专业而熟练的职业技能结合流利的口语表达、清晰的英语思维、地道的英语发音、准确而恰当的俚语运用、跨文化沟通技巧等将成为你应聘外企的主要竞争力。外教William Hill先生告诉我们:“I interviewed a lot of candidates in Shanghai, a few of which did impress me deeply with veteran skills. I was surprised at their spoken English because they appeared to be a Chinese American. I just couldn't decline them.”
如果外企的面试官是老外的话,那么国内的一些英语考试如CET4、CET6、TEM4、TEM8等可能作用并不明显,除了老外不了解这些考试外更多的在于这些考试并没有对考生的口语能力进行测试。关于这个问题William Hill说:“I don't think candidates with those certificates are up to par, because what we focus on is the communicating ability. And, as is known, CET and TEM don't seem to test one's speaking skills. But he who owns an IELTS or TOEFL certificate may be preferred.”可见雅思、托福等出国英语证书可能在一定程度上增强应聘者的竞争力。
3、关于介绍自己的:Could you say something about yourself? Could you sell yourself within a few minutes?
这个问题可以说是大众问题了,通过这个问题,面试官一方面大致把握一下你的英语水平,一方面找到和你交流的突破点,探寻本质,打破沙锅是人力资源经理的一惯作风,因此回答这个问题时务必事实求是,否则后面很可能无法自圆其说。不过这个问题其实也不复杂,外教William Hill告诉我们说与其说这个是测试应聘者的问题,不如说是应聘者卖弄自己英语的大好机会,So don't miss the boat!
4、关于应聘动机的:Why do you wanna work for us? What makes you come here today?
面试官想了解一下你的求职动机,看看你对公司是否有所了解。显然这个功课是你来面试之前就应该做好的,所以千万别说开始面试了还不知道这个公司是做什么的。请在回答这个问题的时候充满信心,不要说是来试试的(you really wanna take a try?),如果能事先将公司信息整理好并梳理一下和自己的职业技能相结合来介绍,则可谓Perfect Response。
5、关于你的弱点:What do you think is your greatest weakness? May I know it?
注意后面那句是客气的,千万别说No,也别说"I don't think I have any weakness"。客观地评价一下自己确实存在但对工作并不重要的缺点是一个不错的办法,当然别忘了要提一下你将采取什么样的办法来克服或弥补自己的缺点。
6、关于你过去的工作:How do you like your last job? Why did ya leave your last job?
5、face the music 勇于承担责任作者: peter_chen8 时间: 2009-5-19 13:41
Very good ducument,i like it so much and thank you for your sharing作者: hgj78 时间: 2009-5-19 15:18
It is good! Thanks!作者: SNIPER 时间: 2009-5-20 16:55
THANKS,IT IS VERY USEFULLY.作者: yorkyuansy 时间: 2009-5-28 13:12
good, thanks.作者: Aarron 时间: 2009-6-3 17:04
It is really useful and helpful. You know even for those who good at English maybe not konw such detail things.
Well noted with thanks!作者: Jackych 时间: 2010-3-11 20:59
Good job,guys作者: Jackych 时间: 2010-3-14 23:18
review once more......作者: dragonlong 时间: 2010-3-15 17:49
well ,it is useful~