实现,严格按照计划执行作者: 家在路上 时间: 2008-9-3 11:21
说得对极了!作者: byron 时间: 2008-9-13 19:52
写得不错,看了感觉很实在,不过又很难做到.作者: placeboo 时间: 2008-9-14 18:51
顶` ` 说的不错作者: kathy2008 时间: 2008-9-26 11:35 标题: 回复 23# iami 的帖子 那么请问如何才能做个验货刺客呢?既高效又没什么纰漏?作者: taffy001 时间: 2008-9-26 16:00
好贴!顶起来。。作者: passolo 时间: 2008-9-26 23:04
生活也许并不应为努力奋斗而已美好,但努力奋斗让我们觉得人生充足!作者: 厝边头尾 时间: 2008-9-27 16:22
LZ说得这么苦,有些工厂还是对验货蛮客气的嘛作者: wt135325 时间: 2008-9-27 23:50
have a long time after write this topic.
today I have not completely agreed my opinion. perhaps time can change idea and people will grow .
someone said: topic master's opinion does not conform to the fact. yes, I agree. what I said only is my dream , because I want to achieve, and I have not get. but I think whatever your mind can conceive and belive , your mind can achieve.
today the trade is not easy to handle. job-hopping is a chance for everyone. but where ?? when you jump a new company , when you still are a inspector , what do you do ? and next step is the old step. Life is only old life, nothing change. boring and monotonous are our always a part.
so why don't you think some more? of couse , you can say , what do I think ? this not my think control. yes , if you feel the world is not right, what can i do ? but why don't you be happy , brave and corrage?
It's attitude instead of aptitude to decide your success. so ask yourself what 's your attitude.
if you have a correct attitude, then we can discussion the method.otherwise , what can we talk?
so let's talk before we get a correct attitude.
let's get talking when the weather if better.作者: nbinspector 时间: 2008-9-28 17:59
要好好学学作者: 不凡 时间: 2008-10-9 12:12
现在这个行业真的太不好做了,作者: xgp817@163.com 时间: 2008-11-4 10:36
I support lz's standpoint completely.作者: kyle.jiang 时间: 2008-11-6 09:28 标题: 总是觉的好累 现在做我们这个行什么多不好做,别的也不想多说,能做就做下去吧,不行了重头再来是吧..作者: yydavid 时间: 2008-11-6 12:48
future is nearby..
seize it.作者: borry 时间: 2008-11-7 14:25 标题: 说到我们心里去了。