
标题: 学习常用英语句式(请大家把相关英语发在这里)! [打印本页]

作者: wskthpmfc    时间: 2007-12-17 10:32
标题: 学习常用英语句式(请大家把相关英语发在这里)!

1. What's bothering you?

2. what's bugging you? 什么事使你忧戚不宁?

3. what's on your mind? 到底有什么心事?

4. what's the matter? You seem trouble.怎么啦?好像你被什么困扰。

5. what's eating him? 什么事使他坐立不安?

6. Nothing's the matter? 没什么要紧的事吧?

7. what's the matter? 怎么啦?

8. what's wrong?

9. Problem got you down? 难题使你沮丧吗?(got you down = depressing you.) (Don't let it bring you down. 不要为它丧失斗志。)

10. Problems at work? 工作上出麻烦了?(problem = distress 苦恼, 不安宁unease ; Business worries? 为生意而烦恼吗?Business troubles? 生意出了纰漏了?Business difficulties? 事业遇到了难题?)

11. why so sad? 为何如此悲哀?(why so gloomy? 何以愁容满面? Why are you so down? 干嘛如此沮丧?down=feeling grief, sorrow)

12. why are you so bumped out? 你要死不活地,是怎么搞的?(bummed out = 无精打彩lethargic, 郁郁寡欢in a stupor; = withdrawal )

13. why the long face? 干嘛拉长着脸呢?

14. why are you so pouting? 赌什么气呢?(干嘛噘着个嘴?why are you puckering up? )

15. How do you feel? 好点了吗?(feel = the status of your illness)

16. I waited on her hand and foot. 我无微不至地照顾她。(waited on =served; waited on her hand and foot 四肢葡伏在地, looking after her painstakingly )

17. I only did it for you. 纯粹是为你我才做的.

18. I'm doing it for your own good. 我这样做,都是为你好。

19. If it concerns you, it concerns me. 凡跟你有关的,就与我有关。(concerns me = involves me)

20. your business is my business. 你的事就是我的事。

21. we're on the same team.

22. we're in the same boat.

23. I've got your welfare in mind. 我一直都把你的利益摆在心上。(welfare = health, comfort, happiness)

24. you are lousy at looking after yourself. 你很不懂照顾自己。(impling: basic necessities; eating properly )

25. we were worried sick. 我们担心得快弄出病来了。(worried sick = felt extremly anxious 极度担忧)

26. she's my sole concern. 我唯一关心的就是她。

27. how can I just stand by and do nothing. 我怎能坐视不救呢?

28. I can't be that indifferent. 我怎能如此漠不关心?

29. I'm aware of your concern. 我晓得你关怀我。(a. 多用于不耐烦别人一在叮咛。Can't stand another's incessant nagging. b. 没说的歇后语是:"But, please get off my case" 但请你少烦我。

30. Thank you for your concern.

31. That's very thoughtful of you. 你太体贴了。

32. I'll be okay. I can take care of myself. 没事,我照顾得了自己。(经济上我能自给自足。 I can support myself financial. 处理得了自己的事。I can handle my own affairs. 不用替我操心。No need to worry about me. )

33. I've seen to all the details. 所有的细节我都注意到。(I've got all the bases covered. 我已全盘考虑了。)

34. He worries himself over nothing. 他杞人忧天。(over nothing = needlessly despairs 无事烦恼)

35. Don't worry. We'll pull through it. 不用担心,我们会逃过这场灾难。(pull through it = survive a disaster, tragedy and difficulty. Whatever will be will be. 是福不是祸,是祸躲不过。)

36. She's got her head screwed on right. 她精得很。(她的头装在正确的位置上。她不笨。Not dumb. 她能做成熟(周密)的决定。 She's capable of making mature decisions. 知道如何趋吉避凶。She knows how to avoid trouble.)

37. They'll be okay. They are adults. 他们都是成人,照说不会有事。(they're no longer children. They know how to care dor themselves.)

38. They'll make do. They're smart. 他们很聪明,晓得如何随机应变。

39. The nursing staff has been very attentive. 这儿的护理人员都很亲切。(attentive = considerate; thoughtful)

40. She's a very considerate and caring person. 她是一个很懂得体贴和关心的人。

41. Carry each other's burdens. 你们要彼此担负重轭。(Help each other out in times of need. 要患难互助。Empathize others. 人饥已饥,人溺已溺。)


作者: wskthpmfc    时间: 2007-12-17 10:34

1. Go easy on her. 要对她和颜悦色些。(Be gentle with her. 待她温和点儿。Be nice to her. 善待她。)

2. Don't be so narrow-minded. 不要太小心眼儿。

3. Give him a chance. 再给他一个机会。

4. Open your mind. 敞开你的心扉。

5. It's very thoughtful of you to bring me back a souvenir. 你带纪念品给我,真是太周到了。

6. Put yourself in my shoes. 你替我设身处地想一想。(put yourself in my shoes = Think about it from my standpoint. 站在我的立场上来考虑。Put yourself in my place. 你换成我的立场来设想。)

7. Live and let live. (live and let live = tolerate other's lifestyles 容忍别人的生活方式。)

8. I know how you feel. 我懂的你的心情。(feel = 心境state of mind, emotion 感受)

9. I know what you've been through. 我知道你经历过什么苦楚。(been through = suffered. 我感同身受。 I can relate. 我同情你的遭遇。I sympathize with you.)

10. I got you. 我懂得你的意思了。

11. I dig. 我明白。

12. It happened to me on a smaller scale. 同样的事也发生在我身上,只是没那么严重。(小规模 a smaller scale.)

13. I know what it feels like to hit bottom. 我可以体会跌如深谷的感觉。(hit bottom = 沮丧到极点bottom out; fall to the lowest level, economically, socially or emotionally speaking )

14. Thanks for being so understanding. 谢谢你如此体谅人。(understanding = compassionate; caring)

15. we are sympathetic. 我们很同情你的处境。(深表同情。)
作者: wskthpmfc    时间: 2007-12-17 10:36

1. I want to lend my moral support. 我想去做一下精神支持。

2. we all like to know somebody cares for us. 谁都喜欢有人关怀自己。(cares for us = loves us; needs us. Everybody wants to be loved. 谁都希望被爱。)

3. we all need some someone to wipe away our tears. 我们都需要别人来安抚伤痛。

a. we all need somebody to dry our tears. 我们都需要别人来擦干眼泪。

b. we all need a shouder to cry on.. 我们

c. 都需要有倾诉的对象。(可以依偎着哭泣的肩膀)

4. we all need someone to lean on. 我们都需要有人来支撑脆弱的心。(lean on = rely on )

5. How reassuring. 我听了以后,安心多了。

6. How encouraging. 多么鼓舞人。

7. Justice is on your side. 公理会站在你这一边。(法律会维护你。Law will favor you. 你是受害人。You're the victim. 你没犯错。You're in the right.)

8. Good will triumph over evil. 邪不胜正。(triumph = conquer; overcome)

9. Into each life a little rain must fall. 一生中,难免遭到少许挫折。(a little rain = setback; failures)

10. It's just a drop in the bucket. 这是鸡毛蒜皮的事琐事。(a minor issue)

11. Don't be so down. 别那样死气沉沉。(down = listless 有气无力; downbeat 颓废; depressed 沮丧)

12. Don't look so sad. Put on a happy face. 别那么难过,换一副笑容吧。(put a smile on your face. 把笑容罢在脸上吧。)

13. when things go wrong, smile. 遇事不顺,亦应处之泰然。(go wrong = turn into adversity. Don't be grumpy. 不要哭丧着脸。Cope with it optimistically. 以达观的态度顺应之。)

14. Everything works out for the best. 总会雨过天晴。

15. Things often turn out for the better. 否极泰来。

16. Things have a way of working out. 风水轮流转,十年河东,十年河西。(事情自会圆满解决)

17. Everything turns out for the best. 气运自会好转。

18. Don't fret. Things will get better. 不用焦虑,情况会好转。(fret= worry. 忧心忡忡)

19. you gotta have faith. 你非得有信心不可。

20. the worst is over.

21. Take heart! 坚强点儿。(take heart = Be hopeful; Don't be disappointed; Be brave.)

22. Every cloud has a silver lining. 每件事都有好的一面。(每片乌云的上层,都朝向绚丽的阳光。Encourage looking towards the bright side.)

23. There are two sides to every coin. 任何事都有反正两面。

24. Heck! A door slams, a window opend. 去他的! 人有一得,必有一失。(失之东隅,收之桑隅。 When an opportunity is lost, another will come along.)

25. when God closes one door, he opens another. 天无绝人之路。(山穷水尽疑无路,柳岸花明又一村。)

26. sometimes faith is what keeps you going. 有时信心是支撑你继续奋斗的原动力。(keeps you going =鼓舞你做事motivates you; 助你坚忍不拔helps you persevere)

27. Don't comfort me, it's no use. 不用安慰我,那是没用的。(No use = futile; useless)

28. He's sulking. 他在闹别扭。(sulking = unhappy; pulling a temper tantrum. 使性子。Don't sulk. 不要闷闷不乐。)

29. Don't be so hard on yourself. 不要太苛刻自己。(stop blaming, criticizing yourself.)

30. you can only do so much. 你能做的都已做了。(你尽了全力)事情虽没办成,我也不能怪你。 You can't do everything. 你无法面面俱到。

31. Now, cheer up! 好啦,想开点吧!(cheer up = 提起精神来lift up your spirit. Lighten up = 振作起来!)

32. Don't take it too hard. 不要为它太难过。(take = a negative/positive attitude towards something.)

33. Don't be blue. 不要太忧郁。(放开朗些. Try to brighten up.)

34. Chin up. 不要垂头丧气。

35. Don't be so pessimistic. 不要太悲观。(expecting the worst. Only looking at the down side or negative points. Think of the bright side. 要往好的一面想。)

36. It's not so bad. 情况没你想的那么糟。

37. Things could be a lot worse! 还有比这更恶劣的呢!

38. Brace yourself! 打起精神(撑下去)!(抵挡外来压力. Resist external pressure. 准备接受冲击。Prepare for an impact, shock.)

39. we'll find a way. (seek a solution to the problem.)

40. we'll ride this storm out. 我们会安度这场风暴。(躲过这场风暴=ride this storm out. = exit this tribulation safely 履险如夷。)

41. we're going to pull through. 我们会克服这重难关。(reassurance to someone that we'll survive this difficulty.)

42. It's part of life. 这是人生必经之过程。(不用过分悲伤)(指:生离死别,悲欢离合,是生命中无可避免的。Grife and joy, parting and reunion, life and death, etc. are all inevitable courses of life.)

43. It's just one of those things. 这只是诸多倒霉事之一。

44. Don't fall apart on me now. 现在可别倚在我身上嚎啕大哭。(fall apart = break down into tears )

a. Don't go to pieces now. 不要崩溃。

b. Let's all be strong. 大家都要坚强。

c. Hang tough. 勇敢地撑下去。

d. Keep it together. 不要使精神涣散。

45. Stop crying. (Dry you eyes. 擦干眼泪。Cut out the tears. 少在那里哭哭涕涕。

46. whatever is done is done. 生米已煮成熟饭了,你还能怎样?(木已成舟,夫复奈何。What's done is done. 恰似大江一去不回头。It's water under the bridge. )

the die is cast. 殺子扔出去后,输赢已定。 You can't undo the past. 你无法重头来过。What's done is don. 逝者已矣,来者犹可追。

47. what's the use of crying over split milk? 为无可挽救的事伤心,于事何补?(何必为打翻的牛奶哭泣呢?)(spilt milk = irreversible mistake )

48. Let go of the past. 过去的事不要再追究了。

49. It's over with. 这已成了昨日黄花。(重提无益。Make no sense in reminding it.)

作者: wskthpmfc    时间: 2007-12-17 10:38
50. Yesterday was yesterday. Live for today. 好汗不提当年勇,要脚踏实地。(live for today = 劝过气人士has been实际点be more realistic; 要活在现实的环境里live in the present.

51. No road is so long it has no turning. 愁苦不会没尽头。(没有永远不转弯的路。)(One day your luck will change. 终有时来运转的一天。

52. Make the most of each day. 勿负今日。(善用每一天). Treasure each and every day.

53. There's always another chance. 总会另有转机。

54. Don't give up.

55. Things can change. 苦尽甘来。(不会总倒霉的)

56. There's always next time. 总有下一次的机会。

57. There's always hope.

58. Every dog has his day. 瓦片尚有翻身日,为人岂无走运时。

59. It's not the end of the world. 这不是世界末日。

60. The world's not going to end. 世界还没到尽头。(不必绝望,还有生机)

61. Doomsday hasn't come yet. 世界末日还没到。

62. Life goes on. 死不了,日子照样过下去。

63. There's always tomorrow.

64. It's always the darkest before dawn. (Don't give up. There's still hope.)


1. Keep going. You can make it. 继续下去,你会成功的。

2. You aleays give up before trying. 你老是连试都没试就放弃。

3. There's first time for everything.

4. You're throwing your life away. 你在糟蹋你这一生。(throwing your life away = 虚度年华)

5. You're ruining your life. 正在毁灭你的一生。

6. You can't go on like this. 你不能老这样下去。(continue with such life, behavor, ect. A persuation for someone to change his lifestyle.)

7. This has got to stop. 这非中止不可。

8. All you need is a little push. 你所需要的只是一点鞭策。(push = encouragement; discipline; all you need is = you are lacking in….)

9. The coach gave them a pep talk. 教练跟他们说了一番打气的话。(pep talk = a talk to encourage the team to victory. He needs a pep talk. 需要人鼓舞他。)

10. what you need is a good kick in the ass. 你所欠缺的,只是别人给你一个有力的刺激。(good kick in the ass = 很很地往屁股上踢一脚。(ass = butt, behind, bottom, fanny or backside )

11. She needs a little boost. 她需要稍打点气。

12. Be worthy of yourself. 不要辱没你自己。

13. Pull yourself together. 振作起来。(恢复你原有的冷静regain your composure. 勿遇事六神无主,慌乱一团Don't panic.)

14. Don't let him intimidate you. 别让他吓着了你。(intimidate = frighten you because of his position or power)

15. Stand stall! 昂然站立起来!

16. Stand stough! 雄纠纠地站立着。

17. Assert yourself. 要维护你自己的权利。

18. where is your ambition? 你的雄心壮志哪去了?(ambition = motivation; gumption)

19. Make me proud of you.要让我以你为荣。(do well, win, as ina game; achive highly,academically speaking. Prove yourself to me. 要证明你不是个弱者。)

20. The whole world is your oyster. 整个世界都是你大展鸿图之地。

21. you're the master of your destiny. 你是自己命运的主宰。

22. Go set the world on fire! 去做一番惊天动地的事业。

23. Give it all you've got. 把你的潜力发挥出来。(不要保留实力。Don't hold back. 不要三心二意。Don't be half-hearted. )

24. Have some self-respect. 要有自尊。(勿轻看自己。Don't despise yourself. 要有尊严。Have some pride. 要自重,保持我们的公园干净。Take pride, keep our park clean. )

25. Don't put yourself down. 不要瞧不起自己。

a. Don't belittle yourself. 不要轻视自己的能力。

b. Don't underestimate yourself. 不要低估自己的能力。

c. Give youself the credit you deserve. 不要妄自菲薄。

d. Don't sell yourself short. 不要小看自己。

e. Think more of yourself. 多看重你自己。

f. Believe in yourself.

