind.
从表层的结构看,She is kind的语义是“她是和蔼的”,从深层的结构看,is kind 是说明主语的特性的品质,其内在涵义是:“她平日待人一向和蔼可亲”。She is being kind的表层语义是:“她现在是和蔼的”,从深层结构看,being表示“目前”或“现在”的短暂涵义,它说明主体有意识进行的一个动作,故其内在涵义为:“她平日待人并不和蔼,现在却故意装出一副和蔼可亲的模样。”在这种句型里,being的意义相当于“故意地”(purposely or intentionally)。
They are being friendly.
Tom is being polite.
Mary is being angry with me.
Dick is being difficult.
They are being difficult.
HE is being naughty, isn't he?
"Mary, you're so pretty today"
"You're just being polite."
最后一句的"You're just being polite." 是回答别人称赞的用语,相当于It's nice of you to say so,故将其译作:“你真会说话。”
我们通过She is kind. 和She is being kind. 的对比,可以由此及彼,举一反三地想到:
She is good (helpful, a fool, an angel, a nuisance…)
She is being good (helpful, a fool, an angel, a nuisance…)
因为She is being good = She is behaving well.
最后还需在此补充一句:表示状态的时候,“be”不能用于形容身体。例如,我們不可以说:The Japanese sumo star Akebono is being fat.(只能说……is fat)作者: hung 时间: 2009-10-12 10:06 标题: 英语陷阱(7) ★ I don't know whether they are not here.
乍然看来,此句不难理解,似乎是:“我不知道他们是否在这里”,相当于I don't know wherther they are here or not. 实际上,这个句子并不是表示这个意思,因为它是个特殊句型,故不能按照字面去理解和翻译,其内涵相当于I think that they might be here. 正确的译文如上。为什么我们说这是一个特殊的句型呢?在回答之前,也让我们先看两个句子:
I don't know whether they are not here就是表示类似语义的一种句型。句中的I don't know并不是真正的不知道,而是表示“没有十足把握”或“未经证实”的意味,其后的whether they are not here是近乎肯定的猜测内容,故全句可译作:“我想他们可能会在这里”。
"I don't know whether…not"和"I wonder whether…not"都是同一种类型的特殊句型,老是用以表示说话人主观看法或猜测的解释句(a pattern of interpretation)。
Dr. Aline Wong, a Singapore Government minister, has made a new pitch for Hong Kong people to migrate there after announcing that the number of Hongkongers who have taken up permanent residence since July 1989 had reached about 4,700. Dr. Wong said Singapore and Hong Konghad much in common. Both had Dynamic economies with modern infrastructures. Therefore, she wonders whether Hongkongers will not migrate to Singapore.作者: hung 时间: 2009-10-12 10:07 标题: 英语陷阱(8) ★ We should adopt an effective economy measure.
顺便在此指出,在英语中还有另一种奇怪的现象,即某些词语同时兼有恰好相反的两个意义。例如:fireman既可表示“消防队员”(fire fighter)的意思,也可表示“伙夫”或“烧火工人”(a man who looks after the fire in a furnace or steam-engine)。biweekly既可作“两周一次”解,亦可作“一周两次”解;occasionally既可表示“偶尔”之意,亦可表示“时而”(now and then)之意。这时,我们只有根据上下文的情况去判定其义。下面举一个例子,以说明英语中的“同词反义”现象:
In the past week, the US ( ) news could hardly have been better:brisk retail sales, a big jump in factory orders and even a significant decline in the unemployment rate. With all these signs of an ( ) rebound, some might wonder why President Bill Clinton is gong ahead with a program to give the backsliding economy an extra shove -- a move that could add US $31 billion or so to a budget deficit already headed into the stratosphere.作者: hung 时间: 2009-10-12 10:09 标题: 英语陷阱(9) ★ Your little daughter was stood in the doorway.
或:Your little daughter was standing in the doorway.
无独有偶,在美国英语里(American English),我们也发现类似的语言现象。例如,有些美国人把及物动词set当作不及物动词用,他们说:Please set down and rest your bones.
显而易见,这里的Please set down就是等于Please sit down。实际上,前者是Please set yourself down的省略形式或变体,他们把作宾语用的人称代词yourself省略了。语法学家和主张语言纯正的人(purists)是反对这种英语的。尽管如此,有些美国人又把不及物动词sit当作及物动词set使用,他们会说出这样的英语:
Sit the baby down.
Sit him in the chair.
在过去几十年中,美国学校的英语教师不断地教导学生说:a setting hen是错误的英语,应把setting改为sitting,但很多人依旧我行我素,还是说a setting hen。也许美国农民比较守旧吧,他们说道:I don't care whether the hen is setting or sitting.I want to know when she cackles whether she's laying or lying.
