Gentle breeze is not strong, but very comfortable, I think.
4.三角裤 brief
My pants are small now, I want to buy some brief.
5. 三长两短 unexpected misfortune
Any unexpected misfortune happened to my son, I would not live any longer.
6.三次方程 cubic equation
I must work out the cubic equation.
7.三番五次 again and again
I have talked about the topic again and again, so I don‘t want to speak it any more.
8.三令五申 repeated injunctions
All of you must know that the repeated injunctions must be obeyed.
9.三心二意 be of two minds
Jim was of two minds in class this morning.
10.三言两语 in a few words
Mr. Lee explained the whole thing in a few words, and reporters were not satisfied with his answer.
11.三角恋爱 love triangle
Tom and Mary are in love triangle, and they have their own families. It‘s very dangerous.
12.三下五除二 meat and quick
Well done, the job was finished in neat and quick.
13.三思而后行 look before you leap
No matter what you want to do, please look before you leap.
14.三点式游泳衣 bikini suit
Mary likes swimming in bikini suit.
15.三寸不烂之舌 have a silver tongue
Tom has a silver tongue, and he can persuade John to give up his crazy plan作者: brucecheung 时间: 2008-3-27 11:28
Got it. Tks.
-look before you leap is wonderful作者: HoCheung 时间: 2008-3-27 14:29
good job!!作者: owen.chen 时间: 2008-3-29 20:05
LZ有心收集这么多有趣的英文,长见识了.作者: LYZJACK88 时间: 2008-3-29 20:30 标题: Thank you for your good job. Intresting!作者: 2008weaverwin 时间: 2009-7-29 14:35
very interesting ! thanks for sharing !