26. Use your gift. 善用你的天赋。

27. Give yourself another chance.

28. Don't you want to be somebody? 你不愿做个功成名就的显赫人物吗?

29. You've got your bright future ahead of you. 你有灿烂的前途。

30. Do yourself a favor and go find a job. 帮你自己一个忙,去找份工作做。(favor =service, kind act 做好事 )

31. Be good to yourself. 要善待自己。(不辱没自己的才华。)

32. Stand strong! 不向压力屈服。(勇敢地站起来。)

33. we're all counting on you. 我们全看你的了。(我们所有的希望都寄托在你色身上。)

34. That's the spirit! 那才是应有的态度。(达观的心态upbeat attitude )

35. you can do better than that. 你可以做得比那个更好。

36. Merely to maintain is to lose in the end.仅仅保持,终将遭到失败。(merely to maintain = 以现况为满足,不思进取。Keep the status quo instead of attempting to progress. In the end = in the long run )

37. Be the best or nothing. 要就做最好,不然就拉倒。(打气用语 words of encouragement = Be nothing but the best.)

38. Where there's life, there's hope. 留得青山在,不怕没材烧。(while I breath, I hope. 只要一息尚存,就有希望。)

39. Better to have a pat on the back than a kick in the butt. 被鼓励,总比遭人白眼强。 (pat on the back = 在背上轻拍。Encouragement. Kick in the butt = 被踢屁股。受拒"rejection".
作者: wskthpmfc    时间: 2007-12-17 11:19
To Edify 助益

1. It's a bonus for me. 这是我应得的好处。(bonus = benefit or extra income 红利弊或额外收入)

2. That's a definite plus. 那绝对是额外的一项优点。(plus = benefit; advantage )

A: Besides my years excellent drving of records, I'm a good mechanic. 除了多年的良好驾驶记录外,我还懂得修车。

B: That's a plus. 那就更难得了。

3. A good education will pay off one day. 花大钱做好教育工作,到有来不吃亏。(pay off = 好结果bring rewards, good resulit, profits. One day = one of these days; eventually.)

To Be Sympathetic

1. How sad!

2. How awful! 多不幸!

3. How tragic! 多不幸!

4. How terrible! 多悲惨!

5. what a pity! 多可惜!(what a shame! 多教人惋惜。 Shame 不当"disgrace"

6. Gee, that's too bad! 太糟了!

7. I'm sorry to hear that.

8. I hope it's nothing serious. 希望情况不至于太严重。

9. Please accept my deepest sympathies. 请接受我最深挚的同情。(usually said at funerals to the persons who were close to the deceased. ).

You have my deepest sympathy. 我深表同情。

Please accept my heartfelt condolences. 请接受我衷心的哀悼。

10. It's been difficult, but we're getting by. 心情很沉重,但我们还能撑得住。(getting by = coping )

11. Everyone has been standing behind us. 大家都在支持我们。

12. what a way to make a living! 如此谋生之道,叫人不忍卒睹。(I feel bad for this person who has to do a menial job for survival. )

13. this guy's got heart. 这个人有良心。(got heart =非麻木不仁 not cold and insensitive )

14. My heart goes out to all the homeless people. 我关怀那些无家可归的人。(my heart goes out to = pity; 我诚心为他们难过。I feel genuinely sorry for them.)

15. Have a heart. Show some sympathy. 行行好,发发慈悲。(have a heart = Be compassionate )

16. Don't kick a man when he is down. 不要打落水狗。(他已在悲惨的情况下了。 He's in a dire situation. 劝人勿过分歹毒,没怜悯心。Advising not too cruel, merciless.)

17. we all have our good points 每个人都有可取之处。(天生我才必有用。我们各有优点we all have our merits.)

18. we all have our pluses and minuses. 每个人都有他的长处和短处。(可称道之处pluses; 劣行败迹或低能=minuses)

To Reject Sympathy

1. I'm not looking for sympathy. 我不需要人同情。(looking for = expecting; longing for)

2. I don't want any pity.

3. he's too proud to accept handouts. 他自尊心过重,不愿接受救济。(handouts = charity; 嗟来之食welfare)


1. he deserved what he got. 他罪有应得。

2. he's cold as ice. 他象冰一样冷酷。(他铁石心肠. He's hard as stone.)

3. he's heartless. 他没心肝。

4. that's very inconsiderable. 他太不体贴人了。

5. you lack humanity. 你没人情味。(lacking in compassion)

6. what's that guy got to do with me? 那家伙和我有什么关系?(no connection whatsoever )

7. It doesn't pertain to my life. 这不关我的事。(pertain to = 属于,关于concern. It doesn't concern me. 这与我无关。)

8. I couldn't care less! 我才不在乎呢!(一点也提不起我的注意力。 I'm not in the least bit interested. 关它的。I don't care.)

9. that's your business, not mine. 那是你的事,与我无关。(It's not my problem.)

10. Even if he did it, so? 即使是他干的,又如何?(even if = 即便是)

11. So what? 那又怎样?(是又怎样?)

12. He can go to hell for all I care. 他死了我也无所谓。

13. Do you even care? 你在乎吗?

14. Do you even care? 你真的关心吗?

15. Do you give a shit? 你在乎吗?(表示猫哭耗子假慈悲,a common vulgar expression. Who gives a shit? 谁在乎这种事?I don't give ashit. 谁在乎呢?)

16. you never ask me what I want. 你不曾对我嘘寒问暖。

17. who gives? 有谁在乎?

18. Just let him be! 随他去吧!(Leave it alone. 别去理它。Forget about it. 忘了它吧。

19. He shrugged it off as a joke. 他把它当笑话,耸了耸肩一走了之。

a. wasn't impressed. 不重视。

20. who cares what people think? 谁在乎别人作何感想?(I don't care about other's opinions. 我不在乎别人的意见。)

21. I don't let it bother me. 我才懒得理会。

22. He's totally indifferent to other's vile gossip. 他对别人歹毒的谣言全然漠视。(indifferent = 不予理会disinterested.)

23. It makes no difference to. 这对我来说没两样。

24. You're talking to yourself. 你在自说自话。(没人肯听。No one is listening.)

25. funny, why does everybody ignore me? 怪哉,干嘛每个人都对我不理不睬? (ignore me = overlook me)

作者: wskthpmfc    时间: 2007-12-17 11:23

1. I might be wrong, but what if I am right? 也许是我错了,但万一我对的话,该怎么办?(what if = what will happen if)

2. you're reading too much into it. 你的假设太离谱。(reading too much into it = 过分假设assuming too much; 乱下结论jumping to conclusions. 夸大离谱blowing it out of proportion.)

3. you've got it all wrong. 你完全误解了。 (you misunderstood.)

4. you're all wet. 你全然误会了。 (all wet = completely wrong)

5. It's all a big mistake. 这是个天大的误会。

6. you're missing the whole point. 你没掌握住我话里的重点。(failing to understand the significance of what I'm saying. 不得我话中要领。)

7. you've missed the point. 你误会了我的意思。

8. you took my remark out of context. 你对我说的话断章取义。(以偏概全= misinterpreted it by isolating only one portion of a larger conversation.)

9. this whole thing is simply overblown. 整件事被夸张了。 (overblown = over-exaggerated; overdone )

10. you're twisting my words. 你曲解了我的话。(twisting my words = 把我的话改头换面changing my words around; changing …… around = 首尾倒置,里外对调。 Don't change my words around. 不要扭曲我的话。)

11. you're putting words in my mouth. 你把我没说过的话,硬塞进我的嘴里。

12. A: What's up? 怎么啦?

B: Nothing serious. Just a little mix-up. 没什么严重的事,只是一些小误会。(mix-up = miscommunication )

Guilty 愧疚

1. Her guilty conscience ate at her until she finally confessed. 她地良心不断地啃蚀她,直到她认罪。(ate at her = bothered her. 困扰她)

2. Step aside and look at yourself. 退出自己的立场,来看看你的作为。

3. He's not sorry at all. 他毫无悔过之心。(he doesn't feel any remorse. )

4. How can he sleep at night? 他晚上怎睡得着呢?(he should have a troubled conscience. 他理应寝食难安。)

Self-Rebuke 自责

1. Hon, was it something I said? 亲爱的,不会是我说错了什么话吧?

Hon, did I say anything wrong? 亲爱的, 我说错什么了吗?

Otherwise, why are you so upset? 不然你为何生气呢?

2. How did I get into this mess? 我到底是怎么卷入这场是非的呢?(get into = get involved in ).

3. I really messed up. 我把事情弄砸了。 (I screwed up big time. 我把事情大大地搞砸了。Boy, did I goof? 哎呀,我坏了事!I fucked up. 我弄糟了事情。)

4. what an idiot I was! 我多笨!

5. I'm an old fool. 我是个老糊涂。(old fool = foolish, senile person. I'm a sentimental old fool. 我是感情上的老糊涂。 Implies I am a fool when it comes to emotions.)

6. Who am I kidding? 我何必自欺(欺人)呢?(why am I trying to fool myself? Why am I lying to myself? 我何必骗自己呢?)

7. I deserve everything you said about me. 你怎么骂我都行。(你说什么我都配受。 Deserve = justifiably receive 恰如其分)

8. I did it. I take the blame for it. 好汉做事,敢作敢当。(take the blame = 承受,肩负责任bear, shoulder the responsibility)

9. Me and my big yap. 都怪我这张大嘴巴。 (big yap = big mouth, implies "talkativeness".)

10. Loose lips sink ships. 嘴巴不牢,连大船都沉掉。

11. I'm ashamed of what I've done. 我对自己所做的事感到惭愧。(ashamed of = feel disgraced )

12. I can't face myself. 我愧对自己。(can't face myself = scolded by one's conscience. I'm ashamed of myself. 我感到惭愧。)

13. I gave you a rough time. 我害你受苦了。(rough time = hard time )

14. I've let you down again. 我又教你失望了。(let you down = disappointed you )

15. I've been the cause of his fall. 我是造成他失败的主因。(cause of = reason for)

16. I've been so rough on you. 我一向对你太粗暴。

17. I mistreated her. 我虐待了她。(我以前对她很刻薄。I was so mean to her.)

18. I don't deserve your friendship. 我不够资格当你的朋友。(deserve = worthy. I'm not worthy. 我不陪。)

Remorse 悔恨

1. I should've listened to him. 我早该听他的话。(regret having rejected another's warning; 后悔没接受劝告。 lamenting it's way too late.感叹已太迟。 I should've taken his advice.)

2. I should've stayed home. 我真不该出来。 (劳累困顿fatigure and weary; 惹祸招灾got into trouble)

3. I wish I had known. 要是早知道就好了。(至今为人所蒙蔽kept in the dark until now.)

4. I shoud've done this long ago. 这件事我早就该做了。(拖延至今waited until now; 自责办事效率太差scolding oneself for inefficiency)

5. you can't relive yesterday. 你无法使时光倒流。(relive = live again)

6. I thought I was doing the smart thing. 那时我还以为我在做聪明事呢。(smart thing = right thing; intelligent thing.)

7. It's nevere too late to mend. 亡羊补牢,犹未为晚。

8. what's done is done. Now let's consider the future. 逝者已矣,来者犹可追。(consider the future = look forwards, forget the past.)

9. It's never too late to change. 随时悔改都不会太迟。


1. Sorry, I've overreacted. 抱歉,我反应过度了。(misunderstanding 时反应过于剧烈reacted out of propotion. Sorry, I upset you. 抱歉,我惹你生气。)

2. I guess I owe you an apology. 我理应向你赔罪。(I guess = I weight it; I evaluate the situation.)

3. I apologize for coming on so strong. 我为自己的气势汹汹而道歉。(coming on so strong = 言词,动作太激烈。Being too aggressive physically or verbally.)

4. I am to blame. 这都该怪我。 (it's all my fault. 都是我的错。 My fault. 是我弄出来的纰漏。)

5. It's an oversight on my part. 这是我的疏忽。(oversight = 无意中的错漏unintentional omission , negligence. On my part = due to my doing; I caused it. I'll take the blame. 我回承担责任。)

作者: wskthpmfc    时间: 2007-12-17 11:57
6. Sorry, it slipped. 抱歉,我说溜了嘴。(it slipped = 本无意提及,但不慎道出said something which you didn't want revealed. I'm so sorry, It was a slip of tongue. 很抱歉,那是无形之言。Something said accidentally or unintentionally 无意之中或不经意脱口而出。)

7. I feel really guilty about it. 这件事我实在很过意不去。(feel really guilty = feel contrite; 自觉于心难安;feel responsible 自觉应负起责任。)

8. I'm sorry I said that. I take back everything I said. 我后悔说了那些话,我把它全收回来。(take back = recant 覆水重收,撤回。Pretend I didn't say it。 假装我没说过这些话。Please forget everything I just said.)

9. Every time I say something, I just seem to put my foot in my mouth. 好像我每一开口,都会说错话。(put my foot in my mouth = 失言say the wrong thing; 不善辞令careless with words; 不得当,而导致尴尬often creat an embarrassing situation )

10. Sorry if I did something wrong. 如果我做错了什么,我跟你道歉。(我不清楚我是否已犯错。I'm not unware of what I did wrong. 我无意犯错。 I didn't intend to do wrong. 如果我冒犯了你,我向你道歉。Sorry if I offended you.)

11. I was angry. I didn't mean a word I said. 我那时很恼火,说的都是气话。

12. Forgive me for all the foolish things I said. 请原谅我所说的一切蠢话。(foolish things = inappropriate; offensive word choice.得罪人的言语。)

13. That didn't come out right. 我那句话表达不当。(说得不合时宜。It just come out wrong.)

14. Excuse me for living! 诸多打扰,尚祈见谅。(原指:原谅我出生为人。 Said in angry. Hinting: " 我真不该生下来"。 朋友之间讽刺说法。A sarcastic way of apologizing. 嘴里道歉,实则毫无愧疚。)

15. No hard feeling. 不要怀恨在心。(不要为此耿耿于心。Do not hold a grudge, please.)

16. Would you ever forgive me? 你肯原谅我吗?

17. Won't you let me explain? 你不让我解释吗?(哎呀!你听我解释一下吗? Come on! Hear me out!)

18. I might as well face the music. 看来我只好挨一顿臭骂了。(面对不愉快的场面confront an unpleasant situation.)

19. Might as well get it over with. 不如趁早了断。(当机立断,以免卡在某事上悬而未决。Be decisive, lest it might get stuck and stay unresolved.)

20. I might as well face it. 我还是面对现实算了。

Refusing To Apologize

1. I'll apologize to him when hell freezes over. 除非黄河澄清, 否则休想我会跟他道歉。(when hell freezes over = 地狱有的是"永不止息的火" unquenchable fire. 无从冻结never freezes over.)

2. It will be a cold day in hell when I shop in that store again! 除非太阳从西边出来,否则我不再光顾那家铺子。(地狱里寒冷的一天,无此可能。 No way)

3. he didn't have the decency to apologize. 他连道歉的礼貌都没有。(have the decency = have the manner)

4. I feel no remorse for what I've done. 我对自己的所作所为毫不后悔。(remorse = regret)

74-Apology Accepted

1. Don't worry about it. It's forgotten. 不要放在心上,那件事我早就忘了。

2. No harm done. Not to worry. 你并没造成什么伤害,不用担心。

3. A:I owe you an apology. I was wrong before. 我从前错了,我理应向你道歉。

B: Apology accepted. 我接受你的道歉。

4. No need for explanations. 没必要解释。

5. I won't hold it against you. 我不会因它而怀恨。(hold it against you = hold a grudge against you.)

6. I'll let you go this time, but I'm gonna keep an eye on you. 这次我放你一马,下回可就没这么便宜了。(watch that you don't do anything wrong,illegal, let you go =let you go unpunished.)