笔者斗胆说一句:“有没有搞错。This is what we call 'living English'.”作者: hung 时间: 2009-10-12 10:11 标题: 英语陷阱(10) ★ You can find doctors and doctors in HongKong!
Gentlemen may cry,Peace,Peace - but there is no peace.
(from Patrick Henry's Speech Before the Virginia Convention of 1775 )
Scrooge went to bed again,and thought and thought and thought it over and over.
但是,在某些场合下,将某些词重复,并不是要收到突出语义的效果,而是为了表示“不同类型”的涵义。例如:You will find doctors and doctors in Hong Kong.的语义就相当于You can find bad doctors as well as good doctors in Hong Kong. 该句的语义重点放在“也有坏医生”上。
There are artists and artists.
You should know that there are books and books。
There were rats and rats and rats all over the house.
"Aye, it is!" returned the girl. "It is my living; and the cold, wet, dirty streets are my home; and you're the wretch that drove me to them long ago, and that'll keep me there, asy and night, day and night, till I die!"
Nancy在怒骂Jew拖人下水,害人不浅的时候,就是通过名词性短语day and night的重复来加强语势的,它所表达的涵义是:“夜以继日,日以继夜,天天如此。”作者: lxgyang 时间: 2009-10-12 12:00
There are spaces and spaces.
HAHA作者: hung 时间: 2009-10-19 10:56 标题: 英语陷阱(11) ★ They do not advocate pragmatism.
此句不能译作:“他们不搞实用主义”,如要表达此意,可说:They will not base their policies on expediency. 在现代英语中,有一批数量相当可观的词语,它们宛如“时髦服装”一样,人们在社会交际时争相使用,因而被称之为“时髦词”(vogue words)。有时候,因为用得太多太滥,造成了误用或误解。例如,pragmatism原为哲学用语,是“实用主义”之意,后来,人们把这个词用作“实事求是”的意思,相当于matter-of-factness。又如 I feel guiliy并不是“我感到有罪”,而是“我感到过意不去”。How goes the enemy?不是“敌人怎样了?”而是“现在几点钟啦?”guilty和enemy在这里也是“时髦词”。
A lot of educators in Hong Kong have warned of a decline in the calibre of students entering the Colleges of Education.作者: hung 时间: 2009-10-19 10:56 标题: 英语陷阱(12) ★ He is an English student.
如同其他的语言一样,英语的重音和语调(即超音段成份)在区别词义和语义方面起着重要的作用。例如在He is an English student.一句中,我们在讲话时把重音放在English student两个词上,其义为“他是一个英国学生”,如将重音放在English一个字上,其义就含糊了,这时候,它既可以表示第一种涵义,等于He is a student of English nationality.(as opposed to some other nationality),也可以表示第二种涵义,等于He is a student of English.(as opposed to another language),为了避免含糊起见,人们在讲话时,往往说He is a student of English nationality.或He is a student of English.而不用He is an English student.这种模棱两可的句子。
同理,我们可以把student这个字变为teacher。如果我们说:He is an 'English 'teacher.其义为“他是一个英国教师”(但不一定教英语)。假如说:He is an 'English teacher'.其义是:“他是一个英语教师”(不一定是英国人或中国人)。为了避免歧义,人们通常用:He is a teacher of English.来代替He is an English teacher.以表示“他是一个英语教师”的涵义。
值得注意的是,假如在He is an English teacher.这个句子中,我们把句子重音放在teacher这个字上,其义就是“他是一个教英语的英国教师”(强调他的身分是教师,不是学生)。因此,我们在讲话时,超音段成份要使用得当,否则就会引起误解。下面再举两例,以见一斑:
动名词的涵义不如不定式那么明确和确实,语气也比较婉转。因此,We propose to start from Tsuen Wan at seven 0'clock.的意味是:We have made up our minds to start from Tsuen Wan at seven. 而用动名词propose starting的一句则表示Let's start from Tsuen Wan at seven if that meets with your approval. 的意思。
She does not intend to pay the bill this month.
其意为:She has made up her mind not to pay the bill this month.如将does not intend to pay改为does not intend paying,其言外之急是:It is only her mental plan. She may change her mind if she is persuaded not to do so,即:“她有不付账的念头,但并不是很坚决,
如有人劝她,她可能会改变主意而去付账”。同样,在语气和涵义上,What do you propose to do about it?比What do you propose doing about it?明确而坚决,后者的语气比较婉转,是征求对方意见的口吻。因此,在“意向”(intention)动词之后,动词不定式表示one's decision 成fixed intention的意味,动名词则表示asking for permission or opinion或something not yet decided的涵义。
After giving a thought to the matter he started writing a letter to the Hong Kong Cultural Centre.
