前言:真的没想到陈冠希会用全英文做道歉陈述,虽然知道他是CBC(Canadian Born Chine
se),但英文水平还是让我佩服。他500多字的道歉信, 用词准确地道,词汇难度较高,包含
推荐理由: 超敬业的同声翻译, 不仅翻译准确及时, 而且激情投入感情充沛,让人感觉就像是自己刚刚拍了艳照被人发现.
单词组记:prior to, priority
pri = pre是一个拉丁前缀表示before
[书面]prior to = [口语]before
小翻译 : 在你离开之前,请完成这项工作.
prior to your departure, please complete this task.
小翻译: 预先警告/通知 prior warning/notice.
priority = prior + ity(名词) n.优先考虑的事情, 优先权
单词组忆: victor, victory, victim
victory n.胜利
victor =vict + or(人) n.胜利者, 征服者
victim = vict + im(我是) [助记]我是被征服了,当然就成了n.受害人,牺牲品
innocent = in + no + cent(一分钱) [助忆]兜里没有一分钱, 所以没有偷窃, 是无辜的
a. 无辜的, 天真的
instruct = in + struct(构造) vt.传授,告知 [助记]内心中去构建知识或信息
Lastly, I would like to thank everyone for coming here today and listening to
what I have to say. I would like to also apologize once again to all the ladie
s and their families, my family and to everyone in Hong Kong and everyone in o
ur society. I am deeply saddened by this. And I apologize to everyone (who) ha
s to go through this. I would like to also thank you for giving me this opport
unity to say what I have wanted to say all along in my heart.
I hope, after today, I can have your forgiveness. With regard to this case, wi
th everything, everything that has happened, I am deeply sorry. I hope you all
accept my apology and give me a chance. Thank you.
[书]with regard to关于= [口]about