7. To err is human, (to) forgive Divine. 犯错是人,饶恕是神。(我只是个易于犯错的凡人。I'm only human. I'm prone to mistake. 只有神才真正宽宏大量地一再容忍人类的罪衍。Only God is generous enough to repeatedly forgive.

Forgive & Forget

1. I beg your pardon.

2. Nobody's perfect. 世上无完人。(人无完人)。

3. I'm not a saint. 人非圣贤,熟能无过。

4. Be charitable, we all make mistake. 发发慈悲吧,我们都有犯错误的时候。(要将心比心,勿厚责于人。)

5. I'm just a human being. 我知识一个普普通通的人。

6. I'm only human. 我仅是凡夫俗子。

7. Why don't you kiss and make up. 你们何不言归于好?(kiss and make up = 和好如初forgive each other; get back together.)

8. I'll let the incidence slide. 我打算对这件事从轻发落。(let it slide = let it drift away 让它过去。Forget about it 不予计较。)

9. Because of you, I'll give him a second chance. 看在你的面上,我给他另一次机会。(because of you = on your behalf)

10. This is your last chance.

11. Here's a chance to redeem yourself. 这是你将功赎罪的机会。(redeem yourself = 戴罪立功,以善行弥补过失。Make good on a mistake.)

12. Let's forgive and forget. 咱们彼此原谅,忘掉过节吧!

13. Let's bygones be bygones. 过去的事也就算了,何必重提呢?(bygones be bygones = forgive each other; forget about what happen.)

14. why bring up the past? I see no point in opening old wounds. 干嘛又旧事重提呢?揭疮疤何益之有?(opening old wounds = 重新挑起伤感情的事reviving ill feelings)

15. Let the past be. 既往不咎。(过去的就让它过去吧。Let the past be the past.)

16. let it be. 算了吧。

17. Don't bring up the past. We've suffered enough. 不要翻老帐,我们已受够了活罪。(不要重翻老帐。Let not dig up the past. Dig up=research; look into the past. 旧事重提)

18. Can you let it go? 你不能就此罢手吗?(当做没这回事 overlook it)

19. It's something that's better off forgotten. 这种事最好能忘就忘。(这是个坏记忆,不值得你记在心里。 It's bad memory not worth remembering.)

20. you're not being receptive to him. 你不能接纳他。(not being receptive = unfriendly)

21. It's over and done with. 这是无可改变的往事。(done with = finished; irretrievable ; irreversible )

22. I forgive, but I don't forget. 我可以原谅,但坏印象却忘不了。

23. I can't just wipe away all my memories. 我的记忆无法完全抹掉。(wipe away = erase)
作者: wskthpmfc    时间: 2007-12-17 12:10
Not To Forgive

1. he still holds a big grudge against me. 他还对我怀着深仇大恨。(hould a grudge = harbors a grudge 1. 对某人的恨意未消,牢记在心bear in memory; 2. 随时伺机攻击ready to attack at any moment.)

2. your apology doesn't help. 你的道歉不管用。

3. what else do you want me to say? 你要我说什么才行呢?(when apologizing or in a confrontation. )

4. what else can I say? 我还能说什么呢?

5. Don't give me the guilt trip. 你少给我添加罪恶感。(guilt trip = purposely trying to make someone feel guilty. Said when someone says something to comfort you but it only makes you feel guiltier.)


1. There's no way to solve your differences. 你们之间的纠纷无法平息。

2. Let's face it. We don't have a future together. 面对现实吧。我们俩并无前途可言。(hinting: 我们合不来。We're incompatible. 关系无法复合。The relationship won't work.)

3. It's hard for thoes two guys to make up. 要他们俩言归于好。(make up = 争吵后复交become friendly again after a quarrel. 和解reconcile. They made up. 他们已言归于好。)

4. Is it too late for me to make amends? 我现在补救是否太迟了。(makes amend = make things right. The bouquet is his way of making amends for his misdeeds. 送花是他犯错打圆场的方式。)

5. Can't we still be friends. 我们还能做朋友吗?(不论发生过任何事情in spite of whatever happened,仍愿维持友谊still willing to maintain the relationship as friends.)

6. No hard feelings? 没伤了感情吧?(No hard feeling! 不要难过。)

7. Things have calmed down a bit. 事态已较前缓和。(calmed down = eased up; slowed down; gotten quiet平静下来。)

8. they want to restore tie with us. 他们想跟我们重修秦晋之好。(恢复旧关系=restore ties)

9. She's trying to make up with me. 她想和我讲和。(make up =reconcile;no more querraling; be friends again)

10. He brought her flowers as a peace offering. 他带给她一束花,以表示友善与和解的心意。(peace offering = 象征前嫌尽释,言归于好的小礼物 a token gift to ask forgiveness and make up with someone)

11. they settled their differences. 他们平息了纠纷。(settled = resolved; dispute; disagreements)

12. I'm glad we got that squared away. 我很高兴我们已摆平了纠纷。(squared away = straightened out. 冰释前嫌。)

Giving & Rejecting Advice

1. I speak as a man of experence. 我以过来人的身份讲这些话。(a man of experience = an old hand)

2. Can I give you a piece of advice? 我可以劝你一句话吗?(更亲切的Can I give you a piece of my word?)

3. Don't volunteer all the time. 不要老是自告奋勇。(不要老是过度热心Don't be overzealous all the time. 不要老想逞英雄Don't be a hero all the time.)

4. Let me play the devil's advocate here. 让我来唱黑脸。(play the devil's advocate = 权充魔鬼的拥护者。

5. Easy for you to say. 你说得倒蛮轻松。(A rebuttal to someone who doesn't have the problem himself but is trying to offer advice. 驳斥某人未曾体验某事之艰难,不明就里,却妄图给人忠告。)

6. Get with it! 要赶上别人的步调!(refer to work, study, keep up with the work.要跟上进度。Keep up one's lifestyle with the trend.生活方式要赶上潮流。)

7. He's wise to your tricks. 他太精了,不会中你的鬼计。(他不会被这给骗了。He won't be fooled by this.)

8. Stay away from that shit. 少跟那个臭人打交道。(stay away = don't mingle with 不与某人来往,混在一起。)

9. He's a troublemaker. 他是倒蛋鬼。(he's bad news. 恶耗)

10. You've got to suffer a little to be successful. 吃得苦中苦,方为人上人。(suffer = work hard; make some sacrifices)

11. you have to learn the pitfalls of life. 你要逃避生活中隐伏的危机。(pitfalls = hidden dangers)

12. Use it or lost it. 许多事都是用进废退。(Be active, exercise so you don't lose the quality life.)

13.Some people just won't listen. 有些人偏不听忠告。(有些人听不进好话。)

14.He tunes me out. 他掩耳不听我的忠言。(tunes out = 把收音机的选台钮转到另一个电台。Ignores me. 对我充耳不闻。He turned a deaf ear to me. 他对我装聋作哑。)

15.why won't you listen? 你为何不听劝告呢?

16.Nobody ever listens to me. 没哪个人肯听我的话。(listens = 留意某人的忠告heeds the advice of)

17.I told you so. 我不是早跟你说了吗?

18.my advice went unheeded. 我的话没人理睬。(unheeded= disregarded)

19.If I want your advice, pal, I'll ask for it. 老朋友,如果我需要你的忠告,我会开口的。(免开尊口,惹人嫌厌)

20.Unsolicited advice is almost always unwelcome, especially from a mother-in-law. 不请自来的忠告,几乎都不受欢迎,特别是来自丈母娘的。(unsolicited = 没人向你开口讨教not asked for)

作者: wskthpmfc    时间: 2007-12-17 12:13

1. I need some professional advice. 我想请教一下专业人士的高见。

2.-Any suggestions? We're hungry for ideas. 有什么建议吗?我们渴求宝贵的意见。(hungry for = wanting; longing for; desperate for. 迫切需要。)

3.-I'm open to alternatives. 我(虚心)接纳不同的意见。(open to = respective to 不专断,接纳雅言。Alternative = other different ideas or suggestions 歧见或异议。)

4.-what do you propose? 你提议该怎么做?(你说该怎么做?)

what do you recommend? 有何建议?

What's your suggestion? 有何指教?

5-this is too slow. (may I suggest a shortcut?)

6-Let me tell you what.(I have an idea.)

7-A: why not try it this way?

 B: No point in trying. 试也没用。

To Remind Someone

1-Don't make me repeat myself? 不要让我一再叮咛。(不要让我说了又说?)

2-Tie a string around your finger. 要提醒你自己做这件事。

3-Let me know if I've missed anything. 如果我漏了什么的话,提醒我一下。(missed = overlooked)

4-Don't leave home without it. 出门不要忘了带它。(American Express Card credit card的广告语。)

5-Aren't you forgetting something? 你没忘了带什么吧?


1-I reconfirmed it already.

2-Should we double-check it? 我们要不要再核对一次?

3-we always spot check for any quality problems. 我们经常抽查品质。(spot check = randomly inspect 随意抽样检视。)

4-I'll have a look-see. 我去查看一下。(look-see= a quick look or inspection)
作者: he_aqi    时间: 2007-12-18 12:34
   1 You must be hungry. Shall we get something to eat? 你一定饿了,我们吃点东西好吗?
   2 That sounds good. Let's get something at the hotel restaurant. I feel a little tired. 那太棒了,我们就到旅馆餐厅吃点东西,我有点累了。
    3 Would you like to have some dinner? 你想吃饭吗?
    4 What would you like to eat? 你想吃什么呢?
    5 Can I take you out to dinner? It'll be my treat. 我带你出去吃饭好吗?这次我请客。
    6 If you're hungry, we can eat dinner now. 如果你饿了,我们现在就去吃饭。
    7 Have you had breakfast yet? 你吃过早餐了吗?
    8 Yes. It was delicious. 是的,味道很好。
    9 Good. Let's go to the office. 好的,我们去办公室吧。
    10 How is your room? 你的房间怎样?
作者: menglxs    时间: 2007-12-18 14:57
太 感谢楼主了,顶……
作者: daniel56456    时间: 2007-12-18 21:27
好用   好用    谢谢
作者: wskthpmfc    时间: 2007-12-19 16:01
1. It pays to be careful these days. 这年头凡事谨慎点儿划算。

2. better safe than sorry. 防范未然,胜过事后悔恨。(The safest way is the best way. 最安全的方法才是最好的方法。)

3. Measure twice and cut once. 三思而后行。(measure twice = 需反复丈量,以免一刀下去铸成大错。Lest you regret an irretrievable mistake. 事先特别当心be extra cautious. )

4. Don't get in too deep. 不要涉水太深,而无法重返岸头。(不要积重难返。)(勿牵涉太深Don't become too involved, 难以自拔otherwise you can't get out. Don't go in over your head. 不要踏进水深没顶之处。)

5. Look before you leap. 勿轻举妄动。

6. Watch it! You.ve got a rival there. 当心点儿,你的死对头在那里。(rival= contender; 对手; 敌人opponent)

7. Be careful, accidents can happen. 要当心,意外随时都可发生。(Sometimes said as a threat; Mafia talk.)

8. We can't take any chances. 我们不能冒任何风险。(take any chances = 提醒人小心从事a reminder to be cautious; 连小错都不能犯There's no room for error. 许成不许败。Failure will not be tolerated.)

9. Why take chances? 何必冒险呢?

10. Always expect the unexpected. 要随时戒备意外的发生。

11. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. 一分预防胜过十分之治疗。(预防为主。It's best to take precautions.)

12. There's safety in numbers. 人多势重。(the numerical strength will protect you. 数目众多时更具有保护作用。)

13. Don't get so friendly with the competition. Play your cards close to your vest. 不要跟你的对手太友善,当心别人刺探机密。(Play your cards close to your vest.=把poker cards 贴身拿着。指:勿泄内情keep things un-disclosed; 要谨慎be discreet )

14. Watch your mouth. The walls have ears. 说话当心点儿,别忘了隔墙有耳。

16. Be careful what you say. I think the line is tapped. 说话要谨慎,我想电话线上有人窃听。

17. He thinks before he speaks. 他言必经心。(他说话经常不经大脑思考。He always talks off the top of his head.)

18. He chooses his words carefully. 他的谈吐严谨。(不落人口实doesn't give anyone grounds for criticism. 他措辞谨慎。He speaks carefully.)

19. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林。(掌握的数目虽不大,但却远胜那不可捉摸的。A small but sizable asset outweighs greater assets which are uncertain. Few but tangible. 虽少却稳妥。)

20. It's better for us to gain the upper hand. 我们占上风比较妥当。(upper hand = be advantageous 处于有利地位。Stay ahead of our competitor 制敌先机; gain the upper hand = 稳操胜券;)

21. The truth is the details. 要点都在细节上。(try to infer(推断) missing details based on the given information.)

22. Try to read between the lines. 要懂得弦外之音。(read between the lines = understand the hidden message 领悟隐意。Line = 每一行的字;between the lines = 行与行之间的空白处。)

83-Carelessness 疏忽

1. you don't sweat the details. 你没用心处理细节。(don't sweat the details = 不关切细微之处aren't concerned with details. Don't sweat. 不用穷紧张。)

Don't get nervous. 别紧张。(No sweat. 没问题,小意思。)

2. when you're tired, you lose your edge. 人一累了,思路就迟钝。(lose your edge = lose your sharpness in thinking 失掉思考的犀利性)

Threats 恐吓

1. watch it! (could be a friendly or hostile warning. Watch it, buster! 你给我当心点,混帐东西! Watch it, asshole! 当心点儿,你这臭屁股!)

2. why don't you watch where you're going? 你走路为什么不带眼睛呢?

3. Are you blind?

4. Hey, you almost bumped into me. 嘿,你差一点儿撞到我了。

5. If I were you I wouldn't say that. 如果我是你,我不会那么说。(you'd better watch what you say. 你要留意自己在说什么。)

6. Not so fast, buster! 混帐东西,想骗我,还早得很呢?(混帐东西,别想溜得那么快。)

7. Don't even think about it. 这种事想都甭想。(Don't even try it. 连试都不要试。Just try it! 有种你试试看!)

8. Do that again and you'll get it. 再做一次,就有你好受的。(you'll get it = you will suffer adverse consequences. 你会尝到恶果。)

9. you'd better wise up. 你要放明白些。(wise up = 改变行为reform your behave;睁大眼睛open your eyes; 看明局势be perceptive.)

