
标题: 英美贸易用字比较 [打印本页]

作者: puruoer    时间: 2007-11-22 20:14
标题: 英美贸易用字比较
英 国 美 国

(Limited) (Incorporated)
(to) book a room *(to) make a reservation
(to) duplicate (to) mimeograph
(to) fill in *(to) fill out
accident insurance casualty insurance
autumn fall
behind in back of
bonded warehouse *customs warehouse
booking office *ticket-office
car (motor-car) auto (automobile)
cargo ship *freighter
carriage *freight
commercial traveller (travelling salesman) traveling salesman
consignment note *waybill
corn grain
counterfoil stub
crossed cheque check with restrictive endorsement
current account checking account
curtains drapes
drapery dry goods
estate agent realtor
flat apartment
form blank
goods train freight train
got (become) gotten
government *administratior
head office home office
holiday vacation
journalist *newspaperman
label tag
letter of complaint claim letter
lift elevator
lorry *truck
Ltd (Limited) Inc. (Incorporated)
maize corn
overcoat topcoat
packet pack
parcel *package
post *mail
railway railroad
really real (sure)
sale by auction sale at auction
shop store
shorthand typist *stenographer
solicitor attorney
terminus terminal
testimonial letter of recommendation

aeroplane airplane
aluminium aluminum
cancelled canceled
catalogue catalog
centimetre centimeter
centre center
cheque check
colour color
employee employe
enamelled enameled
endeavour endeavor
favour favor
fibre fiber
flavour flavor
forgo forego
fulfil fulfill
guarantee guaranty
harbour harbor
honour honor
instalment *installment
jewellery jewelry
kilogramme *kilogram
kilometre kilometer
labelled labeled
labour labor
licence license
litre liter
marvellous marvelous
metre meter
milligramme *milligram
mould mold
nett *net
offence offense
practice practise
programme *program
pyjamas pajamas
skilful skillful
totalling totaling
traveller traveler
travelling traveling
tyre tire
unequalled unequaled
whisky whiskey
woollen woolen

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