要把商品卖到俄罗斯去的,就买俄罗斯进口提单。 作者: tradegps 时间: 2017-3-31 10:18
提供2017年中国海关进出口数据。 作者: tradegps 时间: 2017-7-24 15:46
提供2017年1-6月各种洁具的进出口海关数据。 作者: tradegps 时间: 2018-9-17 15:16 China Import Export Trade Data comprises all merchandises passing through Chinese Customs Territory and provides the basic information on China's external trade performance.
China Import Export Trade Data is compiled from the declarations submitted to the Customs by importers or exporters. The declarations are verified by Customs officers at entry ports and forwarded electronically through Customs Automation Entry System to relevant Customs Districts for further examination and clearance.