10. Don't get in my way.

11. Don't interfere. 不要搅局。

12. Leave me alone. 少惹我。

13. Don't aggravate me. 不要惹恼了我。(aggravate = annoy)

14. Don't piss me off. 少惹我生气。

15. Don't try anything stupid. 不要蠢动。(否则你会后悔or you'll be sorry;)

16. you're already on my blacklist. 你已上了我的黑名单。

17. Don't try to play games with me. 少跟我玩什么把戏, 不然有你瞧的。(play games = 玩花样pull some kind of trick )

18. Talk straight, don't double-talk me. 有话直说,不许你含糊其词.

19. Nobody screws me up! 不许任何人跟我糊来!(不许谁来占我的便宜。 Don't anyone mess with me!)

20. No one crosses me. 不许有谁反抗!(cross = 阻挡,碍事cross my path; 欺骗,黑吃黑。Double-cross.)

21. Don't fuck with me. 不要跟我捣蛋。(fuck with me = mess things up for me 搞砸了我的事情。)

22. Do it and you'll be sorry. 做了这见事,你会后悔的。

23. I'm warning you.

24. I'm telling you for the last time.

25. Do it and you'll lose your allowance forever. 如果你敢做,再也别想问我要零用钱花。(杀手锏attack strategy. Do it and you'll be grounded. 如果你敢做,我就再不让你出去玩。 Grounded = forbidden to go out;)

26. Vito twisted his son's arm into staying in the family business. 维多强迫他的儿子继续为家庭的事业工作。(twisted ……arm = compelled; forced; a.)often by using verbal (口头的) threats . b) This is usually an exaggeration; c.) The threats are seldom physical.

27. Let's go kick some butt. 咱们去痛宰他们。(Said to psych up a team for any competition. 以便击溃对手so as to defeat the opponent.)

28. you take that back or I'll box your ears. 你快把那句话收回去,不然我会揍你。

29. Keep on talking like that and you'll get busted for nothing. 你再像那样子说话,就会无缘无故地被捕。(get busted = get arrested or get beatten up(痛揍),for nothing = for no reason)

30. Don't you ever do that to me again. 你绝对不可以再如此对待我。(ever …again = anymore.)

作者: wskthpmfc    时间: 2007-12-19 16:03
31. You don't know whom you're dealing with. 你不晓得你在跟谁打交道。(你低估了我. You've underestimated me. 你不晓得我的全力有多大。 You don't realize how much authority I have.)

32. This is all far from over. 我跟你的戏还有得唱。(far from over = not nearly finished; 仍没完没了。可当威胁用语could be said as a threat. I'm not trough with you yet. 我根你的帐还没算呢。)

33. we shall meet again. 咱们后会有期。(我改个时间再来对付你。I'll deal with you at another time.)

34. Another time, another place. 哪一天冤家路窄碰上了,我会揍你。

35. we'll see about that! 我们等着瞧吧!

36. you're going down for this. 你会为这事弄得灰头土脸。(going down = 下场凄凉,如 going to jail; getting punished; receiving harm.)

37. we've got ways of dealing with guys like you! 我们有的是对付像你这种人的方法。

38. you'll pay for this. 到头来你会为此付出代价。(pay = be punished.)

39. I'll get my revenge. 我会报仇。

40. He's holding a press conference. 他正在举行记者招待会。(press conference = publicity meeting in front of reporters)

41. Don't do anything you might regret.

42. Beat it, or I'll call the cops. 快滚,不然我就报警。

43. I'll report you to the authorities. 我要向有关当局去告你。

44. A: I'm reporting you to your superiors. 我要去向你的上司去投诉。

B: Go ahead. See if I care. 尽管去吧,看我在不在乎。

45. A: Pay me that money or else. 还我那笔钱,不然有你好受的。

B:Or else what? 不然你敢把我怎样?

A:Is that a threat? 你在威胁我吗?

B:No,it's a guarantee. 不是威胁,而是保证我说到做到。

46. well, we'll see who's meaner. 好,走着瞧,看谁更毒。(meaner = tougher)


I'll set them an example. 我来杀鸡儆猴。

47. you'll get clobbered! 你会挨一顿毒打。(clobbered = beaten up 揍个半死。 You'll get killed.)

48. How would you like a fat lip? 你想让我揍你一拳吗?(fat lip = get beaten up 挨打;嘴唇肿大)

49. you're asking for a knuckle sandwich! 你在讨打!(knuckle = fist; knuckle sandwich = 拳头三明治。打在脸上的一拳a fist in your face.)

50. Cool it. 你少来。 (你到一边凉快去吧。) (cool it = calm down; cease doing it.)

51. you're gonna get creamed. 你会被毒打一顿。(get creamed = beaten badly; get servely defeated 被惨败)

52. He'll punch your lights out. 他会把你打得昏死过去。(he'll kick the shit out of you. 他会打得你屎滚尿流。He'll knock your shit out. 他会打得你拉稀。)

53. Do it. Your very life depends on it. 好自为之,你的命寄托在它上面。(鼓励做某事以图保命。Urging another to do something in order to stay alive. Your very life = your one and only life 你仅有的一条命)

54. you're running out of time. 你的时间不多了。

55. you're a walking dead man. 你活不久了。(走动的死人)。Soon to be terminated; 即将被杀害; what the syndicated, mob would say. 黑社会人物恫吓语。

56. Your days are numbered. 你的时日不多了。(you'll soon die or lose your job.)

57. Kiss your ass good-bye! 你死定了!

59-I'll skin you alive if you don't do it. 如果你不做,我会活剥你的皮。

60-If you ask any more questions, they'll cut you throat. 如果你再多问,他们会宰了你。

61. If you ever cross my path, I'll pluck your eyes out. 如果你妨碍我的好事,我会把你的眼睛挖出来。(pluck your eyes out = dig out your eyes.)

62. you'd better settle this matter or I'll personally bury you. 你最好把这件事解决,不然我会亲手活埋你。(bury you = ruin you)

63. A: You're bluffing. 你在吓唬人。

  B:Oh yeah? Try me. 是吗?你试试看我敢不敢。
1.(try me = implies if you push me too far, I intend to carry out my threat.)

2. He's bullshitting you. 他在跟你胡扯淡。

3. My boss's bark is worse than his bite. 我的老板叫得比咬的凶(他看似危险其实不然he seems dangerous but isn't.)

4. Don't treaten me!

5. you wouldn't dare! 谅你也不敢。

6. I dare you! 你敢!(有种你过来!)

7. Don't think I won't. 别以为我不会做。(必要时我会履行我的诺言I'll carry out my threat if need be.)

8. Don't doubt me! 不要怀疑我不敢做。(you have my word on it. 相信我敢说敢做。)

9. she wasn't just kidding. 她没在说笑。(她是来真的)

10. These guys are for real. 这写家伙在玩真的。(they mean it. They're not bluffing. 他们并非虚张声势,而是言出必行。)

Friendly Warnings

1. watch your step. 走路时要当心。

2. look out! 小心。

3. Be careful! 当心。

4. Don't trip! 不要跌跤。

5. Beware of dog! 当心恶犬。

6. Hold on or you'll fall off. 抓紧一点不然你会跌下去。(hold on = hold tightly; grasp firmly; fall off = lose your balance; drop to the ground)

7. Be alert now! 提高警觉。(stay alert. 保持机警)

8. on guard! 看招!(看剑!)

9. keep your eyes peeled! 随时提高警觉!(eye peeled = open-eyed)

10. this is no time for a nap. 现在不是松懈的时候。(It's no time to sleep. 现在不是高枕无忧的时候。)

作者: wskthpmfc    时间: 2007-12-19 16:05
11. you can't just sit there. 你不能光坐在那里(不想办法)。

12. you don't want to wave the flag, do you? 你不愿太张扬,而引起众人的注目吧?(wave the flag = draw attention.)

13. Be careful. It's deadly. 小心一点,这会要人命的。(careful. It's dangerous.)

14. we've only got one life. 我们只有一条命(丢不起。Once it's gone, it's gone.)

15. you're walking on the ice. 你如临深渊,如履薄冰。

16. you're digging your own grave. 你在自掘坟墓。(自寻死路seeking your own demise.)

17. you'd better take a walk fast. 你最好趁早开溜。(take a walk = go away from here before anything bad occurs.)

18. Run for your life. 要保命快逃开。(get out of here fast. 快离开这里。)

19. Go home before something happens to you. 趁还没出事之前,赶紧回家去!

20. Avoid it at all costs. 不计代价,竭力避免它发生。(at all costs = no matter what; under any circumstance)

21. watch your back.(watch behind you so no car hit you or someone stabs you in the back.)

22. Cover yourself. 想一套好理由来替自己辩解。(make sur you have a good alibi or excuse. Cover your ass. 想一套说词来替你自己开脱。

23. Don't jeopardize all you've worked for. 不要把你多年的心血毁于一旦(jeopardize = 冒损失的风险risk losing)

24. If you don't stay on your toes, you'll get buried alive. 如果不警惕,你会被活埋。(stay on your toes = 以脚趾尖站立着。随时小心翼翼,四下观望。Be attentive, watchful.)

25. I told you so. 我不早跟你说过了吗?(你偏不听/信)?


1. you've done well for yourself. 你混得不错。(你做得挺成功)。

2. He'll go far. 他大有前途。(go far =will have a bright future)

3. He's a smash!他已声明显赫。(smash = a big success)

4. she's a hit. 她成了热门人物。

5. she brought down the house. 她博得满堂彩。

6. He's sensational! 他真是不可思议!(sensational = unbelievable)

7. Steve rose from obscurity to be the spotlight. Steve 从默默无闻,变成家喻户晓。(obscurity = a nobody; unkown;spotlight = 探照灯the focus of attention)

8. he came out from nowhere. 他是半路杀出来的程咬金。

9. he's a self-made man. 他白手起家。

10. he's made a name for himself. 他塑造了自己的名气。

11. you've made quite a place for yourself in society. 你已争取到相当的社会地位。(made quite a place = achieved a high, impressive position.)

12. you're a big shot now. 你已成了举足轻重的人物。(a big shot = an influential person. 但不见得很成功doesn't necessarily mean big success. He's a big shot in that gang. 他是哪个黑帮里的头头。)

13. he began as a busboy and died an industrial tycoon. 他从打杂童工起家,到老死之时已成了工业界的泰斗。(busboy = a nobody who does odd jobs)

14. Maryann finally hit the bull's eye. Maryann 终于顺逐心愿。(hit the bull's eye = hit the target; hit the mark; achieved her goal)

15. No one can beat you. You're the champ. 谁都赢不了你,你是此道中的翘楚。(champ = a champion; a winner; implies: expert高手)

16. she stole the whole show. 她抢尽了风头。(stole the show = outshined everyone else)

17. I'm on my way up the ladder. 我的行情看涨。(up the ladder = 平步青云ascending to a higher economic, social plateau)

18. I've risen to the top. 我已爬到颠峰。

19. there is no mystery behind his success. 他的成功,并无玄妙之处。(it's easily understood)

20. the key to success is perseverance. 坚韧是开启成功之匙。

21. Success is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration. 成功是一分灵感,加99分汗水。

22. He's set for life. 他这下半辈子已不愁吃穿。(set for life = financially secure 经济稳固)

23. Success is hard to hold on. 创业难,守业更难。(hold on to = keep, maintain 保持)

24. their time has come and gone. 他们的黄金时期已过。(has come and gone = 风光不再Their prime has passed. 月园而亏Peaked and is now declining)


1. this award will be frosting on the cake. 这份奖赏,犹如锦上添花。(frosting on the cake = 蛋糕上的白糖)

2. he who dances must pay the piper. 享乐者,必须付酬劳。(piper = 引伸为"服务人员")

a. Dancer has to pay for the piper. 要享受就的付出代价。

b. If you wanna play you gotta pay. 想玩乐就得花钱。

3. There's no free lunch. 天下没有白吃的午餐。(任何事都有代价。Nothing is free. There's a price for everything.)

a. You gotta pay your dues. 你必须付工资(费用)。

b. You can't get something for nothing. 你怎能不劳而获。

4. No pain, no gain.

88-To seek Credit

1. Don't forget to give me the credit I deserve. 别望了我应得的酬劳。(deserve = merit; am entitled to)

2. Tommy is just a copycat. 只是个抄袭者。(copycat = one who imitates, copies from another)

3. he has no originality. 他没创作力。(no originally = lacking inventiveness)

4. you picked that up from me. 那是你从我那儿学的。(picked …up = learned …. I taught you that. N那是我教你的。)

5. she gives herself too much credit. 她太抬举自己。 (自视过高)

6. Give the devil his due. 他虽讨人厌,但也不应否认他的功劳。(due = deserved recognition; 应得的嘉许。Pay the devil his due. 功归功,过归过,暇不掩瑜。)

7. I owe it all to you for what I am today. 我能有今天,全托你的福。(owe it all to….= due to; an expression of gratitude)

8. his record of achievements is hard to dispute. 他的丰功伟绩不容争辩。(hard to dispute = cannot be discredited;无法抹杀; difficult to challenge 难以挑战。 You can't deny his accomplishments. 你无法否认他的成就。)

作者: wskthpmfc    时间: 2007-12-19 16:08
Fairness & Favoritism 公平与偏袒

1. he sees facts, not people. 他论事不论人。

2. Everyone is playing by the same rules, fair is fair. 大家都规规矩矩在参加比赛,没人耍花样。

3. he won it fair and square. 他赢得光明磊落。(fair and square = without cheating, did it honestly.)

4. what's good for the gander is good for the goose.要论公平的话,男人可以做的,女人也可以做。(gander =male goose; goose = female goose)

5. Don't ask me. I'm neutral. 不要问我的意见,我不想偏袒哪一方。

6. he's impartial. 他公正无私。

7. these names are chosen arbitrarily. 这些名字是随意挑选出来的。(arbitrarily = at random; unplanned 信手拈来。 Not out of favoritism 不偏袒任何人;everyone has an equal chance. 众人机会均等。)

8. I want to be fair with you. 我不想让你吃亏。(be fair with you = don't intend to exploit you. 不想剥削你。)

9. A: How about if we split it 50/50?

B: Fair enough!

9. A: Is that fair enough?

B: what's fair is fair!

10. A: This game is always tilted in their favor. 这种比赛老是他们占便宜。(tilted in their favor.= beneficial to them; 有利于他们。 Biased in their favor. 偏袒给他们。)

11. 12. They all do it. Why can't I ? 他们都在做,为何我不可以做?(why should I be an exception? 为何惟独我例外?)

12. Justice is blind. 真正的公平是论事不论人。(一视同仁, blind = 不因人而异. Same standard applies to all.)

13. she's siding with her son. 她袒护她的儿子。

14. he's always been the teacher's pet. 他一直都是老师最钟爱的学生。(teacher's pet = teacher's favorite student. Lenny is the teacher's golden boy. Lenny 是老师心目中的优秀学生。)

15. he's a hometown favorite. 他是家乡人士眷爱的人物。(he's a local favorite. 他是本地人喜爱的人物。)

16. they are taking sides. 他们在偏袒人。(taking sides = favoring one side of an argument instead of remaining neutral)

17. you're showing favoritism. 你偏心。

18. you're protecting her. 你在袒护她。

19. you can't shield this man forever. 你没办法一辈子护着这个人。(shield = protect, defend)

20. he gets all the breaks. 他占了所有的甜头。(he gets special treatment. 特殊待遇。Everything goes in his favor. 处处亨通 )

21. how come you're all on his side? 为何你老跟他同一个鼻孔出气。

22. It doesn't seem fair. 这好像不太公平吧? (it's unfair. That's not fair.)

23. which side are you on, anyway? 你到底是在帮哪一边吗?

