I am so glad to have the chance to share my former experiences with all the friends in the forum, in order to adapt ourselves to the step of the society , there are more and more people want to have a good master of English , or want to have a fluent spoken English or second foreign language , or want to have a good communication with their customers or foreign friends , or acquaintance with the international trade knowledge in a short time, it is a good phenomena for all, But I want to make a point that it is not a short-cut to learn a foreign language, we should set a ideal goal for our learning and we should take great efforts to do it , we should have a keen interest on the language, we should insist on our road and goal constantly, only doing so can we attain great progress and improvement in a due time.
I will make one point out that it is easy to learn English very well, if we can set a ideal goal for ourselves, and known which aspects we want to improve in a due time, and choose the suitable textbook, and spend some time on learning everyday, and do not give up in the half way, go on and go on no matter what difficulties we will face with, I believer everyone can master a foreign language.
Regarding how to learn English, I am also very perplexed when I choose to study English at the beginning, but I overcome all the difficulties in the courage of all my friends, who give me drive force in the course of studying and let me make great improvement in 3 years. Now many friends ask me how to learn English, I always encourage them and told them in my own experience, let them to become more confidence of themselves and make them to known that he or she can attain more than me if he or she can cultivate a good habit of learning and own a good persistence. I am fond of business English forum form the first day I entered into it, therefore, I want to share my personal experience with all friends in here. Meanwhile, I am sincerely appreciated all the friends who once gave me a hand in my studying and life by this article
1)建议去书店买一本CD,象美国音标发音大全教程之类的,回家每天坚持练,因为上面会有音标到基本的语调和句子,要反复听,反复练习,当你听得多了,自然就掌握了发音的技巧和模式。PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT。不管怎么样,口语的第一步一定要发音准,而不是只讲究速度和流利,毕竟我们是要跟人交流的,虽然不要当播音员的标准,但是掌握好发音的基本技巧真的很重要。刚开始如果我们真的不敢开口说,那就一个人在房间里面或是没有听到的地方偷偷练吧,哈哈,我当初也是怕,经常跑到人少的地方连句子和文章。后来觉得可以露面了才大胆跟别人交流。
最后要强调的是不管怎么样,我们一定要坚持再坚持,过了一段时间,就拥有流利的口语了,每天说的时候把自己想象成为你是最棒的电台解说员吧。同时告诉大家一个小秘密,当你练口语的时候,如果你连做梦都说英语了,那说明你已经练到家了,哈哈,不知道你周围的人会不会晚上知道你说梦话的,想想有人晚上说英语可真件很爽心悦目的事情。作者: tommyxie 时间: 2008-12-30 09:18
nothing special, except persistence, maybe that is your suggestion作者: david_jiang 时间: 2009-1-1 19:58
I totally agree with you.
thanks for your share.作者: HoCheung 时间: 2009-1-2 11:59