If your situation is illustrated by more 'Burnout' descriptions, it's likely time to start down a new career path or follow a new opportunity to professional happiness. Get your resume together and begin your search.
If you saw more of yourself in the 'Temporary Heat Wave' scenarios, then you might need a new focus and new challenges to recharge your professional energy. "You don't have to leave your employer to energize yourself," Lewis advises. Lewis offers these suggestions for putting the spark back in your career:
"Look for a new position within your organization," she says. Network internally -- try to catch key people in the break room to get the scoop on a position or new project team being assembled.
Examine your current position to identify a new responsibility or element you could include that would refresh your focus.
Assess what aspects of the job you really like and do well and then concentrate on expanding those activities.
Make sure you get meaningful feedback from your supervisor. Without clear feedback, Lewis warns, you are apt to burn out faster because you will not have clear goals or accurate measurement.
Read relevant trade publications to stay up on the latest issues and trends. Find ways to incorporate these into your job.
Delegate or eliminate non-essential tasks. Sometimes we get mired down with minutia and lose sight of what we really need to be doing.
Investigate opportunities to transfer to a new city. Working in completely new surroundings with different peers could get your professional juices flowing again.