24. He is he and you are you.

25. you know I'm always on your side. 你知道我一直都支持你。(on your side = siding with you; supporting you)

26. Listen to both sides of the story. 不要光听片面之词。(事情的黑白曲直,没那么单纯。 Things aren't always in back and white.)

27. you're jumping to conclusions. 你妄下断语。(jumping = without careful consideration,轻率的。 Rushy 急躁的。)

28. I hope you will get a fair shake. 我希望你获得公平的待遇。(fair shake = equal treatment ; an equal opportunity; your fair share公平权益。)

29. The only way to guarantee a fair shake for ourselves is to stick together. 团结是唯一能保证我们获得公平待遇之道。


1. Everyone needs a compliment now and then. 每个人都需要偶尔被夸奖几句。(now and then = once in a while 有时候)

2. A compliment makes you feel good all over. 一句恭维的话使你遍体舒畅。(good all over = physically or emotionally gratifying.身心受用)

3. Not bad! (pretty good!)

4. A: you did a great job.(工作出色)。

B: thank. You did pretty well yourself. 你自己也蛮不错。

2. Good going! 干得好!(nice work! Job well done!)

3. Way to go! 要得!

4. That's my boy(girl)! 这才是我的乖孩子。

5. I'm so proud of you.我多么已你为容。

6. you're a great kid. 你是个了不起的孩子。

7. wow, that's amazing! 哇, 好惊人!

8. you're amazing.

9. A: you're amazing!

B: So I've been told. 别人一向就是这样对我说的。(a cocky reply 傲慢的回答。)

10. this is wild! 这是天纵英才,几近于狂。(因为天才和疯子仅有一线之隔。There's only a fine line between a genius and a madman. This is crazy. 这真是才情横溢)

11. Hats off to you for getting a donation from that miser. 你能从那小气鬼身上募到钱真不简单,我佩服你。(hats off to you =向你脱冒致敬。)

12. you are some piece of work! 你实在是一件不可多得的艺术杰作!

13. you're born charmer. 你天生讨人喜欢。(charmer = have the natural ability to attract and please. 对女人指:"妩媚""娇媚"。That man left, you can hide way your charmer. 那个男人走了,不用再撒娇了。)

14. he's one in a million. 他是难得的人物。

15. you're to be blessed. 像你这样的人一定会蒙神祝福。(will receive abundant reward from God; 会得神厚赐。 Praising one's kindness, generosity 赞美某人仁心厚道。)

16. you deserve a medal. 你配得一个奖章。(he should get a medal for this. 他办成了这件事,按理应得奖赏。)

17. you deserve laud and honor. 理应受到公开表扬。(you deserve the highest praise.)

18. he will be a hard act to follow. 很难超越他杰出的表演。

作者: wskthpmfc    时间: 2007-12-19 16:11
1. Bravo! Encore! 要得!再来一个!

2. Nice show! 表演的真精彩!(what a performance! 多了不起的表演!)

3. who knew they were this good! 没想到他们竟如此了得!(skill,knowledge etc. 超越我们的期待they surpassed our expectation.)

4. you're a quite a guy! 你实在了不起!(quite a guy = impress me a whole lot. Could be a sarcasm)

5. the audience gave him a thumbs up. 观众都一致赞许他。(the critics gave the movie a thumbs down. Gave a thumb down = 喝倒彩,恶评critiqued negatively)

6. I give this picture two thumbs up. 我给这部片子极高的评价。(It's a superb film. 这是一部超级巨片。)

7. Please give her a big hand. 请大家为她鼓掌。(applaud enthusiastically; give a warm welcome)

8. A: your speech was fabulous!

B: You're too kind. I know it wasn't that good. 你太客气了,我知道没那么好。

9. Are you serious or just trying to make me feel better? 你说真心话,还是豆着我玩的?

10. you're just being polite. 你只是在说客套话。(礼貌上说说而已doing it out of manners. 受赞时谦虚之应答a modest reponse to praise, compliments)

11. Can't you take a compliment? 你不能接受人家一句恭维话吗?(用于拍到马脚时,打圆场的话)

Rurning a compliment

1. How sweet of you! 你这个人真好!(generally said by female)

2. That's the nicest thing anybody ever said to me. 这是我一生中最受用的话。(a sincerely reply to a compliment)

3. That's very flattering. 真会讨好人。(感到十分舒服feel rather pleased. In other words, I accept the compliment)

4. you flatter me. 你把我捧得飘飘然。(It's very nice of to say so. 你这么说太客气了。)

5. It was nothing. Anyone could have done it. 这没什么,谁都做得来。

6. you give me more credit than I deserve. 你太抬举我了。

7. I owe it all to my friends who helped me so much. 这全归功于那些鼎立相助的朋友们。

8. you're boosting my ego. 你使我志得意满。

9. Don't spoil me. 别捧坏我。

Please Someone

1. this will be a real crowd pleaser. 这准会讨众人的欢喜。(crowd pleaser = appeals to the masses, general public)

2. Is it to your liking? 这适合你的口味吗?(to your liking = up to yours standard. Does it meet your specifications? 合你的要求吗? Do you accept this?

3. Everything I do is to please you. 每一件事我都是为了讨好你而做。

4. Anything for you, my love. 亲爱的,你要什么我都依你。

5. I knocked my head against a wall trying to please him. 我拼死想讨好他。 (knocked my head against a wall = 以头撞墙,试图完成无法办到之事spent time and effort in trying to complish something futile.)

6. I've been breaking my tail at work, and my boss shows no appreciation. 拼命工作,但老板却不领情。(I'm busting my ass to please her. 我使尽吃奶的力气去讨好她。)

7. I give up. There's just no satisfying you. 我认了。反正我无法使你称心如意。(hard to get along; fee frustrated)

8. I try so hard to please, and all I get is a slap in the face. 我吃力不讨好。

9. he uses gifts to win a woman over. 他利用馈赠去博取女人的欢心。(win….over = convince someone to like him)

10. you can't please everyone.


1. Here you go! 拿去吧!(here you go. Keep the change. 拿去吧!零钱不用找了。)

2. A: Here. Go buy yourself some flowers. 拿这些钱去为自己买些花吧。

B: That would buy a whole lot of flowers. 那些钱可以买不少花呢。

3. he showered her with gifts. 他买给她满山满谷的礼物。(showered = give abundantly as in pouring out water; gave generously)

3. He lavished presents on his girlfriend. 他奢侈地购买了一大堆礼物,送给他的女友。(lavished = squandered freely and without restraint; gave overmuch过分给予)

5. you shouldn't have. 你这是何必呢? (指:我不配得到如此厚礼 I really don't deserve it.)

5. It really wasn't necessary. 实在没这必要。

6. you really went overboard buying presents. 你买礼物的钱真是花过头了。(went overboard = spent or bought too much.)

7. you're an Indian giver. 你把已送给人的东西,又要回来了。(Indian giver = someone who gives a gift and then takes it back. 本句是种族歧视之词a racial slur )

8. Take it or you're not a friend. 把我当朋友的话,就收下吧。(If you're a true friend, you will accept my gift.)

9. You'r a good giver, but a poor receiver. 你不吝惜送东西给人,却不肯接受别人半点好处。

10. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. 你尽管接受礼物,不必多问。(自马口向里头张望。)

11. Keep it. You might need it. 你留着吧。也许有一天会排上用场。

12. It tough thinking of a present for her. 想不出该送她什么礼物时,真是伤透脑筋。(especially to a wife who has everything.)

13. Please, say it with flowers. 请带些礼物去,不要光说好听话。(send gifts instead of verbal good will.)

14. He takes without giving anything in return. 他不懂得礼尚往来。(To me, taking without giving is a serious offense. 对我来说,光拿不给是严重的过失。)

15. It's not necessary to spend money on me. Being my daughter is gift enough. 不用花钱买东西给我。你能作为我的女儿,已是最大的礼物。

16. It's the thought that counts. 心意如何才是最重要的。(counts = that's important;)

作者: wskthpmfc    时间: 2007-12-19 16:13

1. Flattery is the name of the game. 奉承是使你吃得开的不二法门。 (the name of the game = main idea; objective)

2. Flattery paved the way to his post. 谄媚替他的职位铺了路。 (paved way = prepared; helped to achieve)

3. Flattery will get you everywhere. 谄媚会使你通行无阻。

4. He butters up everyone trying to make points. 他讨好每一个人,已广结人缘。(make points = earn points; 提高个人名气gain popularity; 达到个人的好处 gain an advantage)

5. they suck up to anyone with money. 他们谄媚任何有钱人。(suck up to = flatter)

6. he sure knows how to rub shoulders with the right people to get ahead.. 他很懂得趋炎附势,以便上升。(rub shoulders with = 勾肩搭背。 攀附权贵人物ingratiate yourself with VIP's.。于要人往来associate with shots.

7. Nice suit. 好漂亮的西装。

8. you look sharp. Interview? 你穿得这么帅,去面试吗?

9. you look spiffy(耀眼). Hot date tonight? 你打扮得花枝招展,今晚有热情的约会吗?

10. your hair looks great.

11. that's a beautiful ring.(戒指)。

12. that outfit looks great on you. 那件外衣穿在你身上挺好看。

13. it's a work of art! 这是一件不可多得的艺术品。

14. it's masterpiece.

15. it's a gem. 这像宝石一样好。(you're a gem. 你真是个大好人。)

16. how did a nice woman like you get stuck with a bum like him.? 像你这样一朵鲜花,怎会插到牛粪上呢?(said in jest)

17. you're got good taste. 你很有品味。(good taste = 好的鉴赏能力appreciate finer things in life)

18. Hey, that's real class. 嘿。那可真够气派。(real class = outstanding.)

19. that's real cool. 真有两下子。

20. your direction has done wonders for this company. 你的领导带给这家公司意想不到的效果。

21. it's about time I heard a compliment around here. 总算在这儿有人夸奖我了。(it's about time = finally)

22. he loves it when others kiss up to him. 他最爱别人奉承。(kiss up to =拍他的马屁flatter him; 取悦于他please him.compliment him)

23. he likes to wear a top hat. 他喜欢别人给他带高冒子。(top hat = praise; flattery)

24. some people just can't get enough of flattery. 有些人再多的恭维话也听不腻。(can't get enough of = insatiable)

25. people love flattery. It's a fact of life. 人爱受吹捧,这是铁一般的事实。

26. what do you want, a medal? 你还想要什么,一个奖章吗?(medal = monument.reprimanding someone who's looking for undeserve merit)

Rejecting Flattery

1. You're just trying to relate. 你只是想套近乎。(relate = 拉关系)

2. Stop trying to buddy up to me. 别想亲近我。(buddy up = trying to get friendly with)

3. I don't want to hear any sweet-talk. 我不要听任何甜言蜜语。(sweet-talk = flattery)

4. I hate it when someone tries to butter me up! 我最讨厌人家奉承我。(butter me up =因有求于我而谄媚 flatter me to grt something; 说好话以获得好处say nice things to gain an advantage)

5. I dislike flattery. 我讨厌谄媚。

6. you don't have to wine and dine your higher-ups. 你犯不着用酒肉来奉承上司。(wine and dine = butter up 吹捧;以获得升迁to obtain promotion; higher-ups = superiors; )

7. Don't patronize me. Nobody eats that shit. 别想拍我马屁,没人会吃你那一套。

8. He's too much of a back-slapper. 他太会胁肩谄笑。(back-slapper = 自身后拍人肩膀者。过度友善someone who is overly friendly)

9. He's a brown-noser. 他是马屁精。(brown-noser 棕色鼻子的人,kissing boss' behind, 长期接触粪便而变色。)

10. He's an apple-polisher.

11. She doesn't really like you. She's just a social climber. 。。。。。。。她只是长袖善舞的女人。(social climber = 攀缘富贵者person who associates with successful people in the hope of improving his/her own status.)

12. he's always licking the president's boots. 他总是在拍总经理的马屁。

13. you must've rubbed him the wrong way. 你准是拍错了马屁。(rubbed him the wrong way = displeased him; made a bad impression on him 使他留下坏印象。)

14. I meant it as a compliment, but he took it as an insult.我存心要恭维他,但他却当成悔辱(took it as an insult = took offense)

Center Of Attention

1. it's your turn to be on stage. 轮到你上台亮相了。

2. you're going to be in the spotlight. 你即将为众所瞩目。

3. he thrives on female attention. 他在女人垂青下,过得神气活现。(thrives on = like plants under ideal sunshine and water condition do very well. Attention = emphasizes on admiration 偏重爱慕)

4. she's eating up all this attention. 别人对他的注目,使她好不得意。(乐在其中she's enjoying it.)

5. Be individual. 要显出自己的特性。(要与众不同Set yourself apart.)

6. you're on center stage. 你正在众目睽睽之下。

7. All heads turned when she walked into the room.

8. Everybody is watching! (watching = staring. Don't make a scene. 不要出洋相。)

9. Everyone's eye is on you. 每个人都在瞧着你。(不要把事情弄糟。Don't screw up. 不要犯任何错. Don't do anything wrong.)

10. I get stage fright. 我容易怯场。(我害怕许多眼睛瞪着我。I dread having all eyes focus on me. )

11. I hate being in the center of attention.

12. I'm afraid of being under the microscope. 我不愿把自己披露在别人仔细的观察之下。

13. he keeps a low profile. 他韬光养晦。(he stays out of the limelight to avoid attention. Keeps a low profile = 隐匿自己,不张扬)

作者: wskthpmfc    时间: 2007-12-19 16:16
1. it lives up to its name. 它名副其实。(lives up to = 声明切合实际it matches its reputation.)

2. he lived up to my expectations. 他没有辜负我的期待。(他达到我所要求的标准he met my standard.)

3. he's loosening his purse strings to gain more popularity. 他在掏腰包买知名度。(loosening his purse strings = 松弛束紧钱袋口的绳子。)

4. he wants his name to stand out. 他一心想出人头地。

5. he wants to get noticed. 他爱出风头。

6. he's won a name for his sense of humor. 他的幽默感出了名。(won a name for = become renowned for变成以。。。而著称; gained a reputation for. 获得。。。之名气。)

7. A: So, what makes her so hot? 到底是什么使她声名卓著? (so hot = so popular)

B: When you're hot, you're hot. 人要出名时,躲都躲不过。

8. John is a social butterfly. 八面玲珑的人物。

9. he's a local celebrity. 他是我们当地的风云人物。(celebrity = star)

10. he;s pretty well liked around here. 他在这里蛮受欢迎。(pretty well liked = fairly popular)

11. I've heard nothing but good reports about him. 我所听到有关他的,都是好事。(good reports = favorable information)

12. your reputation precedes you. 久仰,久仰。(could be a compliment or an insult. Reputation precedes you = 名胜先你而行。)

13. you are very famous. 阁下之大名如雷贯耳。(famous = known by many people; has favorable repute. You have too big a name. 阁下之大名如雷贯耳, notorious = known widely but unfavorably 恶名昭彰。She's notorious for her meanness. 她的卑鄙是出了名的。)

14. Your name rings a bell. 我听过你的名字。

15. He's an accomplished musician. 他是一位颇有成就的音乐家。(he has made achievements as a musician. He's earned a bit of a reputation.已薄有名气。)

16. He's a world-renowned artist. 他是一位举世闻名的艺术家。(声明远播enjoys a big reputation; 闻名prestigious;受敬重respected.)

17. Bill set off a bombshell in the computer industry. 比尔在计算机界里一鸣惊人。(set off a bombshell = 如引爆一枚炸弹似的。令人惊讶于他的成就stunned everyone with his success.)

