1.Women who say they are indifferent to clothes, like men who say they do not mind what they eat, should be distrusted; there is something wrong.
2.You are a doubting Thomas. Must I prove absolutely everything to you before you believe me ?
3.Plunging through the woods, the little swine-herd was coming towards her, in a shaggy cap, a short sheep-skin jacket.作者: szbenlau 时间: 2008-11-7 22:23
1. 如果女人对你说她们对衣服没兴趣,就象男人说他们不喜欢美食一样,绝不能相信,里面肯定有文章...
2. 你多疑得难以置信,你要我怎么做你才能相信我呢?
3. 小猪倌跳进树林, 向她走来,只见他 头戴一顶蓬松的帽子, 身穿一件短小的羊皮夹克.作者: david.ful 时间: 2008-11-7 22:41
二楼的英语不错啊!向你学习!作者: 半月 时间: 2008-11-7 23:03
咦怎么没动静了,继续出题嘛作者: java 时间: 2008-11-7 23:33