标题: V-Trust Inspection Service [打印本页] 作者: 純爺們→軍 时间: 2008-5-14 09:47 标题: V-Trust Inspection Service
V-Trust Inspection Service
这家公司怎么样啊 要我周末去面试
有知道这家公司情况的哥们么 解说一二啊
具体面试什么东西 待遇咋样?
期待哦 谢谢作者: HoCheung 时间: 2008-5-14 10:09
V-Trust Inspection Service, the cleanest inspection service in China!
V-Trust Inspection Service is owned and operated by GLIP, which is a leading state-owned business organization in China with 29 years successful operation experience and USD400 million annual turnovers.
V-Trust has sound inspection network covering most areas of China and various kinds of products (Garments, Toys, Gifts, Electrics & Electronics, Home appliances, Outdoor goods and Machinery.)
As the cleanest inspection service in China, V-Trust insists special double-checking system to monitor inspectors. Many customers got refunds or discounts from their suppliers based on V-Trust inspection report. V-Trust makes your business in China safer and easier.
Besides on site shipment inspection, container loading supervision, factory audit, V-Trust also provides customers with wide range services in China such as Sample Picking, First Article Analysis, Testing Arrangement, Corrective Action Following Up, Re-Packing, Labeling, Payment Arrangement, Debt Collection and Consulting Service.作者: 純爺們→軍 时间: 2008-5-14 10:16
我的english没那么强悍啊 验货用还可以 太多了头就晕呀 用chinese介绍一下好么 不要网上搜索的 要实际了解的情况 面试内容什么的 谢谢作者: HoCheung 时间: 2008-5-14 10:21
听以前的同事说还不错!作者: 純爺們→軍 时间: 2008-5-14 11:09
帮我问问 面试有哪些项目啊 难不难啊 开多少薪水合适呢作者: WADE 时间: 2008-5-14 15:29
听说还不错,具体不是很清楚作者: yulindhdn 时间: 2008-5-21 11:11
具体不清楚。。。 作者: 純爺們→軍 时间: 2008-5-21 13:19 标题: 回复 #7 yulindhdn 的帖子 不是吧 不会这么少吧作者: melodyhata200 时间: 2008-5-22 22:34