18. He's become an overnight success. 他一夜发迹。(overnight = instant; immediate; within a short period of time.转眼间他成了家喻户晓的人物He became popular overnight.)

19. He's worth three chapters in a textbook. 他的功勋彪炳,值得在教科书里大写特写。

20. He's the man of the hour. 他是时下名气最响的人。(man of the hour = 最受人注目者the person receiving the most attention)

21. He was completely unkown years ago. 数年前他还默默无闻。(数年前他还是个籍籍无名的小子He was a nobody a few years back.)

22. If you did that, I'm sure you'd go down in history. 如果你办成了那件事,准会名垂青史。(go down in history = 不朽be immortalized)

23. He's a legend in his own time. 他活着的时候,已是个传奇人物。(他获得永久性的好名声。 He's attained permanent, lasting fame while he's still alive.)

24. You'll live after your dust. 你的名声永存。(after your dust = after you die 在你逝世后。)

25. His legacy lives on. 他的风范常存。(legacy = 名望。Although he's dead, his work, influence continues.)

To Idolize 偶像崇拜

1. He's my hero. 他是我心目中的英雄

2. He's my idol. (idol = role model )

3. you're become a hero to these kids.

4. she's my dreamboat. 她是我梦寐以求的人儿。(朝思暮想的情人。)

5. People worship this guy like he's a demigod. 众人把他当半个神来崇拜。(demigod = half god)

6. Madonna is a pop icon. Madonna是受人崇拜的人物。(pop icon = popular symbol)

7. she has a large following.(large following = many admirers )

8. I'm your most loyal follower. 最忠实的拥护者。

9. they are my diehard fans. 是我致死不渝的爱戴者。

10. they are my most enthusiastic fans. (enthusiastic = eager)

11. Can I have your autograph? 我可以要你的签名吗?(请你给我签名好吗?would you please sign your name for me?)

Bad Reputation

1. you are what they say you are. 你的所作所为,正如他们所说的。

2. you're just as bad as they say. 你正像他们说的一样坏。

3. It's true what they said about you. 他们对你的评语属实。

4. I was warned about you. 已有人警告过我要提防你。

5. He's notorious for ripping people off. 他因剥削人而恶名昭彰。

6. I can't put my name on junk. 我不能把我的名声毁在那种烂货上。

7. my reputation is on the line. 我的名声已岌岌可危。

8. we don't want to lose face. (lose face = let our honor to be quetioned, humiliated. It's an issue of honor. 这是有关名誉的问题。)

9. Get those cameras out of here! We don't need any bad press. 把照相机拿走,我们不需要任何负面报道。(bad press = lousy publicity)

10. It's bad for public relations. 这会弄坏公共关系。(It's bad publicity. 这会使公众留下坏印象。)

11. His name is mud. 他已声明扫地。(mud = defamed)

12. she's disgraced forever.她的羞耻永存。(disgraced = dishonored; humiliated)

13. In spite of the scandal he came off smelling like a rose. 虽然发生了丑闻,他的形象毫不受损。(came off smelling like a rose = 带着玫瑰的馨香离开。清誉未受污损with his image unblemished; 仍有好人的形象still looking like a good guy.)

作者: wskthpmfc    时间: 2007-12-19 16:18
To Complain

1. Everybody's a critic. 每个人都是挑剔鬼。

2. He's a vocal critic of government overspending. 他是对政府胡乱花钱骂得最凶的评论家。(vocal critic = outspoken faultfinder. Overspending = 不量入为出to spend beyond one's means)

3. This sloppy job just doesn't cut it. 我无法接受这种草率的工作。(doesn't cut it = unacceptable)

4. he tried to find fault with me. 他存心挑我的错。(find fault with me = 借机抨击我find something to criticize about me.)

5. Don't knock it till you try it. 还没试用之前先别乱批评。(don't knock it = 不要诅咒don't condemn, knock = 恶意批评criticize it,常用于生活方式lifestyle, 饮食习惯food habit等)

6. she always picking on me for whatever I do. 她对我所做的任何事都看不顺眼。(picking on me = criticizing me)

7. Can't you do anything right? 你无法办成任何事吗?(why are you always so clumsy? 为什么你总是这么笨拙?)

8. you sound like my wife. 你的口气活像我太太。(sound like my wife = talk like my wife)

9. he's always looking for a bone to pick with me. 他老在我的鸡蛋里挑骨头。 (a bone to pick = 没错找错)

10. he likes to take cheap shots. 他喜欢揭人疮疤。(take cheap shots = 不公平地抨击别人的短处unfairly attack other's weak spot0

11. why is everybody on my back? 怎么搞的, 每个人都在找我的碴?(踏在我背上= on my back0

12. what are you busting my ass for? 干嘛你老盯在我屁股后头呢?(打我屁股 = busting my ass. Pushing me to do something; pressuring me)

13. Don't pick on me. 不要挑我的错。

14. Get off my back. 你给我滚开一点儿。

15. quit busting my chops. 不要一天到晚骂我。(Don't yell at me. Don't reprimand me. Chop = 私人印章;seal = 公司,政府的官章; rubber stamp = stamp)

16. shut up already! 你快给我闭嘴!(already = right away)

17. Stop the criticism. 少再批评我。

18. why are you always against me? 你为何老和我作对?(agaist = opposing)

19. Nag. Nag. Nag. That's all wives do. 做妻子的只会一天到晚喋喋不休。(nag = 抱怨个不停烦死人harp on; 使人感到苦恼feel aggravated; annoyed.)

20. She nags like a broken record. 她的唠叨,活像唱片跳针反复不停。(broken record = repeats the same old message)

21. Criticize and criticize. All you ever do is cut me down. 一大堆批评,你只会贬损我。(cut me down = 损人deprecate me)

22. Fine, I'm not good,but what about you? 对,我不是好东西,那你呢?(You aren't so great either. 你也好不到哪儿去。 You're not so hot yourself. 你也没多好。)

23. Must you always bring up my past? 你非得老提我过去不光彩的事吗?(bring up my past = remind me of my prior errors)

24. I hate her sharp tongue. 我恨她那张刻薄的嘴。(sharp tongue = points out other's shortcoming; harsh insults; retort; 老是在贬损人always disparaging others. I can't stand his sharp digs. 我受不了他的冷嘲热讽。Sharp digs = sarcastic comments.)

25. Don't pick on her. 不要去挑他的错。(pick on = criticize; complain about. 抨击得体无完肤pick her apart; 把她从众人中剔除single her out.)

26. Nobody takes criticism well. 谁都不愿被批评。

27. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. 缺点满身的人,不应该指责别人。(people who live in glass houses = 住在玻璃屋者。A person with many shorcomings. 缺陷满身。One who behave no better than others. 自己的行为并没比别人好。 Shoudn't throw stones = 不该扔石头。不该责备别人shouldn't reprimand other's wrongdoings.)

Fussy 吹毛求疵

1. I'm not fussy. (not fussy = not picky; 不随便批评not unduly critical; 随遇而安cope with everything.)

2. He's a finicky eater. 她很挑嘴。(finicky generally refers to food)

3. why should we make a fuss about it? 我们何必为它小题大做呢?(make a fuss = dwell on … needlessly and annoyingly. Don't make such a fuss about it. 不要为它牢师动众。)

4. don't make such an issue over it. 不要为它大做文章。

5. it's not worth fussing about. 这不值得你煞费周章。

6. why complicate things? 干嘛化简为繁呢?

7. Can't we simplify it? 不能简化一下吗?

8. what's a big deal? 没什么大不了的!

9. he's as finicky as a cat. (I'm not as picky as you. 我没像你那么难伺候。)

10. she's the world's number one fusspot. 她是全世界最吹毛求疵的女人。(fusspot = fussbudget 后责他人者)

11. he's such an anal retentive person.他过分拘泥小节。(anal retentive = 保持肛门干净,喻:过分精细。)

12. Men don't like women who nag. 男人讨厌喋喋不休的女人。

13. he's penny-wise and pound-foolish. 他小处精明而大处糊涂。

To Grumble 发牢骚

1. you are never here when I need you. 每当我需要你的时候,总是找不到人。

2. To you I'm a workhorse, a punching bag! 对你来说我只是一匹马和一个出气筒!(workhorse = someone who incessantly; punching bag = 恼怒时,可供泄愤者someone whom you can hit or push around when you're angry.)

3. you treat me like dirt. 你视我如粪土。

4. this is horrible.恶劣透顶。

5. I hate this. 我讨厌这种事。

6. this is shit.

7. he sucks. 恶劣透顶.

8. she's always gripping about something. 她老是咕哝个不停。(gripping = murmuring)

9. she's a whiner. 她好发牢骚。(whine = 呻吟,抱怨。 She's a grumbler. 她是个发牢骚的人。)

10. she bitches about everything. 她的贫嘴没饶过哪样东西。(bitches = 嘴不饶人)

作者: wskthpmfc    时间: 2007-12-19 16:19
11. he's always crying the blues. 他老是抱怨一大堆,想获得别人的同情。(crying the blue = singing the blues; expressing self pity; complaining to get sympathy)

12. Oh stop gripping! 哎呀,别再抱怨了行不行!

13. There you go again! 你又来这套了。 (不满某人故伎重演playing the same old scheme. 如先礼后兵compliments followed by mockeries)

14. Don't be such a crybaby. 别老像个爱哭的婴儿。(always complaining and crying like baby.)

15. Quit whining! 不要再发牢骚!

16. Stop your bickering. 停止为鸡毛蒜皮的事吵架。(bickering = 为琐事引起深度口角intense verbal fighting over trivial things)

17. Stop giving me grief. 少给我头痛。

18. Now what's your problem? 你又再啰嗦什么?(又有什么不对劲。)

19. I'm going to make a big fuss. 我要好好地告一状。(make a big fuss = 小题大做make too much of something by complaining)

20. why didn't you just say so in the first place? 你何不早说?(in the first place = from thebegining; 抱怨某人事后才提及mentioned it only after the fact, 而事态无可挽救made things irreparable.)


1. Darn it! That's not fair! 该死!这不公平!(抱怨不按规定来,玩花样骗人。 Play by the rules. Don't cheat.)

2. you call this justice? 这算哪门子的公平?

3. Be fair! 公平点儿!

4. A: That's unfair!

B: You tell me what's fair?

5. you'll have to take your claim to headquarters.你有什么抱怨,到总局去说好了。(take your claim = make your complain)

6. My money is just as good as anyone else's! 我的钱跟别人的没两样!(I've been discriminated against in a service.)

7. Treat me like a human being. 把我当人看待行不行?(虐待ill-treat. Don't treat me like a dog.)

8. why am I being treated like dirt here? 为何我在这里被视为粪土呢?(为何我在这里被糟蹋?)

9. Is my skin in the wrong color? 我的皮肤颜色不对吗?

10. we've all been silent too long. 我们已忍气吞声太久了。(silent = uncommunicative. We should've spoken up sooner. 我们应该高声抗争。)

11. It's time someone spoken up. 这是打破沉默的时刻了。

12. I resent that. 我谴责这种事。(我感到被冒犯I'm offended, insulted. 我鄙视你的作为。I despise what you did.)

13. I object to that. 我既反对又鄙视那种事。(object = against + disdain)

14. you can't walk all over me. 别以为你可以随便欺负人。(walk all over me = treat me like a floor mat(把我当地毯)。 Demean 贬低身份, take advantage of me 侵悔 you can't = Don't think you can )

15. Don't insult me! 不要悔辱我。

16. they are up in arms about it. 他们对这种事群情激昂。(up in arms = 举手抗议,动怒fuming, complaining; resisting; challenging)

17. I'd like to dispute my bill this month. 我对本月份的帐单有异议。(dispute = contest)

18. the squeaky wheel gets the grease. 会抱怨的人,先得好处。(squeaky wheel gets the grease = 吱吱叫的轮子会先被点上油。)

19. If you don't ask, you don't get. 如果你不出声要求,什么也得不到。

105-Fight For Equality 争平等权利

1. you can't deprive me of my right.

2. Don't try to rob me of my rights. 别想抢夺我应有的权利。(rob me of my rights = deprive me of what's due me)

3. I'm entitle to know.

4. we should lend her an ear. 我们应洗耳恭听她的话。

5. this interest of the child is at stake. 这孩子的福利面临危机。(at stake = at risk; in jeopardy )

6. what I ask for is equal treatment. 我所要求的是同等待遇。(equal treatment = fair treatment. There's no equality around here. 这里的待遇不公平。)

7. I'm a citizen and a taxpayer. I have rights! 我是公民也是纳税人,我有发定的权利。

8. Stand up for your rights. 要为你个人的权益力争到底。(speak your mind 说出你的心声;demand your rights 要求你应有的权利。)

9. If you want to be seen, stand up. If you want to be heard, speak up. 如果要别人看见你,就得站起来。 如果要人家听见你,必须大声发言。(If you want to be respected, shut up! )

10. stand up and be counted. 勇敢地站起来不要被人看扁。(be counted = 被视同平等的一份子。)

11. one man can make a difference. 一个人也能造成大气候。("甘地" 单靠一己之力,而扭转乾坤。Gandhi turned the table through his personal influence.)

12. Every vote counts. 每一张选票都至关重要。

13. Give me liberty or give me death. 不自由毋宁死。

14. I've earned that right. 我已争取到那项权利。

15. Too much freedom is a bad thing. 过分的自由引发灾难。(everyone has the right to free speech, but speech made unwisely will lead to disater. Don't yell "fire" in a crowded movie theater.)

