标题: Chat in English, will you join? [打印本页] 作者: HoCheung 时间: 2008-4-9 14:47 标题: Chat in English, will you join? If you would like to chat with others in Engish, please leave your QQ or MSN number.......作者: HoCheung 时间: 2008-4-9 14:49
me first, MSN:mga_ho@hotmail.com作者: melodyhata200 时间: 2008-4-10 09:37
I would like to chat with others in EN,
But I can' catch you...what a pity.作者: phoenixmyz 时间: 2008-4-11 16:29 james00@live.cn wellcome somebody add my MSN'S address作者: HoCheung 时间: 2008-4-11 21:46 标题: 回复 #3 melodyhata200 的帖子 I never said I would like to chat with you, just leave your contact, maybe a girl will find you.......作者: chinesekenou 时间: 2008-4-16 21:57
welcome to you:chinesekenou@hotmail.com作者: Tomwong 时间: 2008-4-21 11:01 tomwong88@hotmail.com
I'm Tom from Hong Kong and don't really know anything about QC. Thanks for those experienced and knowlegeable members who share their valuable experience and knowledge here.作者: ericzfr 时间: 2008-4-21 22:33
Why not let us be a team for studying english? I am proud of you. Let's put up on shut up:
MSN: ericzhang0306@hotmail.com
QQ: 306332082作者: szjun168 时间: 2008-4-26 00:49
Mine is zqj5212@hotmail.com作者: jackyumbra 时间: 2008-4-26 08:58 标题: 回复 #9 szjun168 的帖子 oh? I'M LOOKING FOR A GIRL FRIEND. WHO CAN INTROUCE FOR ME?作者: jackyumbra 时间: 2008-4-26 08:59
WHO CAN ADVISE ME HOW CAN I GET GOLD COIN?作者: melodyhata200 时间: 2008-4-27 23:07
Sounds like a good idea.wonderful.i would like to.作者: joshuayeung 时间: 2008-4-29 15:51 bright_yung@hotmail.com
come on!作者: ethan.liao 时间: 2008-4-30 07:39
Why not let us be a team for studying english?
QQ:512625069作者: xiaoqiaos 时间: 2008-5-10 10:54
MY MSN ADDRESS:xiaoqiaos@hotmail.com ,weclome join in!作者: xujianyou 时间: 2008-5-10 22:56
It's well-known that English is more and more important in our job and daily life.
LZ's idea is good .My QQ:271826898
Welcome作者: JLAAGNSL 时间: 2008-5-11 11:25
Like to chat in English with anyone like.
Learning...作者: songjd2008 时间: 2008-6-9 03:54 isong7812@hotmail.com作者: tradexpert 时间: 2008-6-9 23:55 标题: 回复 #11 jackyumbra 的帖子 you can go and check the new member area, u'll find there is someway to get your gold quickly by some polls. Pretty easy though 作者: gcitony 时间: 2008-6-12 09:19
Thank you for your advice.
skype:gcitony作者: egomart 时间: 2008-7-12 18:40
welcome to chat with me in english ,QQ245014395作者: Billhuang 时间: 2008-7-15 00:33
Good ideal, My QQ number is 89211215...作者: chinesekenou 时间: 2008-7-15 16:34
Hi,anybody,this is ken from guangzhou,welcome to you join me by QQ or MSN:chinesekenou@hotmail.com,81125890.作者: boling_5200 时间: 2008-8-18 21:54 boling_5200@163.com