A. 你好,请问你是大副吗?
Hello! Are you chief mate?
B. 不是的,我是二副,大副可能在甲板或者货物控制室,请问你是海关吗?
No, I’ m second mate ,Chief mate is on deck or in cargo control room, Are you customs officer.
A. 不,我是商检,你能用对讲机叫一下大副吗,告诉他我在他的办公室等他。
No, I’ m cargo surveyor. Would you please call him for me on your radio? I’m waiting for him in his office.
A 你好,大副,我是商检。
Good morning(afternoon \evening),Chief mate ,I am cargo surveyor.
B 你好,请坐。
Good morning(afternoon \evening),take seat please!
A 大副,你船有横倾,如果船舶资料中没有横倾校正,请调节压载水来调平横倾。
Chief mate, we found a little bit list, Your volume table includes list correction? If no could you please adjust it with ballast water before sounding.
B 没问题。
No problem.
B 现在我的船没有横倾, 请你检查一下吧。
No list now ,you see .
A 我认为你的船还是向左倾斜了1°。
But I found still 1°to portside.
B 哦,不是的,我的横倾仪是坏的,现在看上去是1°,但实际上应该是平的。
Oh, I’ m sorry! The list indicator is not working. It shows 1°list, but in fact the vessel is balanced.
A 这样吧,我们一起坐快艇去检查一下船的六面吃水,这样就可以确认船舶是不是有横倾了,好不好?
Well, to make sure no list. Let’s check the draft marks on each side by boat OK?
B 好吧。
A 你船现在的前吃水是10米,后吃水是11米,吃水差是1米。
The fore draft is 10m, after 11m, trim exactly 1.
A 大副,请提供装货港的货物装船资料给我,包括空距报告,船舶资料,船舶经验系数,配载图、品质证书、前三载货物或装船记录、洗舱报告,装货前验舱报告。
Chief mate ,your documents please. Include ship’s particulars ,ullge report experience tactor, stowage plan, last three cargoes ,quality certificate, cleaning method and dry certificate.
B 好的,这就是全部的装船资料。
Here you are , everything you want.
A 大副,我想了解一下货物分票情况以及货物分舱情况。
Chief mate, I need more information about parcels and stowage.
B 有两家收货人,共分两票,各有一万吨,其中一左、一右、一中是第一票,其他舱都是第二票,两个污油舱也是第二票的货物,有两个压水舱。
Oh , two parcels together, each one 10,000 ton ,1P ,1S and 1C for parcel A, all the others, including two slop tanks for parcel B. but two tanks for ballst water.
A 大副,货物是卸完第一票再卸第二票(分开卸)还是混卸。
Chief mate, what’s your discharge schedule one by one or two parcels together?
B 如果货主同意,可以混卸,这样的话可以节省很多时间,大船也不会滞期。
If consignees accept , two parcels will be arranged together. It will be much more quicker and the vessel schedule would not be delayed.
A 如果混卸,为避免日后发生纠纷,最好收货人之间达成(签订)协议。
If discharge together, to avoid dispute, agreements between consignees are needed.
A 如果分开卸,当第一票完货后,请通知我们,我们必须查看第一票货卸的是否干净,以及查看第二票货物是否串舱,重新计量一次,并签署空距报告。
If discharge one by one, while parcel A finished, let me know. We have to check the cargo tanks, to make sure no leakage, and we will check sounding again, perhaps we need to sign a new ullage report.
A 大副,大船的卸油的速度每小时可达多少吨?你估计什么时候可以卸完。
Chief mate, what’s your discharge rate? Form your experience how many hours you need?
B 大船泵速一小时可达2000吨。根据这样的速度,48小时可以卸完。
2000t/h, 48 hours enough.
tank inspection after discharge
A 大副你好,收货数量比提单要短少200公吨,你能告诉我这是什么原因吗?
Hello, chief mate! Our received quantity 200t in short compared with B/L. why?
B 哦?我已经把货物全部卸干净了,你可以检查我的货舱、污油舱和燃油舱。如果你认为有必要,我也可以配合你检查船上的任何地方。
Oh. Really? I’ve discharged all cargo already. You can check my tanks, even our slop tanks and bunkers. If necessary, I’ll follow you to check every corner of our vessel.
B 好的,那我们先验一下货舱,再检查污油和燃料舱。
Well. We check cargo tanks first, and then slop tanks and bunkers.
A 大副,3C舱的油底好象比较多,我想用测油棒量一下。
Chief mate, too much remaining in 3C, I want to take sounding with oil stick.
B 好的。大概有12公分。
Oh, yes. About 12cm.
A 能不能再用扫舱泵抽一下这个舱呢?
Could you pump it again.
B 我已经试过了,作用不大,这些可能是一些沉淀物(或油泥),很难卸出来。
No, I’ve tried already. No use. It looks like oil deposit(oil soil) very hard to pump.
A 好的,那我们一会在ROB报告中扣除这部分体积。
And then, we will deduct it as ROB in the ullage report.
A 好的,所有的工作都完成了,什么时候起航,下一个港口是那里。
Ok. Everything finished. What time you depart? What’s your next port?
B 代理告诉我是16:00起航,下一个港口是新加坡。
Our agent asked us to depart at 16:00 for Singapore.
A 好,祝你好运,下次再见!
Good luck! See you next time.
B 我们两个星期后,还会来这里卸货,希望下次还能见到你。再见!
We’ll be back in two weeks, I’m looking forward to seeing you too.作者: l403713065 时间: 2009-2-14 19:07
大家觉得好 就帮我回复下作者: 2230455 时间: 2009-2-14 21:27
可以哦,还不错嘛作者: STONELIN 时间: 2009-2-15 12:24
加油!可以多多交流作者: robinyue 时间: 2009-2-16 21:33
great knowlege, thanks a lot作者: 井中月 时间: 2009-2-17 11:36
英语很重要...thanks 作者: 空中花狐 时间: 2009-10-27 10:20 标题: 回复 1# l403713065 的帖子 very good, thank you!作者: WHG168 时间: 2009-10-27 10:45