16. All men are not born equal. 人生而不平等。(intelligence, physique, living enviroment, social status, wealth, race etc.)

Women's Rights & Abortion

1. the abortion issue is controversial. 堕胎是引起争论的话题。(controversial = highly debatable )

2. it's touchy stuff. 这是个十分敏感的话题。(touchy = sensitive)

3. it's tricky business. 这是一件难缠的事。

4. women battled over their right to a legal abortion. 妇女为了争取她们合法堕胎的权利而奋战。(battled over = argued over, fought for)

107-Discrimination 歧视

1. Down with sexism! 打倒性别歧视!(down = defeat)

2. he's a gay-basher. 他是大肆攻击同性恋的人。(basher = 坦率的批评家outspoken critic)

3. he's a white supermacist. 他是白人至上主义者。

4. he's a bigot. 他是老顽固。

5. Ageism is a form of discrimination. 鄙视老人是一种歧视。(ageism = despising of old people)

6. that's a sweeping statement. 那是不分青红皂白的声明。(sweeping statement = an over-generalization)

7. you're being stereotypical. 你这样说,未免有失偏颇。(unfairly portraying a group of people to fit a popular preconception. 为了附和众人先入为主的观点,而不公平地描述某一群人。)

8. one rotten apple doesn't spoil the whole bunch. 一根竹竿打翻一船人。(一只烂苹果,并不代表整篓的苹果都坏了。Don't generalize. 不可以偏概全)
作者: he_aqi    时间: 2007-12-20 08:03
1. It's up to you.(由你决定。)
2. I envy [羡慕]you.(我羡慕你。)
3. How can I get in touch with you?
4. Where can I wash my hands? (请问洗手间在哪里?)
5. What's the weather like today?(今天天气如何?)
6. Where are you headed [朝…方向行进]? (你要到哪里去?)
7. I wasn't born yesterday.(我又不是三岁小孩。)
8. What do you do for relaxation[消遣、娱乐]?(你做什么消遣?)
9. It’s a small world.(世界真小!)
10. It’s my treat[请客、款待] this time.(这次我请客!)
11. The sooner the better. (越快越好。)
12. When is the most convenient [方便的;便利的] time for you?
13. Take your time.(慢慢来/别着急。)
14. I'm mad about bruce lee.(我迷死李小龙了。)?
  I'm crazy[着迷的;狂热爱好的] about rock music. (我对摇滚乐很着迷。)
15. How do I address you?(我怎么称呼你?)
16. What was your name again? (请再说一次名字好吗?)
17. Would you care for[喜欢] a cop of coffee?(要被咖啡吗?)
18. She turns me off.(她使我厌烦。)
19. So far so good.(目前为止,一切都好。)
20. It drives[逼迫;迫使] me crazy.(它把握逼疯了。)
21. She never showed up[出席;露面].(她一直没有出现。)
22. That's not like him.(那不象是他的风格。)
23. I couldn't get through.(电话打不通。)
24. I got sick and tired of hotels.(我讨厌旅馆。)
25. Be my guest.(请便、别客气)
26. Can you keep an eye on my bag?(帮我看一下包好吗?)
27. Let's keep in touch.(让我们保持联系。)
28. Let's call it a day[决定或同意暂时或永久停止(进行某事)].
29. I couldn't help[避免;阻止] it.(我没办法。)
30. Something's come up[发生/出现].(有点事/出事了)
31. Let's get to the point[要点/核心问题].(让我们来谈要点。)
32. Keep that in mind.(记住那件事。)
33. That was a close call.(太危险了/千钧一发)
34. I'll be looking forward to it.(我将期待这一天。)
35. Chances are slim[渺茫的;微小的].(机会很小。)
36. Far from it.(一点也不。)
37. I’m behind in my work.(我工作进度落后了。)
38. It's a pain in the neck[麻烦的事(人)].(那真是件麻烦事)
39. We're in the same boat.(我们处境相同。)
40. My mouth is watering.(我在流口水了。)
41. What do you recommend?(你推荐什么?)
42. I ache all over.(我浑身酸痛。)
43. I have a runny nose.(我流鼻涕。)
44. It's out of the question.(这是不可能的。)
45. Do you have any openings?(你们有空缺吗?)
46. It doesn't make any difference.(没什么差别/无所谓。)
47. I'm fed up[极其厌烦] with him.(我受够他了。)
48. You can count on[指望;依赖] us.(你可以信赖我们。)
49. It doesn't work.(坏了;不动了。)
50.?? It's better than nothing.(总比什么都没有好。)
51. Think nothing of it.(别放在心上。)
52. I'm not myself today.(我今天心神不宁。)
53. I have a sweet tooth.(我喜欢吃甜食。)
54. I can't express[表示;表达;表明] myself very well in english.
55. For the time being.(暂时;暂且;目前)
56. This milk has gone bad.(这牛奶变质了。)
57. Don't beat around the bush. (别拐弯抹角了。)
58. It's up in the air[悬而未决].(尚未确定。)
59. Math is beyond[对某人而言难以想象/理解/估计] me.(我对数学无能为力。)
60. It slipped my mind.(我忘了。)
61. You can't please[使人感到满意和愉快] everyone.(你不可能讨好每一个人。)
62. I'm working on[着手;从事] it.(我正在努力。)
63. You bet!(当然!)
64. Drop me a line[短信].(写封信给我)
65. Are you pulling my leg[同某人开玩笑;取笑]?(你在开我玩笑吗?)
66. Sooner or later.(迟早会的。)
67. I'll keep my ears open.(我会留意的。)
68. It isn't much.(那是微不足道的。)
69. Neck and neck.(不分上下。)
70. I'm feeling under the weather.(我觉得不舒服/精神不好/情绪低落。)
71. Don't get me wrong[误解].(不要误会我。)
72. I'm under a lot of pressure.(我压力很大。)
73. You're the boss.(听你的。)
74. It doesn't make any sense!(毫无意义!)
75. If i were in your shoes[处在某人的位置].(如果我是你的话。)
76. What's this regarding?(这是关于哪方面的?)
77. Over my dead body!(休想!)
78. Can you give me a hand[帮手;援助]?(你能帮个忙吗?)
79. We have thirty minutes to kill[消磨;打发(时间)].(我们有三十分钟空闲时间。)
80. Whatever you say.(随便你。)
81. It'll come to me.(我会想起来的。)
82. You name[具体地(说出来)] it!(你说出来。)
83. Time will tell.(时间会证明的。)
84. I will play it by ear[见机行事;临时现做].(我会见机行事的;到时候再说。)
85. You should take advantage of[利用] it.(你应该好好利用这个机会。)
86. Let's talk over coffee.(我们边喝边谈。)
87. Take it easy.(轻松一点;别紧张;放松放松;再见。)
88. I'm easy to please[使…高兴;讨…喜欢].(我很容易取悦/相处。)
89. Let's give him a big hand.(让我们热烈鼓掌。)
90. As far as I'm concerned.(就我而言。)
91. I'm all mixed up.(我全搞混了。)
92. Let's get together one of these days.(找一天聚聚。)
93. He's behind the times.(他落伍了/跟不上时代了。)
94. I'm pressed for time.(我时间紧迫。)
95. I'm up to my ears[忙得不可开交;深陷于某事物中] in work.(我忙死了。)
96. You can't do this to me.(你不能这么对我。)
97. Just to be on the safe side. (为了安全起见。)
98. I hope i didn't offend you.(希望没有冒犯你。)
99. It won't take much time.(不会花很长时间的。)
100. It's been a long time.(好久不见了。)
101. It’s nothing.(小事情;不足挂齿。)
102. It’s a long story.(说来话长。)
103. It's about time.(时间差不多了。)
104. It's incredible.(难以置信!)
105. It's hard to say.(难说。)
106. I can't imagine why.(我想不通为什么。)
107. That can't be.(不可能。)
108. That's really something.(真了不起。)
109. Are you sure?(你确信吗?)
110. Are you crazy?(你疯了吗?)
111. Excuse me for a moment.(失陪一会儿。)
112. I mean it. I'm serious. I'm no kidding!(我是认真的。)
113. I'll consider this matter.(我会考虑这件事的。)
114. I'll do something about it.(我会想办法的。)
115. What are you talking about?(你在说些什么?)
116. I'm afraid I can't.(恐怕我不行。)
117. I'm dying[很想] to see you.(我真想见你。)
118. I'm flattered.(过奖了。)
119. I'm not in the mood.(我没心情。)
120. I'm so scared.(我怕极了。)
121. I can't make[赶上] it.(我去不了/我赶不上。)
122. You can never tell.(不知道/谁也没把握。)
123. I won't buy[相信;接受] you story.(我不信你那一套。)
124. It hurts like hell!(疼死啦!)
125. It can't be helped.(无能为力。)
126. Sorry to bother you.(抱歉打扰你。[事前])
  Sorry to have bothered you.(抱歉打扰你。[事后])
127. I'm always punctual.(我总是很准时。)
128. You may leave it to me.(交给我来办。)
129. I wish I could.(不行。)[委婉表达法]
130. What's the rush?(什么事那么匆忙?)
131. What's so funny/(有什么好笑的?)
132. I couldn't agree more.(我完全同意。)
133. Stay out of this matter, please.(请别管这事。)
134. Don't just shake you head.(别光摇头,想想办法!)
135. Don't jump to conclusions.(别仓促/过早下结论。)
136. That was a lousy movie.(那电影糟透了!)
137. Have you thought about staying home?(是否考虑在家呆着?)
138. I'll come. I give you my word.(我会来的。我向你保证。)
139. I swear I'll never tell anyone.(我发誓不告诉任何人。)
140. I'll make it up to you.(我会赔偿的。)
141. I'm very / really / terribly / awfully / extremely sorry.(十分抱歉!)
142. Forgive me for breaking my promise.(原谅我食言。)
143. Let's forgive and forget.(让我们摈弃前嫌。)
144. I've heard so much about you!(久仰大名!)
145. Don't underestimate me.(别小看我。)
146. She gives me a headache.(她让我头疼。)
147. It's very annoying.(真烦人。)
148. He often fails to keep his word.(他常常不遵守诺言。)
149. You made me feel ashamed of myself.(你让我感到羞愧。)
150. I hope it turns out all right.(我希望结果很好。)
151. I can't handle this alone.(我无法单独处理这事。)
152. How long will it take to have this radio fixed?(修理这收音机要多久?)
153. Come to me if you're in any difficulty.(有困难来找我。)
154. Who do you think you are?(你以为你是谁?)
155. You're wasting you breath.(你在白费口舌。)
156. It doesn't seem like that.(似乎不象是那样。)
157. Don't get on my nerves!(不要搅得我心烦。)
158. Everything will be fine.(一切都会很好。)
159. I'll be ready in a few minutes.(再过几分钟就好了。)
160. I wonder what happened to him.(我不知道他出什么事了。)
161. You are just trying to save face.(你只是想挽回面子。)
162. His argument doesn't hold water.(他的论点站不住脚。)
163. Your face tells it all.(你的表情透露了一切。)
164. The days are getting longer.(白天越来越长了。)
165. You've got to do something.(你一定要想办法。)
166. I hope this will teach you a lesson.(希望这会给你一个教训。)
167. I feel younger than ever.(我觉得比以前年轻。)
168. It's a hard job, but I hope he can make it.
169. Don't look wise.(别自作聪明。)
170. I'm afraid all my efforts were in vain.(我担心我的努力全白费了。)
171. What happened to you memory?(你的记性是怎么搞的?)
172. You're going too far!(你太过分了!)
173. Don't bury your head in the sand.(不要逃避现实。)
174. I have no other choice.(我别无选择。)
175. I don't have the nerve to do it.(我没胆/勇气去做。)
176. It's a matter of life and death.(事关生死。)
177. Nothing works.(什么都不对劲儿。)
178. Money will come and go.(钱乃身外之物。)
179. He's been behind bars for almost 30 years.(他坐了将近30年牢。)
180. If I had known that, I could have helped you.
181. I couldn't care less.(我不在乎。)
182. You have my word.(我保证。)
183. He hit the ceiling at the news.(他听到那消息暴跳如雷/大发雷霆。)
184. I don't mind staying up late.(我不在乎熬夜。)
185. You're too outspoken.(你太直率了。)
186. I can't afford it.(我承担/买不起。)
187. I think it's a reasonable price.(我觉得这是个合理的价钱。)
188. I'd like to try on these hats.(我想试试这些帽子。)
189. He puts me to shame.(他使我蒙羞。)
190. Every dog has his day.(凡人皆有得意时。)
191. Don't give me any excuses.(不要给我任何理由。)
192. Are you out of you mind?(你疯了吗?)
193. He's been everywhere.(他到处都去过了。)
194. What's bothering you?(什么在困扰你?)
195. Who is to blame?(该怪谁?)
196. There're a lot of rumors going around.(很多流言流传着。)
197. I don't feel up to that.(我觉得不能胜任那工作。)
198. I'm mad at myself.(我生自己的气。)
199. It's raining cats and dogs.(下着倾盆大雨。)
200. The sky is getting very cloudy.(天空的云越来越多了。)
201. You won't get away with this.(你逃不掉惩罚的。)
202. I'm tired of going to school day after day.(我厌倦每天上学。)
203. Who am i supposed to see?(我应该去见谁?)
204. His idea is childish.(他的想法很幼稚。)
205. I need small change.(我需要零钱。)
206. Don't try to brainwash me.(别想给我洗脑。)
207. I don't seem to have any luck today.(我今天运气不好。)
208. That reminds me.(那提醒了我。)
209. What the hell are you doing?(你到底在做什么?)
210. I can't seem to get to sleep.(我好象睡不着。)
211. You look very serious about something.(你似乎有很严重的事。)
212. I hope I'm not in the way.(我希望没有造成妨碍。)
213. What are you so excited about?(什么事让你如此兴奋?)
214. Tell me about you trouble.(把你的烦恼告诉我。)
215. I feel much better now.(我感觉好多了。)
216. I hope you will get well soon.(希望你很快会恢复。)
217. She is sick in bed.(她卧病在床。)
218. I have a slight fever.(我轻微发烧。)
219. A fool never learns.(傻瓜永远学不会。)
220. This is the schedule for tomorrow.(这是明天的日程安排。)
221. How late are you open?(你们营业到多晚?)
222. I'm here on business.(我来这里出差。)
223. What's hong kong famous for?(香港以什么闻名?)
224. What brings you to beijing?(什么风把你吹到北京来的?)
225. She looks blue.(她满面忧伤。)
226. I just don't know what to say.(我就是不知道说什么。)
227. Let's have fun tonight.(今晚让我们乐一乐。)
228. Thank you for coming to see me off.(谢谢你来为我送行。)

作者: xalm520    时间: 2007-12-20 08:14
   Accelerate Aging ——加速老化,使用人工的方法,加速正常的老化过程。

   Acceptance Quality Level (AQL) ——

   Acceptance Test ——用来测定产品可以接受的试验,由客户与供应商之间决定。

   Access Hole ——在多层线路板连续层上的一系列孔,这些孔的中心在同一个位置,而且通到线路板的一个表面。

   Annular Ring ——是指保围孔周围的导体部分。

   Artwork ——用于生产
Artwork Master”“production Master,有精确比例的菲林。

   Artwork Master ——通常是有精确比例的菲林,其按11的图案用于生产
Production Master”。

   Back Light ——背光法,是一种检查通孔铜壁完好与否得放大目检方法,其做法是将孔壁外的基材自某一方向上小心的予以磨薄,再利用树脂半透明的原理,从背后射入光线。假如化学铜孔壁品质完好而无任何破洞或针孔时,则该铜层必能阻绝光线而在显微中呈现黑暗,一旦铜壁有破洞时,则必有光点出现而被观察到,并可放大摄影存证,称为背光法,但只能看到半个孔。

   Base Material ——绝缘材料,线路在上面形成。(可以是刚性或柔性,或两者综合。它可以是不导电的或绝缘的金属板。)。

   Base Material thickness ——不包括铜箔层或镀层的基材的厚度。

   Bland Via ——导通孔仅延伸到线路板的一个表面。

   Blister ——离层的一种形式,它是在基材的两层之间或基材与铜箔之间或保护层之间局部的隆起。

   Board thickness 是——指包括基材和所有在上面形成导电层在内的总厚度。

   Bonding Layer ——结合层,指多层板之胶片层

   C-Staged Resin ——处于固化最后状态的树脂。

   Chamfer (drill) ——钻咀柄尾部的角

   Characteristic Impendence ——特性阻抗,平行导线结构对交流电流的阻力,通常出现在高速电流上,而且通常由在一定频率宽度范围的常量组成

   Circuit ——能够完成需要的电功能的一定数量的电元素和电设备

   Circuit Card ——见“Printed Board”。

   Circuitry Layer ——线路板中,含有导线包括接地面,电压面的层。

   Circumferential Separation ——电镀孔沿镀层的整个圆周的裂缝或空隙。

   Creak ——裂痕,在线路板中常指铜箔或通孔之镀层,在遭遇热应力的考验时,常出现各层次的部分或全部断裂。

   Crease ——皱褶,在多层板中常在铜皮处理不当时所发生的皱褶。

作者: he_aqi    时间: 2007-12-20 08:15
    1 Did you sleep well last night? 你昨晚睡得好吗?
    2 Why don't we go to the office now? 为何我们现在不去办公室呢?
    3 We'll start with an orientation video. It runs about 15 minutes. 我们将从一个电视简报开始,大概放15分钟。
    4 The tour will take about an hour and a half. We ought to be back here by 3:00. 参观大概要一个半小时,3点钟以前回到这里。
    5 Our new product line has been very successful. We've expanded the factory twice this year already. 我们新的生产线非常成功,我们今年已把工厂扩展了两倍。
    6 I'd like to introduce you to our company. Is there anything in particular you'd like to know? 我将向你介绍我们的公司,你有什么特别想知道的吗?
    7 We have some reports to show you for background information. 我们还有一些报告向你介绍背景资料。
    8 Is your factory any different from other plastics factories? 你们工厂和其他塑胶工厂有何差别呢?
    9 Yes, our production speed is almost twice the industry-wide average. 是的,我们的生产速度是其他工厂两倍。
    10 I'd like to explain what makes this factory special. 我要向你说明本工厂的特性。