It has started to rain.作者: hung 时间: 2009-10-19 10:59 标题: 英语陷阱(14) ★ "When do you expect them?"
"I expect them this afternoon."
这两句不能译作:"你什么时候等他们?"--"我今天下午等他们." 一般的英汉词典大都将expect译作"期待"和"等待",实际上,在某些场合下, expect的真正涵义是“现在认为(或相信)某一事将会发生”, 相当于英语的to believe or think that something will happen. 因此, 上面两句中的expect不能译作:“期待”或“等待”,这两个句子相当于:
When do you expect them to come?
I expect them to come this afternoon.
Do you expect him at Kowloon City Pier?
I expect to see your brother there.
You are expected tomorrow.
They arrived before I expect.
I didn't expect you till five o'clock.
Everybody must expect to grow old.
Who did it? --I expect it was Hsiao Li.
这是谁干的? -- 我想是小李干的。
Is there any lobsters in Jumbo today? --I expect so.
今天“珍宝”酒家有龙虾吗? --我想会有的。
Do you think they will object?-- I expect they will, though I wish they wouldn't.
照你看他们会反对吗? -- 依我看,他们会反对的,虽然我希望他们不反对。作者: hung 时间: 2009-10-19 11:04 标题: 英语陷阱(15) ★ This bottle is quite full.
这一句不能译作:“这一瓶装得比较满”,如要表达此意,应该说: This bottle is rather full.
例如: Our factory has developed a new-type computer.
在摄影行业里, develop也有它自己的涵义。 下面略举数例:
developing-out paper --显像纸
color development --彩色显色
developer --显影剂或显色剂
dispalacement development --置换显影作者: hung 时间: 2009-10-19 11:07 标题: 英语陷阱(17) ★ Please give me an extra thick book.
此句不能译作:“请给我一本特别厚的书”。如要表达此意,应该说: Please give me an extra-thick book.
在an extra thick book中,extra是形容词,它相当于additional,义:“另外的”,“额外的”。在an extra-thick book中,extra是副词,它相当于beyond the normal,义:“特别地”,“异乎寻常地”,它和它所修饰的形容词之间要用连字号。当然,在不会引起歧解的场合里,字号是不需使用的。
例如: This book is extra thick. 和 They work extra hard.
这里的space walked相当于walked in space。这种用法在现代英美报刊和科技杂志上是经常见到的。
The three astronauts blasted off into outer space on one of the most exciting adventures in history. They landed on the moon and explored it. Two of the astronauts left their spaceship in a lunar landing craft and moon walked a couple of hours.
这里的moon walked 相当于walked on the moon。
在现代英语科技文章中,有一种类似于to be photocell controlled的语言现象也是值得我们注意的,即一种用“名词+过去分词”作定语的结构,该名词表示过去分词的动作主体或工具。例如:
a silver plated box 一只镀银的盒子作者: hung 时间: 2009-10-19 11:15 标题: 英语陷阱(20) ★ They have gone to Macau.
此句的言外之意是:“现在他们人已不在这里,到澳门去了。可能他们已到达澳门,也可能还在途中。”初学英语的人,容易把这个句子和They have been to Macau. 以及They have been in Macau. 混淆不清。前一句的涵义是“他们最近期间曾到过澳门,但现在人已回到香港”,因此,可以把它译作“他们最近去了一趟澳门”;后一句的涵义是“他们过去曾到过澳门,因而他们知道澳门是一个怎样的城市”,此句强调的是“经验”,故可译作:“他们到过澳门”。
由此可见,have gone to,have been to 和have been in 尽管意义相近,又都是现在完成时,但意义却各有不同。第一句着重说明的是“人已离开原地,到某地去了”;第二句着重强调的是“往返的动作”;第三句着重说明的是“经验”。
He has gone to Singapore.
He has been to Singapore.
He has been in Singapore.
通过上述例句的对比,我们可以知道: “今天早上他去看牙科医生了”的正确译文应该是:
He has been to the dentist this morning.
或: He went to the dentist this morning.
但不可以说: He has been in (or has gone to) the dentist this morning.
要注意的是,当have gone to 的主语不是第三人称,而是第一或第二人称时,have gone to 也可以表示“到过…(现已回来)”的涵义。
I have gone to the dentist to extract the bad tooth.
我已到牙科医生那里把坏牙拔掉了。作者: marktes 时间: 2009-10-20 00:20
you were missing part 19作者: kevinyang 时间: 2009-10-20 16:25
No man can have too many friends.