大家不要太短视,这一行在整个外贸领域,绝对是朝阳行业,前景巨大。关键看自己怎麽做。作者: broodtrue 时间: 2007-6-8 10:02
我一年总收入才4w,惨啊作者: broodtrue 时间: 2007-6-8 10:02 标题: 回复 #32 joly 的帖子 验货能有多大贡献啊,真是的,我们公司只看重业务作者: broodtrue 时间: 2007-6-8 10:04 标题: 回复 #31 lyy 的帖子 只要给我足够的钱,我绝对有忠诚的心和过硬的技术本领作者: cbz 时间: 2007-6-10 13:29
我也是很低,有没有合适的,大家帮介绍一下作者: tonyer 时间: 2007-6-10 18:27
就是啊 有的公司开价才2.8K 真是要命。 主要是英语的要求了作者: sharpsony 时间: 2007-6-11 13:10 标题: 请教如何成为高级验或者员 请教一下各位大哥,如何才能由助理验货员成为高级验或者员作者: xxppccaa 时间: 2007-6-11 19:28
现在能养活自已就很不错了,天天出差都不想出了作者: asan 时间: 2007-6-12 14:57 标题: ITS AND BV 小弟先前在ITS 混过一阵, 后来有个香港人找渣,我就走了.当时工资就很低了才2.1K,出去一天补30,车费没剩的.后来一个大哥指条活路去了BV, 感觉还行底菥3.5K.车数比LAB要高许多.但是阿JOE走后,来了解几个SGS的垃圾做Leader and OM, 报销就低了.也不知哪里有混头啊作者: 私人空间 时间: 2007-6-13 00:42
现在验货员这工作不比以前了,,,,,作者: yyfbz 时间: 2007-6-14 10:00
现在看起来一般的贸易公司和公证行都是在3K-5K左右吧,不是很高。作者: e-yean 时间: 2007-6-18 11:05
验货员工资还有2万啊,真是长见识作者: keke13058 时间: 2007-6-19 10:08
以平常心對待不平常的工作,知足常樂作者: broodtrue 时间: 2007-6-19 17:42
我很羡慕作者: Jamesqin 时间: 2007-6-20 15:46 标题: 回复 #1 dzbz 的帖子 做验货累呀,辛苦还肩负重担,工资不高怎么对得起我们!作者: franklee 时间: 2007-6-20 15:51
Jamesqin 现在我觉得越来越不好做了.作者: ridon_wfr1 时间: 2007-6-20 16:33
我刚刚转行做QC, 怎么有前辈说是夕阳产业,唉!信心受到打击啊!作者: james0206 时间: 2007-6-20 17:05 标题: 工作機會現在好少了呀· 我現在還沒有找到合適的工作呀!有沒有那位好心人給我介紹一個好的工作呀!!!作者: james0206 时间: 2007-6-20 17:11 标题: 朋友們給我一份工作呀! :) Resumes
Name:Zhang Yanqiong Surname:male
Date of birth:83.2.6 Height:163cm
Educarional background:university
Natiue prace :provincial goooernor in Hubei
Learn through the resumes:
1997--2000 eldet sun senior high schools
2000--2003 Guangdong manages an enginjeering
2006.2____Guangdong chigonetalented person trains center
Work resumes:
2003.7-2004.10Sha ho in Dongguanthe trading company check a goods memger
2004.11--2006.3 The Essence in Dongguantrading company business heel liat and check goods
Respomsible for developing sample .The item that the big goods produce.Follow product quantity,produce progress.responsible for sundries to check a goods work.The wealth quality of product as:Porcelain and cetamics,poly,Glass ,Cloth,Hardware foil .ancient furniture,Wood ,Toy,Plastic,Precious,The wealth quality product of handbag.Move to print towatds spraying oil,,static electicity,roast,printing,ctaft processes of product all very clear,will oprate a computer,word,Excel.Adobe Photoshop7.0
THe prings .CHF,BBB,W--M,OP,QK,Bali etc.guest is responsible for of is all export trade product.
Be on business Shandong province in the region,province in Fukien,province in Jiangsu,Guangdong province.
From says:
Oneself learn so much.Go forward.To work elaboration.Be responsible for..At work feeling of will test all-directionsly good like this whether right.If have a problem how to handle is the best way method.If outrun in all aspects from already the business of[with] ability will request superior to help a processing.How is meeting's learning other people to handles this problem.