作者: xalm520    时间: 2007-12-20 08:16
   Date Code ——周期代码,用来表明产品生产的时间。

   Delamination ——基材中层间的分离,基材与铜箔之间的分离,或线路板中所有的平面之间的分离。

   Delivered Panel(DP) ——为了方便下工序装配和测试的方便,在一块板上按一定的方式排列一个或多个线路板。

   Dent ——导电铜箔的表面凹陷,它不会明显的影响到导铜箔的厚度。

   Design spacing of Conductive ——线路之间的描绘距离,或者在客户图纸上定义的线路之间的距离。

   Desmear ——除污,从孔壁上将被钻孔摩擦融化的树脂和钻孔的碎片移走。

   Dewetting ——缩锡,在融化的锡在导体表面时,由于表面的张力,导致锡面的不平整,有的地方厚,有的地方薄,但是不会导致铜面露出。

   Dimensioned Hole ——指线路板上的一些孔,其位置已经由其使用尺寸确定,不用和栅格尺寸一致。

   Double-Side Printed Board ——双面板。

   Drill body length ——从钻咀的钻尖到钻咀直径与肩部角度交叉点处的距离。

   Eyelet ——铆眼,是一种青铜或黄铜制作的空心铆钉,当线路板上发现某一通孔断裂时,即可加装上这种铆眼,不但可以维持导电的功能,亦可以插焊零件。不过由于业界对线路板品质的要求日严,使得铆眼的使用越来越少。

   Fiber Exposure ——纤维暴露,是指基材表面当受到外来的机械摩擦,化学反应等攻击后,可能失去其外表所覆盖的树脂层,露出底材的玻璃布,称为纤维暴露,位于孔壁处则称为纤维突出。

   Fiducial Mark ——基准记号,在板面上为了下游的组装,方便其视觉辅助系统作业起见,常在大型的IC于板面焊垫外缘的右上及左下各加一个圆状或其它形状的“基准记号“,以协助放置机的定位。

   Flair ——第一面外形变形,刃角变形,在线路板行业中是指钻咀的钻尖部分,其第一面之外缘变宽使刃角变形,是因钻咀不当地翻磨所造成,属于钻咀的次要缺点。

   Flammability Rate ——燃性等级,是指线路板板材的耐燃性的程度,在既定的试验步骤执行样板试验之后,其板材所能达到的何种规定等级而言。

   Flame Resistant ——耐燃性,是指线路板在其绝缘的树脂中,为了达到某种燃性等级(在UL中分HBVOV1V2),必须在其树脂的配方中加入某些化学药品(如在FR4中加入20%以上的溴),是板材之性能可达到一定的耐燃性。通常FR4在其基材表面之径向方面,会加印制造者红色的UL水印,而未加耐燃剂的G10,则径向只能加印绿色的水印标记。

   Flare ——扇形崩口,在机械冲孔中,常因其模具的不良或板材的脆化,或冲孔条件不对,造成孔口板材的崩松,形成不正常的扇形喇叭口,称为扇形崩口。

   Flashover ——闪络,在线路板面上,两导体线路之间(即使有阻焊绿漆),当有电压存在时,其间绝缘物的表面上产生一种

   Flexible Printed Circuit,FPC ——软板,是一种特殊性质的线路板,在组装时可做三维空间的外形变化,其底材为可挠性的聚亚酰胺(PI)或聚酯类(PE)。这种软板也可以象硬板一样,可作镀通孔或表面装配。

   Flexural Strength ——抗挠强度,将线路板基材的板材,取其宽一寸,长2.5--6寸(根据厚度的不同而定)的样片,在其两端的下方各置一个支撑点,在其中央点连续施加压力,直到样片断裂为止。使其断裂的最低压力强度称为抗挠强度。它是硬质线路板的重要机械性质之一

   Flute ——退屑槽,是指钻咀或锣刀,在其圆柱体上已挖空的部分,可做为废屑退出之用途。

   Flux ——阻焊剂,是一种在高温下具有活性的化学药品,能将被焊物表面的氧化物或者污物予以清除,使熔融的焊锡能与洁净的底层金属结合而完成焊接。

作者: xalm520    时间: 2007-12-20 08:31
   GAP ——第一面分摊,长刃断开,是指钻咀上两个第一面分开,是翻磨不良造成,也是一种钻咀的次要缺点。

   Gerber DataGerBerFile ——格式档案,是美国Gerber公司专为线路板面线路图形与孔位,所开发的一系列完整的软体档案(正式名字是“R
S 274),线路板设计者或线路板制造商可以使用它来实现文件的交换。
   Grid ——标准格,指线路板布线时的基本经纬方格而言,早期每格的长宽格距为100mil,那是以IC引脚为参考的,目前的格子的距离则越来愈密。

   Ground Plane ——接地层,是多层板的一种板面,通常多层板的一层线路层要搭配一层大铜面的接地层,以当成众多零件的公共接地回归地,遮蔽,以及散热。

   Grand Plane Clearance ——接地层的空环,元件的接地脚或电压脚与其接地层或电压层通常会以“一字桥”或“十字脚”与外面的大铜面进行互联。至于穿层而过完全不接大铜面的通孔,则必须取消任何桥梁而与外界隔绝。为了避免因受热而变形起见,通孔与大铜面之间必须留出膨胀所需的伸缩空间,这个空间即是接地层的空环。

   Haloing ——白圈,白边。通常是当线路板基材的板材在钻孔,开槽等机械加工太猛时,造成内部树脂的破裂或微小的开裂之现象。

   Hay wire 也称Jumper Wire.——是线路板上因板面印刷线路已断,或因设计上的失误需在板子的表面以外采用焊接方式用包漆线连接。

   Heat Sink Plane ——散热层。为了降低线路板的热量,通常在班子的零件之外,再加一层已穿许多脚孔的铝板。

   Hipot Test ——即High Postential Test ,高压测试,是指采取比实际使用时更高的直流电压来进行各种电性试验,以查出所漏的电流大校

   Hook ——切削刃缘不直,钻咀的钻尖部分是由四个表面所立体组成,其中两个第一面是负责切削功用,两个第二面是负责支持第一面的。其第一面的前缘就是切削动作的刀口。正确的刀口应该很直,翻磨不当会使刃口变成外宽内窄的弯曲状,是钻咀的一种次要缺陷。

   Hole breakout ——破孔。是指部分孔体已落在焊环区之外,使孔壁未能受到焊环的完全包围。

   Hole location ——孔位,指孔的中心点位置。

   Hole pull Strength ——指将整个孔壁从板子上拉下的力量,即孔壁与板子所存在地固著力量。

   Hole Void ——破洞,指已完成电镀的孔壁上存在地见到底材的破洞。

   Hot Air Leveling ——热风整平,也称喷锡。从锡炉中沾锡的板子,经过高压的热风,将其多余的锡吹去。

   Hybrid Integrated Circuit ——是一种在小型瓷质薄板上,以印刷方式施加贵重金属导电油墨之线路,再经高温将油墨中的有机物烧走,而在板上留下导体线路,并可以进行表面粘装零件的焊接。

作者: he_aqi    时间: 2007-12-21 08:58
    1 Is there anything I can explain fully? 有什么事情要我详细说明的吗?
    2 What did you think of our factories? 你认为我们的工厂怎样?
    3 I was impressed very much. 我有深刻的印象。
    4 Thank you very much for giving us your valuable time. 我们占用了你宝贵的时间,非常感谢。
    5 We have a small gift for you to take with you when you leave the factory. 你离开工厂时,我们有件小礼物要送给你。
    6 I want to purchase some computers from your company. 我想从贵公司购买一些电脑。
    7 We are very interested in your printed pure silk scarves, could you give us some idea about your price? 我们对贵方的印花真丝围巾很感兴趣,请介绍一下贵方的价格好吗?
    8 We'd like to know your availability and conditions of sale of this line. 我们想了解一下你方在这方面的供货能力及销售条件。
    9 We are in great need of Grade A. 我们急需一等品。
    10 If Grade A is not available, Grade B will do. 如果一等品无货,二等品也可以。

作者: he_aqi    时间: 2007-12-25 10:10
  1 Please send us your price list of quartz clocks. 请寄给我们贵方的石英钟价目单。
    2 We must make it clear from the very beginning that competitive quotations are acceptable. 必须一开始就讲清的是,有竞争力的报价可以接受。
    3 The above inquiry was forwarded to you on Oct. 10, but we haven't received your reply until now. Your early offer will be highly appreciated. 上述询价已于10月10日发往你方,可是我们到现在还没收到你方答复,请早日发盘不甚感谢。
    4 We are looking forward to your reply to our inquiry. 我们期待你方对我方的询盘做出答复。
    5 We have confidence in your bamboo wares. 我们对贵方的竹制品质量充满信心。
    6 If you don't have the quality inquired for, please offer us its nearest equivalent. 如果贵方没有所要求质量的产品,请提供与之最接近的产品。
    7 Thank you for your inquiry. Please tell us the quantity you require so that we can work out the offers. 感谢贵方询价。请告诉我们贵方所需数量以便我方报价。
    8 I don't think price is a problem. The most important thing is that how many you can supply. 我认为价格不成问题。最重要的是你方能供货多少。
    9 You'd better give us a rough idea of your price. 您最好给我们一个粗略的价格。
    10 We are delighted with your products and are thinking of placing an order. The size of our order will depend greatly on your price. 我们对你方的产品非常满意,正欲订购。我们定单的大小主要取决于你方的价格。

作者: wskthpmfc    时间: 2007-12-27 11:13
1 We intend to place large regular orders, and would therefore like to know what quantity discounts you allow. 我方将定期大量订购,因此想知道你方给多少数量折扣。
    2 Provided you can offer favorable quotations and guarantee delivery within four weeks from receipt of order, we will place regular orders with you. 贵方若能报优惠价并保证在收到定单后4周内交货,我方将定期订购。
    3 We would like to point out that delivery before Christmas is essential and hope you can offer us that guarantee. 我们想指出圣诞节前交货很重要并希望贵方能就此向我们作出保证。
    4 Prompt delivery would be necessary as we have a fast turnover in this trade. We would therefore need your assurance that you could meet all delivery dates. 即期交货很重要,因为这种货流转很快。所以我们需要你方保证及时交货。
    5 We are delighted to know that you deal with export of Chinese chinaware. Could you supply us 300 sets of tableware for shipment before the end of May? 欣悉你方是中国瓷器出口商。能否给我方供应300套餐具,五月底前交货。
    6 We want to purchase Chinese tea. Please send us your best offer by fax indicating origin packing, quantity available and the earliest time of shipment. 我们欲购中国茶。请用电传给我们报最好价,并说明产地、包装、可供数量及最早发货日期。
    7 Please quote us your price on FOB basis, indicating the postage for dispatch by parcel post to Dalian via Tianjin. 请报FOB价,注明邮寄包裹途经青岛至大连的邮资。
    8 Could you please let us know what discount you can give for an order exceeding 400 sets? 能否告知定货超过400台你方所能给的折扣。
    9 Since we are likely to place sizable orders regularly we hope that you will make some special concessions. 由于我方将定期大批量订购,希望贵方作出一些特殊的让步。
    10 We do business on a commission basis. A commission on your prices would make it easier for us to promote sales. Even 2 or 3 percent would help. 我们是通过取得佣金来进行商业活动的。从你方价格中收取佣金,便于我方推销。即便只有2%或3%也行。
作者: he_aqi    时间: 2007-12-27 12:36
1 If your prices are more favorable than those of your competitors we shall send you our order. 如果你方价格比其他竞争对手的优惠,我们将向你们订货。
    2 Would you please tell us the price of these electric heaters so as to help us make the decision. 能否告知这些电热器的价格,以便我们作出决定。
    3 Please inform us the quantity that can be supplied from stock. 请告知可供现货的数量。
    4 We are anxious to know how long it will take you to deliver the goods. 我们急于知道贵方多长时间能交货。
    5 We trust that you will quote us your most favorable price for big quantities. 相信由于我方大量订购贵方能报最优惠价格。
    6 We trust you can meet our requirements. 相信贵方能满足我们的要求。
    7 We hope this will be a good start for profitable business relations and assure you that your offer will receive our careful consideration. 希望这将是我们互利商业往来的良好开端。我们保证将对贵方的报价予以认真的考虑。
    8 We usually deal on a 20% trade discount basis with an additional quantity discount for orders over 1000 units. 我们通常给予20%的商业折扣,外加订货1000件以上的数量折扣。
    9 We would also like to point out that we mainly settle our accounts on a documents-against-acceptance basis. 我们还想指出我们主要以承兑交单方式结帐。
    10 We would appreciate it if you let us know whether you allow cash or trade discounts. 若能告知你方是否给现金折扣或商业折扣,将不胜感激。
作者: william.lzq    时间: 2008-1-7 20:15
I like english very much
作者: yingyu    时间: 2008-1-10 21:04
Noted and Thanks!
作者: menglxs    时间: 2008-1-16 16:49
作者: yjxiong    时间: 2008-2-2 15:02
thank for your sharing  !
作者: Henry820    时间: 2008-2-5 15:16

作者: wwqcww    时间: 2008-7-9 11:07
Thanks a lot, but too much and no time to digest
作者: footballyy    时间: 2009-1-13 16:55
作者: qkhhnba    时间: 2009-6-9 14:50
作者: 验货员001    时间: 2010-1-4 16:44
作者: 2008weaverwin    时间: 2010-2-8 11:28
thanks !
many many materials and useful .
作者: jiujin    时间: 2010-2-9 12:08
作者: evan-zhao    时间: 2010-2-9 14:57
thanks for you sharing !
作者: lucky-str    时间: 2011-9-6 23:59
thanks for you sharing !
作者: Jack-Huang    时间: 2012-4-16 15:43
作者: 好好学习2    时间: 2012-4-16 17:25
作者: yusumex    时间: 2012-4-16 19:16

作者: bobo123867    时间: 2012-4-17 08:47
thank for your sharing !
it will be better if you can provide download for this information!
作者: Jack-Huang    时间: 2012-4-19 10:06
作者: seven1117    时间: 2012-7-3 10:52
作者: 好好学习2    时间: 2012-7-3 13:26

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